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I don't think we've actualy covered this topic...

Should there or shouldn't there be gibs in the new Doom?
Personaly, I think its cooler to leave a trail of bodies behind you than a trail of gibs. Besides, it makes little sense for a body to explode just because you fill it full of shells (ala Q2). It would be cool, however if body parts can be blown off.

What do you guys think?

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Something like Half-Life or SOF, where bodies are only gibbed by heavy explosives. Now that they claim Doom 3 is 'photo-realistic', they really should put some work into making this look right.

Like the blast radius - it doesn't make sense to throw a grenade somewhere and the explosion gibs a monster that's standing 7 ft. from the blast.

Bodies and blood should also definetly stay. Nothing looks more stupid than bodies fading out or sinking into the floor after a few seconds.

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Disappearing bodies would be bad, but isn't it too much extra poly count if there are 20 or 50 bodys are lying throughout the map ?
Maybe that it would help to decrease the detail-level of the dead carracters depending on how long they are dead or so...

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Dead bodies should definetly NOT fade out!

The "fading out" process looks AWFUL!

Thankfully, the "fading out" process can barely be seen in today's games, and is slowly beginning to dissapear.

Probably the best example of a game that doesn't have this is RTCW (Return To Castle Wolfenstein).

Hopefully the polycounts in DOOM won't mean the "fading out" shit returns to hunt us again!

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It would be cool to have differnet gibbage. For example, a fat monster which is similar to the Mancubus, it should explode into a mess of yellowish fat and gibs, like the vampires in "From Dusk Till Dawn" :D

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Yeah,That's one of the few things I always adored about DooM/Quake1. Anywhere you have a fight,all the dead bodies remain where the lay,seeing dead bodies you just killed also reminds the player he's been there already, especially
if there's no map to help you get around(ala Quake1) But I seriously don't believe we'll be seeing this in the new DooM
if the graphics going to be as strong as id is saying it is. They'll just probably say that it will interfear with the smoothness of the gameplay or whatever. I would like id to use the DUKE NUKEM approach as far as "BLOOD SPLASH" is concerned. Anybody remembers when you blast an enemy that standing near a wall,blood splashes on the wall
and acually run down the wall in thin red lines. That gore factor was beautiful,havn't seen anything like that on any other shooter since.

As for the GIBB factor,I hated Quake2's style. Quake3's was
kinda weak,and the fact the dead bodies"MELTDOWNED"into the floors sucked big time. The only game's gibb factor I personally feel is still the best is Quake1,I still miss it,
the bloody geyshere fountain arches couldn't be refined,even
in QUAKE3,they tried to bring it back,but it just didn't look as good,At least not to me. I hope id would bring the gibbs in DooM3. And i hope the blood splash will looke as cool as in DukeNukem or at least resemble the blood splatter in the RESIDENT EVIL series. Especially RE2.

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After taking another look at the shots from Quakecon (http://www.geocities.com/lordflathead --> Articles --> Quakecon 2001), I think it would be ridiculous not to have the bodies stay.

I mean, look at Fatty McBlob the thousand-polygon Space Janitor in the bathroom scene. He's lying there dead, getting kicked around by a huge demon, blood all over the place etc. In a setting that creepy and realistic, fading bodies would look ass. So I'm guessing that bodies will, indeed, stick around after they're dead. It's not like there's going to be 50 enemies in each map anyway.

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Well let's see there aren't many monsters inscreen at the same time, so I'm not worried about dramatic fps drops. That is unless you plan to kill every single being in one particular room until they pile up.

id shouldn't worry about this. Afterall, the dissapearing bodies thing is to free RAM, not speed up the rendering. Monster models are affected by the level's VISing anyway.

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oh god, I forgot about those days. I loved when an eyeball came flying acorss the room, didn't they also have other body parts flying across? like brains? I can't remember, it was too long ago.

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I loved when an eyeball came flying acorss the room, didn't they also have other body parts flying across?

I remember when I first downloaded the demo. While I was blasting guys apart I saw a hand fly across the screen while shooting me the bird. I fell in love with the game from that point on.

As to the problem of the corpses: I posted this before but I guess I should do it again. Let's say you kill some demons and exit the room. As soon as the door closes behind you, you hear some muffled sounds coming from the room you just left. As you re-enter the room to investigate, the first thing you notice is that all the demon bodies are missing with trails of blood leading towards various areas the bodies could have been pulled into. It kind of sets the feeling that you are alone, but never truly alone.

As far as gibs go, I think they are an important part of Doom. I think that they should only occur in situations where there is extreme forces tearing the body appart: a shrapnel filled explosion for example. My only gripe with the gibs of most modern FPSs is that they are too chunky... I would imagine that gibs are they parts of the body that didn't completely liquify, meaning the remaining parts should be mushy-looking.

But then again, what do I know.

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They should model independent models that "resemble" the specific creature after a rocket impact or something. Open torsos, blasted heads, liquified limbs, etc. This should be combined with good looking chunks of flesh flying around and a decent blood particle system.

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Yeah,ID SHOULD really push the boat out and make the blood/gore factor controversial.Agreed that DN blood splash was very effective as generally are bits of recognizable innards like eyes, ribs,organs etc.Fading away like console games is definitely crap and should be avoided at all costs.History also tends to show that controversy breeds sucess,talk about banning something and everybody wants one!Just look at say Mortal Kombat,sold like there was no tommorow and now it's as lame as a puppy.

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Making bodies permanently stay on the level, heh, that's so easy to mod it's curious most developers don't even include an option like that.

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Fading out is lame. I think either Goldeneye or Turok started this. Damn console FPSs...worst games ever.

Irony? Goldeneye rox0rz my b0><0rz!

On a related note, it would really be fridge if they made bodies disappear in the new DOOM. They could perhaps make it optional, for people with crappy computers.

Since it's going to be primarily single player, I suppose it would be better if they aim for realism regarding such matters than processing efficiency (as if it had been a multiplayer game). Of course, it shouldn't go at 2fps either, but we don't expect to face 300 monsters at once, do we?

Going through the level... not knowing if a pile of gore is dead or not... could make stuff scary...

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fade outs do suck, corpses are great for navigation in large levels, plus if you get hungry, there you go:P i think fade outs were needed in Q3 simply because the bodies would be piling up and in a small area...

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It's a game, it doesn't need to be so realistic that iD will spend all their time modeling every bone in the human or monster body.

I know that there won't be a lot of monsters in the single player game so letting the body stay is probably the best choice. In multiplayer however they should fade out/disappear whatever method works, so the game still runs fast.

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Fading out is lame. I think either Goldeneye or Turok started this. Damn console FPSs...worst games ever.

Irony? Goldeneye rox0rz my b0><0rz!

I meant that I hated console FPSs...Godeneye was good for that genre...damn good. I had endless hours of fun playing 4 player at my friends house. :)

BTW, why is there such a massively huge views-to-posts ratio on this thread?

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BTW, why is there such a massively huge views-to-posts ratio on this thread?

Perhaps because people expect blood and gore from subject, and then get disappointed and leave when they find out there's not?

Blarggh, lame one ;P

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