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Doom 3 vs ...


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2002 is almost there and what a year !!!
We have Serius Sam 2 ; The demo is good
We have unreal2: The pictures doing it fine
we have Duke: Seems cool
we have Half life 2 : If this is gonna be so good as the first let it come :
We have kreed: Seem very nice i have seen the video
And of course we have Doom 3

First of all; i hope that the ID guys are gonna follow there harts and not on the people that shit on every game
Take RTCW - Very good game.. But why breaks everyone it ?
Its very good, the feeling of the old game is there.

But there is a lot of competition for DOOM 3
I hope Id is gonna give my also the feeling of Doom 1 & 2
but with better graphs ans so, so please dont expect impossible things.

I look out for all those games but... and I gonna Buy them but in my hart im staying a doomer and i hope i can count Doom 3 whith that :-)
But I have Faith in ID-SOFTWARE

So my question to ya all :


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I expect a REVOLUTION in every way imaginable, starting with graphics and finishing with gameplay!

As MANY different sources noted already, id is going to reinvent the genre when the game finally comes out!

I fully expect the game to suprass all expectations!

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yep ID is gonna "hopefully" kick some ass.
Please ID let us see something little
waaaaaaaaaaaaa.... till then you find my in doom 1 & 2 :-)
and other cool stuff

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I don't expect any revolutions from id (apart from the technology side of things). Let's face it, the only real revolutions in FPS have come from Valve and Ion Storm Austin, with Half-Life and Deus Ex. As it stands now, there are basically three kinds of first person shooters. Firstly, there's the really simple, repetive, arcade shooters like Doom and Serious Sam. These will continue to be popular in one way or another, and they will get more refined and advanced over time (just watch the little changes from Serious Sam to Serious Sam 2... more variety, interesting technological additions etc).

Secondly, there's the games with a little more depth to them, like Half-Life, Max Payne, Hexen and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. These generally rely on cool new technology, atmosphere and basic storytelling. They have more environment interaction than the arcade shooters, and more 'complex' actions like weapon reloading, multiple fire modes, better AI etc. This is the kind of game that has proven most popular lately, and it's also the category I expect Doom 3 to be in. Ideally it would hinge a little more toward the third category, which is:

Complex storytelling experiences. No game will ever get close to War and Peace or Fight Club in ways of plot twists, but lately we've seen some first person shooters with a good amount interactive storytelling in them. Examples would be Deus Ex and System Shock 2 - typically games with elements from role playing games. These take a little more dedication and effort from the player, but generally the rewards are greater. They rely on depth, suspension of disbelief, and a variety of available paths to a single goal. Anyone who's played Deus Ex (if not, pick up the demo. NOW.) will know what I'm talking about.

Umm I think there was some point to all this... oh yeah. I expect Doom 3 to be a very good shooter with a great deal of technical innovation, good solid gameplay, a decent UAC-related backstory to keep things moving, and above all very good design. Great artwork, superb models and animations and thoughtful level design.

In short, a game worthy of the name DOOM.

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Just a thought-- did id ever ACTUALLY SAY that that new Doom was going to be a FPS? Maybe they ARE going for something completely different... They did say that this was the first time there are any real storyboards. Carmack implied that the pace would be slower than before...

On the other hand, Carmack also said that they're dodging AI issues by just having zombies and demons... So maybe it is a FPS after all.

At anyrate, if the actuall game is as suspenceful as the build up they're making by hiding all these details about the gameplay, Doom3 will be fantastic!

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Just a thought-- did id ever ACTUALLY SAY that that new Doom was going to be a FPS? Maybe they ARE going for something completely different...

No, now go away.

They did say that this was the first time there are any real storyboards. Carmack implied that the pace would be slower than before...

Why yes he did. But then Paul Jaquays, everyone's favorite 500,000 pound man, said on the Q3World forums that it would be a "fast action game". So we're all getting very confused here.

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Just a thought-- did id ever ACTUALLY SAY that that new Doom was going to be a FPS? Maybe they ARE going for something completely different...

No, now go away.

