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New Map Ready to Go (the Bee Map)

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Alright, I've gotten that map with the bees finished. I know I said I was going to make it a "small map", but I guess I got a teensy bit carried away... =P The map requires Zdoom because of DECORATE coding.

Anyway, I think it turned out pretty interesting. I had fun playing it (I hope so, since it's my map.) One interesting thing is that the gameplay does not seem to clearly fit any established archtypes. Hmm... Since I'm the author, you already know that this map is going to be really hard. >=) In fact, this map is probably harder than "Lich", my final map for DR2008, (!!) which was a hard map if you've never played it. As such, I'd recommend playing on HMP if you just want to check out the Bees and their Hives as well as the environment. Only play UV if you like challenging WADs and don't have any ATM. Since I imagine a lot of you will try UV anyway if not just to see if I'm serious, I went ahead and made a UVMax demo like I've been doing to give ideas for tough fights (included with the ZIP). Good luck; have fun.

"The Beesong": http://files.filefront.com/Beesongzip/;10618797;/fileinfo.html

Just some things you'd want to know about the Bees. They have 25 HP and have 1 attack. They're actually pretty aggressive though and attack very quickly. They're also small, fast, and hard to hit, so I would use anything other than the SSG on them.

The hives have 550 HP and spawn bees. They don't move at all. They're as aggressive at long rang as revenants. When they're inactive, the holes in them will be a single shade of green and when they awaken, they will begin pulsating green light so you know they're ready to fight.

@Herooftime: I made a tiny little change to the bee's code to give them a sound. I believe I also halved their radius to make them more compatible with the hive, but otherwise they're the same as yours. Also, I used my own design for the hive which does something interesting to be able to be on the ceiling. You'd be interested in the code. =)

@Jimmy91: I don't know if you even frequent this thread, but if you do, I used your "Ambience" MIDI, which fits the map's caves and dimly lit corridors very well. Thanks a lot! =)

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Very challenging, fun and all around high quality with an entertaining demo as usual. The gameplay of the bees keeps it fresh & doesn't feel out of place with the standard monsters. Better that something that fast is weak as opposed to 'mr x''s plasma gunning (in my non-mouse using opinion). It'll be fun trying to beat it (It'll probably be easier than this other frustratingly fun & difficult ammo limited obhack map I've been playing). I like the scrolling linedef 'power line' type things on the floor (in your other map too). If you get right next to a hive you block their spawning (just like pain elementals).

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Death-Destiny said:

@Jimmy91: I don't know if you even frequent this thread, but if you do, I used your "Ambience" MIDI, which fits the map's caves and dimly lit corridors very well. Thanks a lot! =)

Hey, no problem. ;) This new map sounds intriguing - I'll give it a go. :D

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fun map and provides a challenge, those little bees are really aggressive. you are pretty much my favorite mapper now.

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At first I was not sure whether it would be extremely hard but I definitely underestimated it. It is frustrating at some points but on the whole, it's a fantastic piece of work. Great architecture and great game play. Those bees were always giving me a hard time because of their agility but I'm glad they do not have too much health. I like the fact that everything you do, from pushing a button to grabbing a key, has consequences because it kept you on your toes. It could use an extra splash of ammo here and there because I was using my fist quite a lot (thank god for the berserk pack) but otherwise a great map.

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Argh. First you make me play on Hurt Me Plenty, and then I still have to load often and skip some fights. It's like you're cutting my balls off here.

Good level.

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Hey, very good. It reminds me of the movie "the birds"... well done!

EDIT: When will you upload this to /idgames?

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Deeforce said:

EDIT: When will you upload this to /idgames?

I am NOT submitting this map to the archive. The last time I posted a map, I already explained my views on the archive, but I'll reiterate them:

First off, this map, being harder than "Lich" on UV, is far to hard, so everyone who refuses to play on skill levels other than UV will say after being blown up by one of the 11 Cybs for the 100th time: "0/5 stars, loser. This map is unplayable." or "lol... the difficulty's real funny, NOT! 0/5." I'm not interested in hearing that. Not to mention that my foes will give me 0/5's just because they're my foes. While it could be argued that more people will play my map if I submit it, there are already enough people around these forums to make designing the map worthwhile (not to mention I can play it myself when I've got spare time.)

Now, I said before that I did not care about other people's opinions of my map because I like it and that's all that matters. So why do I not submit my maps anyway? Well, I won't cry if other people don't like my maps, but I don't ENJOY their crap either. Just because I don't necessarily mind having dirt thrown in my face does not mean I'll ask to have it chucked at me either.

