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I just awoke from a very bizzar dream. Towards the end of the dream i was plaaying some games on a small computer, i mean small. This thing was like a laptop sized thing. however it was hooked to a normal monitor and speakers. All of the parts where houised inside a small black box. this box had a built in keyboard( the size of a laptop,s) and a floppy drive. it had a docking port for a cd drive and modem. It was a good gameing system too. It had a 3d card in it and a 500mhz cpu with 128 megs of ram as well as a 10GB hard drive. I have never seen such a product so i am asking is there such a so called mini computer like that out there. no, i dont mean lap tops, but a small desktop system similar to what i described

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Wow...you spend way too much time around computers. That kind of reminds me of this old computer we had a long time ago. It kind of looked like a big white laptop, except the keyboard was on a cord. The screen was blue/grey, so it really sucked.

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dude i think that was a lap top, a old ass one too. a guy down the street showed me one. its keyboard was also on a cord and it had a blue screen.
my dreams are always full of encredible detail, just like the new doom will be

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The only computer-related dream I had was a couple months ago, when I dreamed I was inside a platform game. It was really pretty weird - all these purple and red platforms with running water and powerups etc. A couple friends of mine were with me in that dream too.

I think everyone's had a few dreams in which they can fly. I had one of those a few months (years ?) back, but the cool thing was: I was totally aware that I was dreaming, and I could control my dream to a degree. I don't remember the specifics, all I know it was really cool.

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I had this weird ass dream the other night. The area was attacked by someone (terrorists?), and the power was cut. Fires sprang up around the county. When we were counting the missing people, my freind cam up missing. I was all worried about her, but it turned out that she had just slept through it. Kinda funny.

Then the next day, my freind (same friend) came late to school. Later that day, there was a windstorm, knocking power out all over the place. Damn my prophecies.

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I can always control my dreams for the most part. I've learned to "Take Control" :)

I have too, to a certain degree. I can control myself. I'm never pulled anywhere anymore, but I can travel places very quickly with a thought. My surroundings and the events that take place are still never under my control.

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I have never been able to control my dreams, though it has happened to me a few times that I kind of wake up, so that I'm still dreaming and actually sleeping, while I'm fully conscious, able to think and to an extent control my body, parallelly to the dreaming. It's a very odd feeling.

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I hate when that happens. Mainly because its usualy associated with either my mom yelling at me to get up or the sun shining into my eyes.

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I have two kinds of dreams:
The first kind are boring, I don't ever remember much. Basicaly like real life. Often these dreams come true in real life within a couple of weeks, but its no big revelation or anyhting, usualy just people talking.

The second kind of dream I get are the real interesting ones. They involve people I know, nuclear war, demons, death, explosions, running, weird ass stuff, etc. They usualy involve me having to save or rebuild the world in some way. These dreams never come true though...at least I hope for humanity's sake they don't.

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My dreams tend to be totally random and nonsensical. Sometimes, there's one main theme kinda tying everything together... I can never remember the theme, tho.

There's this one dream I sometimes have near the middle/end of school break. I dream that I'm going back to school, but the school is completely different and my rooms are in the most bizarre, out-of-the-way places with a lot of mazes and one-way doors. And I know I'm supposed to know where I'm going, but I can't quite remember exactly, and I know I'm going to be late, but I keep looking and running anyway. One time, the school had turned into a parody of a boy scout camp I went to as a kid; another time, it was some kind of post-modern prison complex. Totally fucked up.

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I've had some wierd fucking dreams.

like the one at http://tobester.slipgate.org/dream.txt

or last night's dream

I was on a roller coaster
and I won some contest while I was on it
and I got to meet neve campbell
and I passed out
and I woke up (in the dream)
and she was next to me
and I stared at her for like 9 hours
cool eh?

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the only dreams I've had are wet dreams for the past few weeks, the only thing that sucks is I can't remember any of it. :/

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Shit. I remember one time I had a dream I was a sexy hermaphrodite in a black dress and I fucked the shit out of my old girlfriend on a gigantic velvet pillow flying through the Tron world. I should probably mixing weed, ecstacy, xanex, zima and excedrin pm.

