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Doom wad review idea

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I was thinking if this would be a good idea. I was thinking about reviewing doomwads found on the doomworld wad pages. Has this been done before and if it hasn't then is it a good idea

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Ok. If you think it's a good idea, why don't you do it? It sounds like you're asking somebody else to do it for you.

As far as if it has been done before, there are currently multiple wad review sites (many of which I probably couldn't even name) such as Ishmaele's "Outpost of Doom 2" which is currently listed on the front page. Along with these, Doomworld also has the /newstuff Chronicles which is comprised of reviews of the newest uploaded wads to the idgames archives.

By all means though, feel free to review as many wads as you'd like

edit: Bucket come on buddy

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stickguy5000 said:

well where's a nice place to post reviews

Welcome back - the forums been a dull place without you.

If you'd like to become a /newstuff reviewer - read the thread in Bucket's post.

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GreyGhost said:

Welcome back - the forums been a dull place without you.

I know with out me posting every little thing I create things have been bland lol...

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