That archive's review system is an abomination. I have no interest in that archive of insults. Pcorf is giving up mapping after WOS, and he said a big factor in that decision is the negativity of such things, and I agree with him. It would be much better if the archive was simply an archive without that ridiculous review (bashing) system. A simple "most popular downloads" search would be sufficient to point people in the direction of fun WADs.

I'm really, truly sorry I feel this way people, but I've no interest whatsoever in the archive unless someone points out some amazing reason to make it worth dealing with all the negativity present in it already. =/

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I find that the Doom community is split into two main groups, the mappers and players. I think that the mappers are much nicer to chat with and can (almost)always find something good about a map and give constructive criticism about it. For the most part the players can be real asses (I know it's a generalization but it's what I found). I especially find this when I play SkullTag online and is why I don't really play that much (or any online games that much). I think the dominating factor is that people hide behind their screen name and dish out trash without worry. I do not believe they would say the things they do to your face. The whole anonymous factor of the review system is probably the main problem. I have the same fear with submitting things even though I am fairly new to DoomWorld and don't have enemies. I just never feel that my maps are good enough for the public.

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I don't stay in my bedroom because other peoples can think a lot of shit about me when I walk in a street, honestly... though :

Death-Destiny said:

It would be much better if the archive was simply an archive without that ridiculous review (bashing) system. A simple "most popular downloads" search would be sufficient to point people in the direction of fun WADs.

I agree with you on this point.

Btw, nice map :)

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I think the average score for an average map submitted by a low-profile Doomer is greater or less than 2.5. For a 0 to 1 star score, the map has to be bad.

Sure, things get complicated if you become well-known and have done some bad noise in the past, along with not-so-outstanding maps. But in this case, the opener of the thread hasn't uploaded enough, if anything, to have reasons for avoiding exposure. Well, correct presentation for a strange level does solve the problems. I always watch out beforehand for criticism and put warnings everywhere so, as they say, people wouldn't say I didn't warn them. That's my style everywhere.

If I were in your place, I'd release a few works, then see whether it's worth. I'd release them right to /idgames, the official Doom file repository.

I saw /idgames, searched for your username at the 'Author' entry: none. Give a reason your maps are gonna receive bad comments. If you're so fearful, why don't you take precautions, while still doing the endeavour of /idgaming? Really, a fancy warning in the text about how hard and unfriendly on the default skill level (UV always) the map can be, may make them acknowledge it.

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Do you even get the point of the /idgames archive? It exists so that there is a single place where you can obtain maps. The archive will survive the apocalypse; your random file-sharing sites will be gone in a week.

I see the reviewing system as no excuse to not release maps. I believe it was you that said you were a strong advocate of the "I don't care what others think, just as long as I'm happy with it" attitude. Why doesn't that apply to the archives? I frankly don't care what some of those retards say. I've had several "GOD MAN I HATE YOU, THIS MAP IS IMPOSSIBLE" before and some 1 and 2 stars, but does that really say anything? That usually just shows you how many people think they're awesome but are actually incapable of playing Doom. Nothing more.

When I want to play some new maps, I typically don't hunt the archives for 4/5 star ratings and play those maps exclusively. Of course, there are plenty of decent wads with a 4 or 5 star rating, but there are just as many good wads with a lower rating. And, as far as I know, most of the (semi-intelligent) users here know this.

Not uploading your maps because of idiotic reviewers is a silly reason. What about all of the other people that don't check the forums? How many more people do you think are going to enjoy your wad if it's on the archive, regardless of it's rating?

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@Printz: The reason I think my maps will get bad reviews is that there are too many Doomers that think they're the stuff and get PO'ed when they come across a map they can't beat on UV that deflates their opinions of themselves. Like you, I always warn my audience of my map's difficulty. This was literally what I put in the text file about this map:

Death-Destiny's Beesong.txt said:

Difficulty settings[/B]:Yes. I'm warning you, if you need these and don't use them, you WILL die with great frequency. I'm not kidding! This is a hard map. UV not recommended except for very skilled players.

However, despite the fact I clearly state this in my maps' text descriptors, that doesn't stop unskilled players from trying UV anyway and trying to come up with some reason why my map is impossible (which it can't be since I always do successful UVMax demos of my maps outside of community projects.) For my last map, "Grime", someone (a noob no doubt) gave me a comment in the forums to the effect of:

Some Noob said:
"I couldn't really recommend this map to anyone, even a really good player, because he would still die frequently and have to quicksave again and again before he figures out what is going on."

