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So since a bunch of people are working on megaWADs, I decided I'd go ahead and release a single map. Nothing spectacular, pretty average I'd say, but it might be fun though. I imagine some of you might like it.

The map follows a kind of oldschool style of design, though it requires a Boom-compatible source port. If you're looking for a challenge, play on UV. Otherwise, play on HMP or you will get frustrated =(. If you want to play on UV but are having trouble, I included a demo (recorded w/ Zdoom V2.2) that demonstrates what should be a fairly reliable UV Max strategy. Alternatively, you could watch it for fun. =) Since I'm apparently obsessed with speedmapping, this only took me a day to make, so I didn't waste too much of my life on this. ;) It's called "Crimson Horizon."

Here, take it: http://files.filefront.com/CrimsonHorizonzip/;10129416;/fileinfo.html

Comment if you wish...

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just played through. i like this kind of map, good challenge, lots of monsters, not too big but nice surprises.

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But seriously, this is a pretty unique wad I'd say. It's like a doom obstacle course. I haven't finished it yet, but I like it so far. Ammo balance is perfect, and even health, once you figure out how to do everything :)

I like how even though this is quite diffucult (I am playing on UV), many of the monsters face away from you, giving it a weird sense of "turns" or something.

Good work!

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Yup, it's very good. I got through it on UV but I had to try a few fights quite a few times. I also like the interesting thematic mix you have here - the vibrant colours with a focus on hellish red fit this gameplay well.

I'm always jealous that other people can make good maps this quickly...

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Could do with more traps and ambushes. Just kidding. :-)
Very nice map, plenty hard enough for me on HMP. Couldn't find the secret.

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Nice map : good monsters placement and the architecture permit well choreographied fights.
My only complaint is the texturing wich isn't coherent but it's just my opinion, it doesn't affect the gameplay after all.

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That was great fun.
My zdoom 2.2 demo was 40 seconds slower despite using an arch jump exploit (maybe doing that cheat is pointless on a maxkill run, except you can start infighting that cyberdemon sooner. I guess your concentrated firepower works better anyway). You can also arch jump onto the blue key if you want.
On a previous run I also tried quickly teleporting back and forth in those teleports that are close together to repeatedly telefrag- didn't work that great though. Its obvious I don't use a mouse.

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I haven't played the map but I watched the demo and it was fun. I really like watching the map creator going through the map (something I also enjoyed with gggmork's maps) and demos from other people are cool too. You sure are a mapping machine. :)

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Thanks for your kind words everyone. It makes me happy that my map made your day more fun. =) I suppose in the future when things are slow around here and I have the urge to do a random speedmap, I can continue to share them with you people if you'd like.

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i too only watched the demo but i liked what i saw.
looks nice and the gameplay looks good and interesting.

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