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Icon of Sin model (not mine)

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Inferno said:

This is a nice find! So this is ID's official 3-D rendition? Very cool.

Nowhere does it say that whatsoever. This is clearly fan work.

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Mancubus II said:

Nowhere does it say that whatsoever. This is clearly fan work.

"This is Icon Of Sin model from ID Software game - Doom 2 (map 30)."

Straight from the sight above the first pic. It's not very specific since the english is poor. But I'll take your word that it's fan-made.

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Interesting. You know, I've never imagined the Icon of Sin's face as actually having a projecting jaw. Frankly I don't like it that way.

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Creaphis said:
Interesting. You know, I've never imagined the Icon of Sin's face as actually having a projecting jaw. Frankly I don't like it that way.

It looks out of place at first, I think because we're used to the flat view we get in map30. The profile view looks a little odd, but it looks pretty good to me in the facing and 45° angle views. I think the protruding jaw is to make it more goat-like.

Inferno said:
"This is Icon Of Sin model from ID Software game - Doom 2 (map 30)."

I read that as "This is a model of the Icon Of Sin from id Software's game Doom 2" (like you said, probably just a poor translation)...

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That's pretty sweet looking. It's too bad they didn't do the whole thing (wall, etc.) to complete the look. I think it'd look cool in an actual DOOM game, with the head moving around, jaw snapping, and possibly spewing hellish backwards phrases the whole time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice find!
I would have modeled the wall with pipes and tubes going into his face, as opposed to sculpting the back of the head.

He missed the mandibles on the sides of it's jaws, but overall the model looks pretty solid. He's not getting any love on that board, maybe we should invite him over here :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
MmM said:

That's pretty sweet looking. It's too bad they didn't do the whole thing (wall, etc.) to complete the look. I think it'd look cool in an actual DOOM game, with the head moving around, jaw snapping, and possibly spewing hellish backwards phrases the whole time.

I can completely imagine that.


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It does look nightmarish, like a disembodied head killing everyone. The jaw looks lax because it was stretched by those pipes, that's why.

Epic battle? Yeah but first the sprite and the sounds have to be made.

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I really liked it......

Can imagine square spinning skulls coming out of that gaping hole in its forehead quite easily.

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it'd look cool in a doom game

Wasn't there a 3D icon of sin in some port that had MD2's? it was years ago when they first appeared in Doom... i beleive it may even have been an old Doomworld "Pic Of The Day"

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The Bruisers from KDiZD/"Beastiary" have Icon of Sin heads, in case you're interested in such sprite-based monsters.

You may start from there.

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I was envisioning this being used in a 3D game engine, not converted into sprites. While an animated wall texture could look neat, given the size of the Icon of Sin, I think it'd come off looking pretty cheesy in actual gameplay--it'd give more of an impression of a TV screen image than an actual monster.

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Yeah, but I was answering to the guys who were contemplating about how epic a battle with a moving Baphomet would be... They could start editing the Bruiser sprite if they want the monster in vanilla Doom.

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It wouldn't be as epic as fighting something that is actually to the scale of the wallmonster. The KDiZD bruisers are baron-sized; they're not even as big as a Cyberdemon.

But a monster that big would look goofy as a sprite. At this scale, you need a model because a flat image just doesn't work anymore.

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