Well, I happen to be a "really good player" and can win my own map at 100% kills on UV without fail relatively easily. There were other "really good players" who also decided to share their successful UVMax runs. It's aggravating that unskilled noobs who have no idea just how good people can get at this game have the audacity to say stuff like that (and I bet he refuses to use skill levels too...)

@Tango: I agree that the purpose of the archive is to provide a lasting location for WADs to live, which is why I don't understand why people feel a need for the twisted review system (which is sadly also lasting.) I already answered your other questions. Again, even though I don't care what people think of my maps, I still don't feel compelled to take all the BS from noobs who think they're Doomgods and who will consequently be proven wrong. Again, like I siad, there are enough people around these forums that the increased exposure the archive provides is outweighed by facing the trolls who live there.

Admittedly, I do use the archive to find WADs, but I completely ignore the reviews and the rating. I recently found a low-key WAD with 1.5 stars that IMO was better than every 4+ star WAD in its category, which just goes to show how pointless and useless the review system is.

Anyway, as far as I can tell, a good number of people who would benefit from the archive are just the wannabe Doomgod archive trolls. I don't appear to gain or lose anything, just to be insulted. I'm really sorry. I know my random download sites are more trouble for you respectable people, but the loser noobs who partol the archive just... make me sick.


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Honestly, dude, who cares? You say you don't care what people think, then you go around and state the exact opposite. You're a good mapper, but I'm tired of hearing all this business about how anyone who doesn't like your maps is obviously an inferior player and that apparently only you should be able to play them. When you told Belial he was playing on a difficulty level too high for his skill level, it became obvious that you were either very confused or you had a major attitude problem. (And, for the record, I don't mean that in a "how dare you criticize Belial" kind of way.) We get it: you make difficult maps, and you like to play difficult maps. I have no problem with that, and I don't hold it against you. In all honesty, there is no reason to make such a big deal out of this.

I'm sorry to be harsh here, but your entire position on this makes no sense (you say you don't care about what people think, but you don't want to upload your maps to the archives for fear of unfounded criticism...wtf?), and you're the one who comes off seeming arrogant. I'm not trying to drive you away, but your apparent fear of the idgames archives is completely irrational and benefits no one.

Welcome to the real world: people like to make rash judgments about things, and you can either sit in your house all day or go outside and deal with the possibility that some guy on the street might look at you funny. Such is life!

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When you first appeared out of nowhere and started showing off these great looking maps, I was amazed. You seemed like a cool guy, and your maps looked awesome.

Right now though, you're complaining about idiots making stupid comments (whom you should just ignore) and every single one of your posts is an echo of "I'm so awesome at Doom and my maps are really hard".

Are you just going to keep moaning about retards making stupid comments? Because they're going to keep doing it; it's not going to stop. What can change, however, is your attitude about it.

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Who cares? Not me, which is exactly the point I'm making. If I don't care about eithor other people's opinions or the archive, why should I put effort into uploading anything? So far the only incentive I've had to upload anything is everyone else asking me to do so.

Now, I think I've been using poor word choice to convey my opinion. When I say "don't care about others opinions" I mean that I'm not after praise or recognition. I'm not after being criticized either and my point was that that's all the archive appears to do despite granting me no other obvious benefits (unless the WAD is like Scythe2 or something totally amazing).

Again, Belial's comment was a very good example. I know Belial is a good player and that he can win the fight he mentioned consistantly. I was actually surprised that someone like him would make such a criticism. I know for a fact that I'm not the only person who can win my maps, or it would be pointless to release them. It's just too easy to go out and criticize maps for their difficulty regardless of if one can actually do it or not simply because failing is the first thing a person will do before they succeed. I don't think I ever hear praises for "Wow, that map is insanely hard. I died on it 100 times before I won it. Good job." People only praise the difficulty if they don't feel challenged by it, even if they enjoyed the challenge IMO... which is exactly why I'm not putting my maps in the archive because there's nothing generally considered praise-worthy about them.

I'm sorry that I don't like the archive like the rest of you and that I have an attitude and act arrogant when I talk about this subject, but that archive and similar constructs are the one thing about the Doom Community at large that really just makes me mad, even though I understand it is probably irrational.

