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Doom Ultimate Map E1M1: 666 sidedefs ?!?


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I have studied the Ultimate map E1M1, to find that mysterious sidedef !
Stupid Jive, don't have you noticed that the first sidedef number is "0" ?!?
So, what are you searching?
The last sidedef is numbered "665" !!!
You will not see three times the same number "6"...!
...You don't understand what I mean? The number "666" is not used, he don't appears.
But you can easily understand that you are entering in the heart of Satan world to fight him and its soldiers...
Are you afraid by this battle?
No, of course: aren't you a "Chevalier"?

Hey man, have you noticed that my first map is named "777.wad" ?

For the curious: here is the url (don't forget: it's a map for TNT Episode of Final Doom, and specially made for Doom Legacy OpenGl, but also for the others opengl ports!):

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The 666 sidedefs was something that changed with Ultimate Doom. They added some extra secrets to boost the sidedef count from ~620 to 666.

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If the first sidedef is 0, and the last is 665, then there are 666 sidedefs. He was right when he said there were 666.

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To simplify how counting from zero works, take 0 to 1.

0 1

Two numbers, although the highest one is 1.

For the amount of integers in an interval, use the formula 1 - low + high, and everything will work out fine.

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The question, and this thread, make absolutley no sense. Thank you.

So there are 666 sidedefs defined in E1M1. Yay.

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The question, and this thread, make absolutley no sense. Thank you.

Total retard

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*stphrz whips up a batch of sence for orion

*stphrz wonders what sence is and how he was able to make it without knowing what it is....

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*stphrz wonders what sence is and how he was able to make it without knowing what it is....

Hopefully not with a blowtorch.

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*stphrz wonders what sence is and how he was able to make it without knowing what it is....

Hopefully not with a blowtorch.

You is barbarian, surely :P

if so, then i don't want to know where the "crême" came from


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The Origional Danarchist

swedish vrack dealer

Total retard

MoSeS' MoOoSe

I use a blowtorch to make crème brûlée


Jazz Freak

I hope that clarifies everything!

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MoSeS' MoOoSe owns Jeezus!

But I don't even believe in Jeebus! Or MoSeS' MoOoSe, FoR tHaT mAtTeR.

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But I don't even believe in Jeebus! Or MoSeS' MoOoSe, FoR tHaT mAtTeR.

I believe Dan had a nice quote, I think it went something along the lines of:

You godless couch fuck!


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