Lizardcommando Posted December 14, 2001 If you finish reading the following and think that I'm the kind of person who start a Columbine, let me tell you one thing: I AM NOT THAT STUPID!!!! I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A CRAZY AND DISTURBING THING!!!! That is all. I think it's everyone's fault for a school shooting to happen. It's not just the games, not just the media, not just the music, but it's also everyone at the school. (for example, all of the kids and/or faculty at Columbine) If everyone treats everyone with the respect they would want, then it never would have happened. The Columbine shooters would still be alive, the victims would still be alive. No one would get hurt. I think it's sad how people treat each other in cruel ways. (like name calling, saying racial slurs, etc.) I think it's stupid! The news say it's Doom's fault, or the news say it's some violent movie (I can't really think of any right now...) that influenced the shooter. See here's how a person might go crazy enough to do such a crazy thing: 1. People say shit to the shooter, like "You're a stupid fag, or whatever) 2. Lots of homework, which is causing lots of stress. 3. People saying more shit. 4. Say more shit to the shooter. 5. repeat #3 and 4 for about 900000000000 times.... and then, one day, the shooter comes back armed with an AK-47 and grenades and kills half of the students at his/her school. To avoid this, everyone should do the following things: 1. Do unto others like how you want others to do to you (or however it goes) 2. Talk to someone that looks like they are down in the dumps. If you don't you, that kid might come into your classroom and blow your heap open with a shotgun. 3. If you want to talk shit about someone because of how he/she looks like, what his/her hobby is, or any related shit, DON'T!!!!! If you do this about, oh I don't know, let's say about 23847098147501984798175 times to some kid, that kid might start a columbine one day, and you might end up seeing your own blood on the floor... This probably seems disturbing, or it just might be consider trash, but I just want to say that it's not just the killer's fault for the shootings, it's also your fault (as in the tormenturs and bullies) for triggering his/her rage.... Go ahead and respond back. I don't care what you write. I just had to get this topic out of my mind. It's been bugging me for ages. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted December 14, 2001 I used to be insulted all the time, then I got tall, that stopped, homework was PILED on me, it did not give me stress, now I go to a different school with smaller classes, kids dont pick on me (they are nuts though, when they get mad they flip desks and shit), and there is a LOT less homework. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lizardcommando Posted December 14, 2001 I don't get THAT mad. Flipping desks around?!? Wow. I get picked on. Everyone gets picked on at least once in a lifetime, but you know what? When someone picks on me, I simply draw them getting shot death with an MP5, but it's not like I'll actually do it. Heck, I bet those automatic guns are expensive to get anyways! So I won't waste my time or life or whatever planning to do such a horrific thing. I mean, who WOULD waste there time and life planning a school shooting? (maybe if it was for a movie plot or something I can probably understand.) 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 14, 2001 If I have a problem with somebody I won't shoot up the whole school for it, I'll fuck the person up and teach him a lesson. I would only pull a gun on someone if they have previously pulled a gun on me, it's as simple as that. If someone wants to start serious shit with me, I'll give them the same thing in return. So far my little way of doing buisness works. 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted December 14, 2001 1. Do unto others like how you want others to do to you (or however it goes) if more people followed this simple advice, the world would be a better place. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 14, 2001 I don't get THAT mad. Flipping desks around?!? Wow you haven't seen much, have you? It's not that hard to get shot over here. All you have to do is pick an attitute with the wrong person and they will not think twice before pulling a gun out and shooting out your knee caps. I'd rather have a desk flipped at me than never being able to walk again. 1. Do unto others like how you want others to do to you (or however it goes) if more people followed this simple advice, the world would be a better place. but since it's not like that, and won't be, only way of justice is the "an eye for an eye" routine. 0 Share this post Link to post
Biffy Posted December 14, 2001 My 2c on "golden rule" actually is that way for many people, that is still one of the foundations of our civilization. Treating others as you would be treated does not have to equate with letting anyone trash you. Eye for eye is also part of the balance. If we all stoop to the lowest common denominator of chip-on-shoulder, shoot-your-kneecaps behavoir, we're finished progressing in all ways. It seems that there is no way to explain Columbine except to note how sick a few people out of a million can get. I grew up a laughingstock in school, in P.E. they used to choose teams and I'd always be chosen last. I was taunted often and my own father disliked me because I was not as tough as him. But I never ever thought of harming anyone, just wanted to be able to defend myself. There were no guns in school, defending meant using a fist (don't misunderstand, fights were rare, not common). I say we should set a goal to reverse the disgusting trend of kids having guns. Who has the guts to support handgun restrictions in America, besides me? 