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doomworld editon

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i just woke up and had a kick ass doom dream. i dreamed i was in a pc store and saw a copy of doom but not just any copy on the top in gold letters it said doomworld edition. i turned it over and read more and it said " now includes all current doom games and source ports!" It also had all the alpha versions and 2 alpha version id had never released. It also had several newer TC's that are hosted by doomworld and the best of the new stuff. it also had a collectors editon doomworld poster and finally a doom3 demo! sadly this was all a dream but it is just another doom pack i have thought of.

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I once dreamt I was your pimp and Ling asked me how much it would be to bang you. I told him it was for free.

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No it wasn't. As far as I remember you were dying to suck the Linguiça itself.

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Adults are EVILto children.
God is a word masturbation.
A fart has more "substance"
than a human emitted word.
Word and god are unnatural,
counterfeit, fictitious and
not exist in Nature's realm.
Cubeless WORD  -is an evil
'adult scam' against children
and is destroying humanity.
Schools are evil institutions
staffed by religious
who fearTime Cube debate.
TimeCube  proves
god is evil.
TimeCube debunks
evil bible.
Burn bibleto save humanity.
You're a TimeCubetraveler,
but you are educated
Your Character is cornered,
4-corner head, 1-corner
4-corner lifemetamorphosis.
Family is a 4-corner rotation,
mother, father, son, daughter.
Life rotationdebunks Trinity.
Academic cubelessnessis evil.
Schools are actually churches.
Education is but mind control,
no whips or shackles required.
Education  'plunders' Nature.
Prequisite to comprehending
Nature's Harmonic TimeCube
is tearing & burning the
to purge your mind of its lies.
For true freedom,  burn
to contradict academic
Academia & religion are
Teachers & believers are
Word educator is "your
Educators teach fake beliefs.
God is an academic deception.
God is like hate for children.
God is but a killer of children.
Bible causes an armageddon.
I am wiser than a word god.
Adult word godis but an evil
scam that crucifies  children.
Bring forth your god - and I
will chase him off the Earth.
Humans glorify word
as god.
In the beginning - was word.
Word is counterfeit and evil.
Evil word 
became your god.
4-corner Truth - is ineffable.
Educators teach stupidity &
evil.  You learned both
You are evil word
Humans are 1-corner beings
(1-corner face 4-corner head)
who rotate 4-corner lifetimes:
baby, child, parent, g-parent.
Time Cube debunks god
Evil people deny Time
Educators are flat-out liars.
Evil media hides Time Cube.
-1 x -1=+1 is stupid and
Word worship equates
to evil.
Bible induces a barren Earth.
Evil 1 day Biblekills
I have found 3 more 24
days on Earth that educators
refuse to let you know
Brainwashed & indoctrinated,
you were educated stupid
evil. A pity about your mind.
Time Cube = Highest Order.
Time Cube = 'godless
Time Cube damns academia
by rotating 4-corners of
The 'only subject' on
banned from debate
by evil
and stupid educators is that
of Nature's Harmonic Time
Cube ineffable Truth.  

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This is hands down one of the dumbest doom dreams i've ever heard from these forums.


Yeah right the only dreams that are dumb are yours.


Funny how you piss and moan about being flamed and then basically ask for flaming in your posts......

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Is it THAT hard to download everything you want? Just grab Teleport Pro and download Doomworld and all associated links. Then burn a CD and with crayola write "DoM - DOoMWrold l337 Edytion LOLOLOLKO". Voila!

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Theres still time for this post to be damned to post hell, just you wait !!! ITS COMING, NO ONE CAN STO..............

/me gets THWACKz0rd in the back of the head with Dark Fox's long ass poem (fuck that hurt biiiaatch)

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I'm sure we can disolve the fucking poem with some coffee Mac, there's quite a shortage now, so we need your services...

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/me then puts a defective copy of geek doom 2 onto Dark Fox's dissolved poem and /me watches as the remains of the poem dematerialize from the air

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