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Another New Doom2 Map

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Death-Destiny said:

Uh, I did? This proves my theory that no one actually uses difficulty settings and that I just implement them out of force of habit... JK =P

Oh, ok. I was a bit too hasty. I played it on „I’m too young to die“ again and it is easy enough... great job!

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Death-Destiny said:

As far as the archive goes, I'm not a big fan and here's why:


Sorry. =( I know I have an almost unreasonably bad opinion of the archive, but I've gained a negative opinion of such services.

Disappointing, but valid, except for one thing - you have the archive confused with Doomworld's frontend for it.

There seems to be this misconception that the archive is some way associated with Doomworld, but it's not, it predates Doomworld by some years and is independent from it (Ty Halderman's occasional postings here notwithstanding)

The point is the archive is just an FTP site to collect all wads ever made together so they don't get lost to time and 404 errors. I believe without it the community would have died ages ago - imagine if all the classics were spread across as many different websites and rapidshare clones and half of them had expired by now. I think your wads deserve better than that.

I agree that the frontend and indeed the chronicles have caused their share of problems, the most obvious of which is the flood of rubbish that is uploaded for no other purpose than to troll the reviewers. But who cares if some idiot goes on to post drivel on a website that has nothing to do with anything? You even said you have the self-confidence to ignore him :)

I said more about this here and here

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to playing this!

A great map as always, DD. I always get excited when I see you've got a new map up. :)

Still, I dare say I found this one a little too easy. I guess I still have a love for the ultra hard maps, like your no chance, and eaxt.wad. Not to say that I found it a walk in the park, I just didn't find myself hammering the load saved game button as hard as I expected.

Maybe if we're lucky, someone will make a pack of ultra hard maps for us masochistic players. Is there anything in production, I wonder?

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Seeing this thread being bumped again made me think Death-Destiny was back. Heh :/

Insane_Gazebo said:
Still, I dare say I found this one a little too easy. I guess I still have a love for the ultra hard maps, like your no chance, and eaxt.wad. Not to say that I found it a walk in the park, I just didn't find myself hammering the load saved game button as hard as I expected.

Maybe if we're lucky, someone will make a pack of ultra hard maps for us masochistic players. Is there anything in production, I wonder?

Well, I know of some projects being in the works, but nothing ultra-hard like nochance.wad, sadly.
Anyway, recording UV Max demos of this kind of map seems very, very hard already.

Insane_Gazebo said:
hammering the load saved game button

If you want things to be really challenging, try to play those maps in UV Pistol Start without saving :>

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