I'm sorry if they came out in a way that was inappropriate to these forums. I just think that concluding that this is another FPS, while certainly logical, isn't doing id any justice. They certainly have a track record for doing Doom clones, what with Quake and all. But they really seem to be putting a lot into this-- storyboards, hollywood caliber animators, all this talk about focusing on the "single player experience."

We've all seen the movies-- those levels are extremely detailed. Smaller spaces are going to contain greater concetrations of artists time. They're going to WANT you to take your time going thru the game. id is far too proffessional to make a resource mistake on the magnitude of pouring years of artist's work into something that players will just blur by, distracted by demon gunfire. It's seems more likely that the player will be doing slower, perhaps more strategic things, so that the visual impact of each section of the environment can have enough of an effect on the player as to justify the amount of work that went into modeling it.

Ditto for the character models-- if those high paid, hollywood caliber modelers put all that effort into animating those demons, they're not going to want the sum total of there work to result in a split second run before the player straffs by, followed by an elaborate death scene, which the player would miss anyway.

Even Quake really isn't representative-- the limitations were strictly technology related, not artist-time related, at least in the larger sense of things. Now, with Doom3, you have so much more going on-- dynamic shadows, bumpmaps, light glinting off of things. This isn't going to resolve to a "monster pops up, and you shoot it and move to the next room" sort of thing, I don't think.

I think, even if it is some sort of "first person shooter", it will probably be something quite off beat from what we're used to. It's just an unqualified opinion, but I don't think I should be kicked out for it :(

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It's just an unqualified opinion, but I don't think I should be kicked out for it :(

Esh, my friend, there's one thing you don't know about these forums. We're all anxious, bored and exceptionally drunk waiting for new Doom 3 information. So don't take anything too seriously.

Actually you've raised a very good point. The new technology has practically quadrupled the work for the team. Artists have to make four or more seperate maps for each texture. Modellers have to construct and animate hugely detailed creatures. Level designers spend days trying to come up with how a urinal would look in a space station 700 years from now.

So they definetly wouldn't want to see anyone rush trough it - which is one of the reasons why the game has a much slower movement speed than the original Doom. For me that isn't necessary since I spend most of my time in games looking at my surroundings anyway.

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Esh, my friend, there's one thing you don't know about these forums...

I see-- sorry, I get up tight and take things the wronge way sometimes. Thanks--

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Yeah it's interesting how great games like Deus Ex are called RPGs instead of FPSs. It's just that the "shooter" part doesn't really do any justice to the game.

While SS2 should easily qualify for the FPS title, I think most games from now on should be called FPG. There's so much you can do today with first person 3d games that in a couple of years will see some spinoff's where the priority is not the killing, but the interaction or the survival, or maybe even the diplomacy or social relations.

There will be a time when movies will be overshadowed by fully interactive photorealistic, dramatic games with cinema budgets. I don't think we'll see that until 4 or 5 more decades, but really, how many of you traded TV-watching hours for using your PC. A lot in my case, so much I barely see TV now.

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FPRPG would make more sense, but it sounds dumb and is a bit of a mouthful. But people do use the term MMORPG a lot, so...

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many people expect FPS game to be interactive game world.the first-person perspective make gamer believe that they are one part of that game world.they want it to be interactive as they can treat it like in real world.people like DEUS-EX coz the gamer can play the game in many way.
but that doesn't mean every game has to be like DEUS-EX.
i still enjoy fast-frag-fest game like original DOOM ,SS and RTCW.

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I just hope that Doom 3's main goal is stil to shoot uglies, but with lots of interactivity.

Back in the day, Doom seemed like a damn interactive game compared to Wolf3d - In Wolf you could only use doors (and throw the exit switch), whereas in doom all those switches and lifts that you can operate added a LOT. The uncertainty as to what would happen when you threw a switch made the game SO exciting.

So naturally, Doom 3 should have lots of interactivity (because THAT was a factor that contributed to make Doom what it was), but it should add to the gameplay mechanics, NOT overtake the whole goal of the game IMO.

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