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted December 14, 2001 1. Do unto others like how you want others to do to you (or however it goes) if more people followed this simple advice, the world would be a better place. but since it's not like that, and won't be, only way of justice is the "an eye for an eye" routine.[/quote]absolutely. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 14, 2001 1. Do unto others like how you want others to do to you (or however it goes) if more people followed this simple advice, the world would be a better place. but since it's not like that, and won't be, only way of justice is the "an eye for an eye" routine. absolutely.[/quote]absolutely not. 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted December 14, 2001 The odd jackass would bug me in elementary school, but times have changed. I remember some guy calling me skinny over and over, so i coldcocked him. (i'm quite a bit stronger than i look) Yup, i bet i could still break a few arms if anyone seriously tried to mess with me. I shrug it off 99% of the time now because the only people who do give me any shit nowadays are total stranger assholes. I myself never mess with people unless they do something really bad to someone else. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted December 15, 2001 I get bothered in school, constantly. I'm perfectly sane. I don't quite blame the teasing students so much as the parents and school staff. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 15, 2001 2. Talk to someone that looks like they are down in the dumps. If you don't you, that kid might come into your classroom and blow your heap open with a shotgun. Any psychologist could tell you that giving someone like this a 'pep talk' isn't the best idea. But if that person happens to be your freind, you should work it out with them. Otherwise, I agree with you 95%. I used to get picked on a lot, so I'm used to it. Now I just blow it off. I just realize that people who insult others are just redirecting their anger. They are probably beaten by their parents and can't find any other outlit. Sometimes it even means that they are jealous of you. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted December 16, 2001 I think the fault rests in the hands of 1) the perps...they did shoot up a fucking school, for christ's sake 2) Their tormentors...They knew better, but pushed and pushed 3) The parents...they knew what those two retards were doing, and even aided in the purchasing of the firearms 4) The school system...they refuse to intervene, and it's the same all over North America...and yet they enforce a zero-tolerance rule on violence...fucking brainless 5) The media...They glorify it Me, I'm at a point with people that I don't care about that zero tolerance shit. It's a bad rule, because the victim ends up on the losing end, because not only are they not allowed to fight, but they aren't allowed to defend themselves (at least here in Ontario, that's the way it is), and the law applies second to school rules...I gotta tell you something, when thirty people spit at you and call you this that and the other thing, and you snap, by law, whatever you do at that point is justified (learned that in law class) because they knew better, but did it anyways. In the school, you get a 5 day suspension or worse, and charged REGARDLESS. The school system also doesn't step in, even IF the student comes to them. I have been through this myself, so I know ALL about it. So, it's either they step in, or they rule out Zero Tolerance. Too bad fair is fair in any other world but this. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 17, 2001 Zero toleranceBah, that's silly. All that does is repress the problem, build it up and throw it somewhere else.only way of justice is the "an eye for an eye" routine.That's silly too. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 17, 2001 only way of justice is the "an eye for an eye" routine.That's silly too. Yeah...just look at whats going on in the middle-east. (You blow up my country, I blow up yours). You do realize that the only thing this 'war' is going to bring are more terrorist attacks, right? And they can only get bigger... 0 Share this post Link to post
slo5oh Posted December 20, 2001 I think the fault rests in the hands of 1) the perps...they did shoot up a fucking school, for christ's sake 2) Their tormentors...They knew better, but pushed and pushed 3) The parents...they knew what those two retards were doing, and even aided in the purchasing of the firearms 4) The school system...they refuse to intervene, and it's the same all over North America...and yet they enforce a zero-tolerance rule on violence...fucking brainless 5) The media...They glorify it agreed, except the #1 should read "assorted anti-depressants the parents allow, and the doctors prescribe the kids to take", and the #2 should be the media glorification. only way of justice is the "an eye for an eye" routine. That's silly too. Yeah...just look at whats going on in the middle-east. (You blow up my country, I blow up yours). You do realize that the only thing this 'war' is going to bring are more terrorist attacks, right? And they can only get bigger... I leared in highschool how to defend myself.... a little. Only had a couple fights. Nothing to brag about. It was after i got out of highschool that i learned the advantage to the "bigger dog" theory. One of my friends (a tough little guy on his own) used to tell me... "i never met someone tougher then my 10 best friends". I later modified this to fit my situation. One of my best friends had a real anger problem at the time (he has some control of it now). He was not the toughest person in the area... but he trained with a few of them, and there were a few times he got jumped by 3 or 4 people and came out with only a few scratchs and bruises (mostly on his knuckles and shins). So in response to the quote above, if you have ever studied human nature, you know that if you let someone get away with something small, they will try for something