Again, so very sorry, I hope I'm not offending anyone unintentionally, and since I probably did, I'm not meaning to do so. I know my attitude is unwarrented. =(

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If you want other people to play your wads, then don't go half-way like this. Put your maps where people actually look for them. You say that you don't care about the archive, but that isn't true, and you know it isn't true. Now, Ruba doesn't care about the archive. He doesn't care about /idgames at all, which is why it doesn't bother him at all to just casually fill the archive with his crap. Your attitude is the opposite of his. You care about /idgames so much that you are unable to suffer through the chance of unfair criticism. You care about /idgames so much that you feel that your own wads don't deserve storage so permanent - so significant - as that.

What really strikes me in this whole situation is that you're not even speaking from experience here. You've never felt the horrible wrath of Doomworld's /idgames review system firsthand. Are there idiots and loudmouths just gushing with unfair criticism? Well, sure. This is part of life. But, you don't even know for certain that you would be targeted by these. You haven't yet come to discover that your wads will get positive reviews, which is the plain and simple truth, if the response to them in forums is any indication. Many Doomers who don't come across your forum threads would love to play your work, and if you were willing to show your maps to them, will leave kind words behind.

A favourite map author of mine is B.P.R.D. If you search for him in the archives (spell it "B.P.R.D" without quotes) you'll spot a couple great ratings, and a lot of low ones. These low ratings are typically when he crafted some grand joke in wad form, which the majority of players did not get. Still, he kept at it, sharing his gags with the very few who liked them, and ignoring the responses of those who didn't. This is the correct attitude to have here. You should share your work so that those who like it can enjoy it, and simply accept that not everybody will.

So yeah, upload this. Maybe the rest of your wads, as well. Fear of public response is a problem which will ruin your creative life, and you should conquer it as soon as possible. I can recognize a problematic thinking habit when I see one - I've had enough of these myself.

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I feel really bad now. Again, I want to apologize to everyone for that tirade I went on with earlier. You can disregard everything I said in the last 3 posts of mine, since I only said that stuff out of annoyance and anger. I am being an asshole. I shouldn't have tried to drag others into my silly vendetta against the archive and whatnot.


I guess I was right all this time about not getting too involved with public mapping. I thought my decision to finally get involved only a half year ago after all this time meant that I had mastered my fears, but it is becoming painfully obvious to me that I still have conflicting opinions and that I have still not forgotten or understood the scars of my past experiences. It's not other people that's the problem; it's me. I still have a lot to think about and to learn.

I know you guys are trying to be polite (thanks for that), but you're correct. My involvement is just causing trouble. Since I volunteered to co-ordinate CC4, I guess I'm committed to it, but this map is probably the last I will release other than my CC4 map. I'll do my best to make that map cool and I promise not to do anything out of the ordinary in it. I promise to work really hard on it the next few days to make it good. Otherwise, I'll stop wasting everyone's time with my involvment and the silly ideas I still harbor.

I'm really sorry for my opinion always getting in the way. I was perfectly content just playing you people's things. Really. You people know what you're doing and I clearly still have more to think about. So, again, I beg you pardon me for my trouble. I'll just finish off my public career on a good note and take a backseat. It is unbecoming of me to act so childish. I don't want to be an asshole, which I've clearly been this whole time, so that's more important to me than my silly ideas about mapping and whatnot. You people's kind words are an inspiration to me, especially your post Creaphis. However, no need to be modest. I realize now that I've been tripping the entire time. I should not be publicly mapping if I've failed to understand for so long.

Very sorry to trouble everyone; I hope this will make up for it and that you people can understand this decision since I put thought into it.

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Huh? We like your maps, I don't think anyone here would like to see you stop releasing your work. o_O Whether it's on idgames or just on the forums or whatever you feel comfortable putting it. It's good that you can recognize the problem, but I'm not really sure if stopping your releases completely would help at all...

Edit: Having played the map, I have two important words for you. KILLER BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!

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Dude, we love your work (I wait anxiously DP honestly).
The only problem was how you think without logic about silly problems, and you show it one more time...

Here : we say "stop whining about what people think, it's democracy, here are assholes but it doesn't matter", you answer "I stop to waste your time with my maps" ---> huh ?
It's just an overreaction, take time to think please...

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I think this is a lot of pointless drama and that you should continue sharing your maps through any medium you want if you desire like this forum or whatever.

NEWAYZ your route is really hard to improve upon speed-wise, partly because if you try to speed through, enemies stay stuck in their rooms without much infighting benefit. I tried various things but the main opportunity I see is at the end bee hall. Instead of doing that linearly I tried running in to get the key then running all the way back out to grab the bfg, then running back in again and up the waterfall while the rest infight. Possibly 25 minute run doing that but would take many attempts for me (still havn't even tried a first real attempt, just intermediate saves). At the beginning when the wall raises to show a cyber/imps/arch, you can get completely adjacent behind the cyber and that blocks him from warping and he's stuck there in one place until you move. Didn't find any benefit from doing that though.