On a somewhat related note, ever since I was 9... whenever I look at something dark I see something coming at me. When I'm outside at night, everytime I turn my head I see a three eyed thing with large shining claws lunging out of the darkness at me. When I drive at night the horizon moves as if an army of demons is approaching me, and for a split second I can see their eyes. Everytime I look at a darkness I see this. I'm used to it now... usually it doesn't bother me.

Sometimes it really scares the living shit out of me.

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On a related note, whenever I walk around the corner of the counter at home, I see something grab at me from the edge if it at the edge of my vision. Its kinda weird. At first I thought it was a spiderweb. But its not really there.

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I don't know if it's 'cuz I have an overactive imagination or what, but I just saw this shit looking at the back of my dad's black parka in the hallway for Chrissakes. It doesn't necessarily have to be night or poorly lit or anything, just when I see something dark I instantly see something coming out of it at me... for about 1/8th of a second, then everything's cool.

If I'm good and relaxed and see it I'm usually stuck to the ceiling by my finger and toenails like a cat.

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You wanna have some really fucked up dreams? Get yourself a nasty, agonizing head cold, then right before you go to bed, take a dose of daytime cold medicine. I did this acidently once (damn packages all look the same...) and I spent the entire night watching Braveheart play out on my bedspread. Trippy. ^_^;

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When I got my wizdom teeth taken out, they gave me codine. I was at my dads house, floating in the middle of the living room in a semiconcious state while fleas climbed all over me, biting. Or so it seemed. I watched both Clerks and Singles that weekend, but I remembered neither movie.

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You wanna have a LOT of fun? Try taking lsd. That was so fucked up I'd sooner kill myself than try that shit again. I was so fucking terrified my heart stopped for a bit and afterwards I was so sick I almost drowned in my own puke.

...taking the wrong medicine... codiene... pussies. =)

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On a somewhat related note, ever since I was 9... whenever I look at something dark I see something coming at me. When I'm outside at night, everytime I turn my head I see a three eyed thing with large shining claws lunging out of the darkness at me. When I drive at night the horizon moves as if an army of demons is approaching me, and for a split second I can see their eyes. Everytime I look at a darkness I see this. I'm used to it now... usually it doesn't bother me.

There's a word for that, it happens to many people. These things are ussually called "shadow mans" or "people from the other side". The ones who see them start doing it around that age too...

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Lap tops are available with docking ports which convert them into small desktop looking units. Maybe it was a laptop with a docking port.

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...i think searcher's the only one who cares :)


This is the typical styling of my dreams. Reality mixed with quirks and the occasional horror movie. This is why it's so hard for me to control my dreams; they're a bit too close to reality, here's an example:

A few nights ago i had a crazy dream where i lived as a squatter in the attic of some rich guy's house with a guy and girl who were half demon. (The dream was like a movie taking place over several days or months.) Occasionally we'd have to hide from the guy when we saw him pull in the driveway. We eventually wound up having a party there in which the demon girl shot the demon guy because he was smoking weed. (she then talked about it like someone on A&E's Biography)

I ran away, though it was funny because i managed to get ~10 kilometres away just from climbing through redwood treetops in one night. I emerged in a luxurious condo compound with ewok-ish walkways spiraling around the huge trees. I worked my way to the ground via patios and through peoples' apartments. Then i met a 4-foot long dark brown persian cat that reached up and dug its huge claws into my chest. That's when i woke up.

The TV in the other room was tuned into a standup comedian telling about how his cat made him nick himself the first time he shaved. This must've tied into my dream through my subconcious. It was 1:30, and i was still partially dreaming. I walked over to the window and looked up at the sky: A full moon surrounded by stars met my eyes. I must've stared at this for 10 minutes straight; starry moonlit nights always look cool to me, but this time i was in a sort of trance. I decided to head up to bed because it was a school night. The rest of the night was filled with waking up from nightmares of succubus chicks killing me midfuck. Weird stuff.

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