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Crendowing's One-on-One: Cybernetic Carnage

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Hello there, ladies and gentlemen! You're just in time for Crendowing's ripoff version of Danarchist's one-on-one polls. Today's contestants come from the cybernetic side of the spectrum. Let's hear it for them:

Contestant #1: Cyberdemon Lord
From: Hell
Weapons: Rocket launcher that replaces left arm and fires in bursts of 3
Srengths: Can withstand 20 direct rocket hits and 3 BFG 9000 blasts without succumbing to fate; moves at almost amazing alacrity
Weaknesses: Stands still whenever he fires off his rockets, which leaves him vulnerable to circle-strafing by an ususpecting Marine

Contestant #2: Makron
From: Stroggos
Weapons: You name it, he's got it! Machine guns, hyperblaster, railgun, even a BFG 10K!
Strengths: Weapons are almost always on target; usually takes out anything in nothing flat, just so long as the enemy is ill prepared
Weaknesses: A little bulky; if a marine has Quad damage on him, Makron doesn't stand a chance; a little slow

OK people, place your bets now!

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Nice...I'm surprised I didn't think of this.
IMJack said he'd do one too, but I guess he gave up or something.

It's coming. It'll be posted right around the time Milennium is released :P

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The Cyberdemon wastes too much time walking around like a jerk. Makron would just eat those loose missiles without even blinking while he continually shoots that double chaingun. A BFG blast every once in a while, and IF the Cyberdemon kills him, the real Makron would just spawn and beat him with the railgun.

If the slow chaingun from the Spider Mastermind puts the Cyberdemon in trouble, heh, then he has no chance of winning.

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...IF the Cyberdemon kills him, the real Makron would just spawn and beat him with the railgun.

The name of the big Makron is Jorg...its his body suit. Just so you know (now who's the nerd?).

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Yeah I forgot about the armor's name. It was really cool to see Makron's model included in there. In fact, I remember how fucking funny the BFG blast looked, it was like if Jorg was firing from his armpit. Talk about killing odors ^_^

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The Cyberdemon all the way...

How about backing up that thought with some facts?

The coin landed heads-up.

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d100's are some of the silliest pieces of crap I've ever seen. I prefer 2d10; in fact, I bought a d10 numbered from 0 to 90 by tens for that purpose.

I've been trying to write a computer RPG-style combat engine that uses d100 rolls. My goal is to make a system of damage and injury simple enough to be of use in tabletop games, but that's able to accuratly portray different severities of hits and wounds. (In case anyone cares :)

(Games magazine once ran a gag ad on a d1000. It was just wierd. :)

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I've been trying to write a computer RPG-style combat engine that uses d100 rolls. My goal is to make a system of damage and injury simple enough to be of use in tabletop games, but that's able to accuratly portray different severities of hits and wounds. (In case anyone cares :)

Dude that's Rolemaster and it's Weapon Style Critic & Wounds table. It fucking rocks. So much I'm working on my own expansion for that PNP RPG system.

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Dude that's Rolemaster and it's Weapon Style Critic & Wounds table. It fucking rocks. So much I'm working on my own expansion for that PNP RPG system.

Y'mean ChartMaster? My engine's gonna be a helluva lot simpler. Basically, I want to be able to express the health/condition of every person, monster, vehicle, and inanimate carbon rod as a percentage. Just like in Doom or Wolf3D, you could take a glance at the bottom of the screen and get a pretty good idea of how bad your party is hurtin'. My ultimate goal is to apply this system to the Doom or Half-Life engine. :)

As an aside, here's a Star Wars Blaster and Fumble table GameSpy's Fargo cooked up for RoleMaster. Damn funny.

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d100's are some of the silliest pieces of crap I've ever seen.

I actualy spent $13 on a d100...some retard broke it open and spilled all the beads out though. Now its a piece of trash. :(
I've heard rumors of d30s before...now that would be useless...who the hell would use one?

I prefer 2d10; in fact, I bought a d10 numbered from 0 to 90 by tens for that purpose.

Heh. I have about 5 of those. I also have a d10 with an ankh instead of a 1.
I have a pretty good-sized die collection. My favorite has to be my big d20. You can hear it being rolled a mile away. :)

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Heh. I have about 5 of those. I also have a d10 with an ankh instead of a 1.
I have a pretty good-sized die collection. My favorite has to be my big d20. You can hear it being rolled a mile away. :)

I have roughly 30 dices. From useless d4 up to an also useless d20 :)

30 faces? Mmmh, I'm not sure how all the faces in that thing have the same surface. It it doesn't, then it's pretty much flawed.

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30 faces? Mmmh, I'm not sure how all the faces in that thing have the same surface. It it doesn't, then it's pretty much flawed.

The worst thing about d30s would be that there isn't a single game system that supports them. They would be garbage.

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