Interesting looking at it in doombuilder to see how extra player starts on moving floors are used. Once when I went toward the bees at the start the ceiling closed on my head and somehow froze the entire computer making unplugging it the only fix.

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My recommendation is to simply create a quick website. (x10hosting or whatever so it doesn't cost you anything.) Then simply post all your wads there. Similar to Tormentor's website.... except a little simpler if you don't have the time.

From what I've read, people's main complaint here is that you're only posting them to filefront/etc which will be gone in a week or so. These wads are good enough to deserve a permanent home where people can download them. That home doesn't have to be /idgames... just slap them up on a website somewhere.... just make sure that they are out there where people can get them.

I feel your pain when it comes to reviews. The last wad I released over here was stdom. (Adds the domination gamemode to Skulltag) Here's one of the wonderful comments that was left there:

Too much attention to detail, and not enough to gameplay and layout. Maps 01 and 04 in particular are just room > hallway > room with no layout at all. Map08 is a joke. Map06 is rather nice though, but if this is "great gameplay", you need to rethink what you're doing. Sadly, every Skulltag community project seems to suffer from this detail craze. Sure, the Skulltag community might praise it as a masterpiece (as usual), but the gameplay is too weak for this mapset to be good, domination or not. 2/5

Map01 and Map04 are mine btw. LOL Of course this person never actually played an 8 vs 8 Domination match before though or he'd have a different opinion. Most of the comments regarding map04 aren't about how cool it looks (although I did put a lot of effort into that) but about how amazing the gameplay is! Everybody loves the diabolical dice in the middle of the map. They completely change everything and make the whole experience so much fun. I'd be the first to admit that it's not exactly a tournament map considering how random it can be but for a pickup game it makes for a lot of laughs. I realize that the wad is not for everybody of course but nobody with half a brain could ever give the wad a 2/5... 3/5 would be the absolute lowest you could conceive. 2/5 is reserved for wads that are made in less than 5 hours.

I was one of the lucky ones though and the ST community came to the rescue to save it from the pits of despair. While the reviewers were voting 1s and 2s the players were voting 4s and 5s. :)


The most rewarding thing though was being able to read log files of people playing the wad. When you're sitting right there in front of them - it's hard to know what they *really* think. It's when you're playing anonymously or read log files that you get the *real* compliments which make it all worthwhile. It's unfortunate that you can't really do the same with single player wads. Maybe I should try convincing a server to host the bee map in co-op or survival mode. It could be fun. :)

edit: I forgot to mention that the wad there is actually out of date now. The newest version is hosted over here if you actually care to look at what many people apparently hated:


There's a small bug with this version though in that the sky in map02 doesn't display properly in software mode. (It's fine in opengl) It's only a beta though.

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Imagine that some other person was in your situation. I don't think you'd advise them to take a back-seat because they're "wasting everyone's time with [their] involvement and the silly ideas [they] still harbour". You'd probably say that they should map or not map as they please, regardless of the feelings of other members of the community. You would probably also tell them that there's no need to apologise, since they hadn't done anything wrong in the first place.

It's only fair that you extend the same courtesy to yourself, don't you think?

If you really don't want to submit your maps to #idgames, don't, but I'm sure if you did the response would be very positive.

It's understandable to be worried about exposing your work to criticism, but any number of negative reviews won't invalidate it, as long as you're content with it.

Anyway, the important thing is that you're not being an asshole and your involvement is not causing trouble, so don't quit unless you sincerely want to, and don't be so hard on yourself.

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There's just too much negative energy for me. That's the main reason why I waited all this time to get involved in the first place. I tried to convince myself that things would change if I just waited it out. Didn't happen, so I tried to convince myself that the negativity didn't matter because I don't care about it. But Creaphis is right. I'm just the opposite. I can't stand it. I thought maybe if I just stuck to my opinion strongly enough that maybe one person could make a difference, but I'm fighting a losing battle.

I know it's just the way the world works. However, I can't just sit by and go along with it like it's OK. And it's not just my stuff it's other people's too (that's why I'm always like "Maps don't need detail to be good" even though that's clearly the opposite of what I do.) If I stick around, I'll just keep defending my ideals and just make more trouble. "What is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular." So that's democracy, huh? I'm just not the type of person who can sit around and watch something unfair happen without speaking and be like "Forget it, it's the way the world is, so it's OK." As such, I'm not cut out to do work with public mediums.