bigger. If you let someone beat the hell out of you once they will think they can do it again and again. Where do you draw the line? If someone beats me up, one of my friends pays them a visit, and breaks them. If i get a black eye, they get a broken jaw. For my bruised rib, they get 3 or 4 broken ribs. For my bruised elbow, they get two broken arms (ever had to have someone else wipe your a$$?, i hear it's a humbling experience), etc. If by us going after the terrorist that destroyed a landmark to our nation, and killed many innocent people brings down more "revenge" upon this nation then SO BE IT! One of my former co-workers, and friend, still has much of his family living in Afghanistan. So yes, i belive we should be careful not to hurt the general population, but I am not going to say we should back out and give up if a few bombs stray and kill a couple innocents. When fighting cowards that hide from open fights our troops have to do what is necessary. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted December 21, 2001 Violence solves nothing but it's easy, simple, and effective at that nothing. Try being one of twenty white kids in a ghetto high school with 2000 black kids. I saw knives and pistols every day. I got slapped, shoved and verbally abused every day. Fat is just an insult. Being called a dirty white pig and everyone threatening to rape my bitch mother is verbal assault. I saw a teacher buying a joint from one of the students while I was there. The school staff only sought to prevent murders, they did nothing to keep the classes orderly or teach anything. The metal detectors, installed after the first two shootings, said plainly on the side that they were from the waist up. One day I was in gym class, sitting on the stairs like most of the other slackers. I was drawing. This punk little black kid and his humongous muscle bound freak black friend sat behind me. The little one slapped my back. For fear of the big one, I did nothing. He did it again, and again I remained complacent and peaceful. Then he punched the back of my head. I jumped up, punched him right in the mouth, lunged on him and kneed him in the ribs as hard as I could while pulling his shoulders down, hit him a few times, kneed him a few more times, slammed my elbow into the small of his back and fired his ass down the stairs like a bullet wearing Goodwill. Two hours later in the hallway him and a friend flashed knives at me. One of them cracked me in the side of my head with a baseball bat when I wasn't looking then he ran like hell. My ear was swollen for six hours. The next day I saw a gun. That weekend I moved. Three days into the next schoolweek one of my old friends who still went there called me and said that six black guys went from bus to bus at the end of the day and pulled off white guys, then beat the shit out of them. They went from bus to bus and spent about twenty five minutes doing it. He hid under a seat to avoid it. None of the guys got in trouble for it. You want to talk about violence not being the answer? Fuck that. At my new school only the jocks shoved me around, until I told one of them I was going to rip his fucking head off and fuck his eyesockets. So he came at me and I fucking nailed the big bastard in the side of the head with everything I had. He went back about a foot and lunged at me but luckily the STEROID FREAK THAT BEATS HIS GIRLFRIEND FOR FUN was caught by the teacher. While the Principal was berating them I sat in the office and drew a pretty realistic drawing of how I'd stake him down and put 400 bullets in him, starting from the feet up. If I had a gun I would've blown his fucking head clean off, and all of his friends, and just dropped it and waited for the cops. Violence isn't the smart answer, but when you get the shit kicked out of you on a daily basis your answers run thin... especially when NO ONE FUCKING CARES AND NOTHING ELSE WORKS AND YOU GET TO THE POINT WHEN THE LAST THING YOU GIVE A SHIT ABOUT IS YOURSELF AND TAKING EVERYONE TO HELL WITH YOU SEEMS SUPER DUPER. I have no fucking pity for the people killed at Columbine, none whatsoever. You can only slap a stray dog so many times before it bites you with all the force of those slaps combined. Everyone is supposed to learn that rule when they're in kidnergarten. The people that learn it later in life tend to end up dead, and deservedly so. I was 14 at the time. I didn't get a computer until I was 16. You can't blame it on violent video games. You can't blame it on poor upbringing or parents that didn't care. The people that deserve the blame in snap killings are usually the people killed, JUST AS MUCH IF NOT MORE SO THAN THE PEOPLE THAT SNAPPED. You can say anything you want right here and now but choke down a few years of beatings and see how that narrows your fucking expectations and moral fibers. If snap killings want to be removed from society then society needs to slow the fuck down a bit. People are people, students are not numbers, abuse is flat out abuse, and anyone who thinks even 1% the other way is probably someone who needs to have fire opened up on them for some reason or another. Frustration leads to poor choices. Don't frustrate people. It's simple as hell but so many people FUCK IT UP. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted December 21, 2001 If you finish reading the following and think that I'm the kind of person who start a Columbine, let me tell you one thing: I AM NOT THAT STUPID!!!! I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A CRAZY AND DISTURBING THING!!!! That is all. Oh yes you are. Oh yes you would. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lizardcommando Posted December 21, 2001 Uh..... That would be impossible for me to do. Automatics and explosives are ILLEGAL for americans to get! My fucking parents don't even own any fucking guns so shut your damn mouth and don't judge a fucking person just because of what that person wrote! Ok, I'm gonna calm myself down... so don't worry about me killing anyone, ok. I bet you had a time where you wanted to kill someone. 0 Share this post Link to post
slo5oh Posted December 21, 2001 lizardcommando- don't let the idiots get you down. There are a few on this board that do nothing but insult. Your post was clear and to the point. It nailed the subject on its head. It even gave me a few flash backs of highschool. Mostly of one of my friends that took a good beating from some "homie" claiming he was a "blood" that transfered out from San Fran. We were worried to give him the payback he deserved because someone told us he was "strapped". deadnail- hard lesson. One of my best friends went through a similar situation. Only his freshman year though. He got beat down daily, his coat stolen on cold days, his shoes stolen, etc. Til the day he snapped. He fought back against 4 brothers. He hurt one of them good enough to make the other 3 beat him bad. The next day he went through the same process. And the next. By the second week of this he was starting to learn how to fight and his hands were more bruised then his face. After more than 2 weeks of this they started to leave him alone and pick on easier game. When I became friends with him he had no fuse on his temper. Only now (8 years out of highschool) that he is married with a kid on the way is his temper starting to relax. No one should have to go through what you (and he) went through. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted December 21, 2001 I remember a fight that lasted for twelve minutes. Neither of us were half gone. Both of our hands and faces were so bloody and all six were bleeding so bad we couldn't remember who's blood was where and which was started first. Fights suck and they don't solve anything, but then again, not everyone has a brain. We ARE talking about STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS and how people are FORCED TO DEAL WITH THEM. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 21, 2001 So in response to the quote above, if you have ever studied human nature, you know that if you let someone get away with something small, they will try for something bigger.Depends who you're dealing with. It may be "human nature" but people with brains are able to train that nature and control it.If you let someone beat the hell out of you once they will think they can do it again and again.In all my experience, people have usually laid off after a few times.If someone beats me up, one of my friends pays them a visit, and breaks them. If i get a black eye, they get a broken jaw. For my bruised rib, they get 3 or 4 broken ribs. For my bruised elbow, they get two broken arms (ever had to have someone else wipe your a$$?, i hear it's a humbling experience), etc.That's a pretty stupid and counterproductive mentality, but unfortunately I have to agree with it in some instances. Some people are too fucking stupid to understand anything else (as noted above), fine. But I actually try and search for intelligence first before going at it like that, and more than 9 of 10 times it's worked. If two people with your mentality get started with eachother, one's gonna die. Each one deserves it, but who goes first will be the (un)fortunate one. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted December 22, 2001 Reading over this thread I realize I'm in no real position to make a sweeping statement about fighting or violence or school shootings. I have experience with dumb people, not with violent people. I've never been in a "real" fight so far, just one skirmish that could've exploded into a "real" fight had it not been broken up. I'll input anyway though, just remember it's not from an expert. Violence may be able to solve something, but it's nothing that intelligent discussion couldn't solve as far as I know. However, everyone is not capable of "intelligent discussion", or intelligence at all for that matter. Virtually everyone is capable of violence. 99% of the time you can't counteract violence with reasoning. Violence is here, it always will be, and you can only stop it through force. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 22, 2001 Uh..... That would be impossible for me to do. Automatics and explosives are ILLEGAL for americans to get! My fucking parents don't even own any fucking guns so shut your damn mouth and don't judge a fucking person just because of what that person wrote! Ok, I'm gonna calm myself down... so don't worry about me killing anyone, ok. I bet you had a time where you wanted to kill someone. Dude...simmer. Lament is just being sarcastic 80% of the time. I think he is this time. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 23, 2001 Violence solves our own problems, but it causes problems for humans as a whole. And to me humanity is not worth a damn penny so I'll keep resolving my problems and not the world's. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 23, 2001 Violence solves our own problems, but it causes problems for humans as a whole. And to me humanity is not worth a damn penny so I'll keep resolving my problems and not the world's. AM I THE LAST ONE ON EARTH WHO GIVES A CRAP!? IF ANY ALIENS ARE LISTENING, TAKE ME NOW!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 23, 2001 Violence solves our own problemsUntil you come across some bozo like slo5oh. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted December 25, 2001 Social darwinianism from capitalism causes school shootings and terrible parenting, but plenty of kids have terrible parenting and dont do stuff that dangerous however, id like to bring up that everyone CANT follow those rules you posted if gans and/or drugs have infected teh community. If your thinking colorado, where getting shoot in/near school was unheard of, maybe. But thats nothing new in brooklyn, or any innercity school 0 Share this post Link to post
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