I do sincerly want to quit. I've not had any fun with this at all and it's clear that I can't do this without accepting the way of the world. The only reason I'd try to convince someone in my position the opposite is because of my ideals. I'm not quitting because of this argument, I'm quitting because of my mindset. For once I am not overreacting and am thinking logically, so please understand my position. That's all I ask.

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Ok, just don't start a thread about how you want to leave these forums, because you'd get banned. Come again.

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You've taken a message from my last post that I didn't really want you to take. Read this too.

There are many ways of dividing the world's population, but among them is this way: There are two types of people in the world: artists and audience. Artists may also be members of the audience for other artists, but some people are only ever an audience. These people - the consumers - do not create. So, you have two options from this point on.

Option one: Be a creator. Keep doing what you're doing, with a small change - become used to exposing your work to the public. Get it out there. Promote everything that you make, even if you're not sure it deserves it. A creator who fears public exposure will be forever unsatisfied and conflicted with what he makes, while exposure allows the artist to see whether what he has made is truly great or not. Not every work will be considered great in the eyes of the audience, of course, but by releasing more work, a creator has the chance to experience one of life's greatest pleasures - the feeling you get when you make something that an audience absolutely adores.

Option two: Be an audience member. Take a "back seat" as you say. Stop trying to create works of your own and appreciate those of others. However, this would not free you from internal struggles. I may be too quick a judge of personality, but I imagine this would be the more painful choice for you. When one is a creator, the urge to create cannot be defeated. You will still want to create art from time to time, but you will have nobody to show it to - nobody will have the chance to see it but yourself, and you will start to dislike your work more and more because of the frustrating mixed feelings it causes in you.

So, what sounds like better choice?

Don't stop making levels just because you feel like a jackass. What you need to conquer is that jackass feeling. You need to get used to public exposure or you'll be unsatisfied forever. Is there negative energy in your potential audience? Well, sure, but not as much as you think there is. The positive energy in the Doom community exceeds the negative energy in both quantity and quality, and you shouldn't rob yourself of the chance of feeling that positive regard. If you still want to quit mapping, that's fine, but then make sure that you spend your creative energy in some other way. Draw, learn an instrument, write, dance, compose, animate, film, sculpt, program, whatever. The important thing is that you stop being afraid to let people see what you do. I'm not still talking about whether you upload wads to the /idgames archive or not. That's a small issue, really. But, /idgames is the closest thing the Doom community has to an art gallery or a concert hall. It's where all Doom artists are free to display their work to a large, and generally appreciative, audience.

I'm going to share my own artistic philosophy; maybe that will help. I, when I put some creative work together, realize that there's no money in it for me. I know that the chance of me creating something earth-shattering that will be remembered forever is quite low. But, I still want to create, because I want to feel that personal pride of creation. I want to know that I have brought my ideas into existence without error. So, essentially I create for myself - for the good feelings that come with knowing that I have brought something beautiful into the world. But, how can I know that something is beautiful all on my own? I need to show it to the world, and have the world tell me whether what I've made is truly great or not. Fortunately for me, the world tends to agree with my opinions. If I make something that I think is excellent, the audience will say so back to me. Now, I don't know what an artist can do if his audience utterly disagrees with his own judgments, but luckily, this won't be a problem for you either! When you make something that you're proud of, this bee map for example, the world will give you reasons to be proud of it. Your audience will thank you for what you've made - if you're actually willing to show what you make to an audience!

You say that you've made a rational decision to stop mapping. You haven't. You've made a decision which avoids a certain self-inflicted negative feeling, but this decision also prevents the chance of feeling a strong positive feeling. This isn't rational. Good decisions should increase the chance of being happy instead of just lowering the chance of being sad.

You've also stated now that you're "not cut out for public mediums." That's a lot like saying that you're lazy, depressed, a procrastinator, etc. It's a harmful thought that you're tempted to keep - but thinking it is bad for you! It's a problem that you should fight against. It's something that needs to be fixed if you want to be happy and healthy. Fix it!

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So if people don't think what you want they think about your work, they're evil and give bad energies everywhere they can do it ?

Sweet... but for me it's forget that everyone can think what they want, even if it's "shitty 0/5", they're stupid but it's their problem, not your. It's "democracy" yeah.

Anyway, you can quit if you want. I'm sad of this but I'll respect your decision, though I recommend you to do what recommend Aabra in this case : I (and a lot of others I guess), would like to play your future works.

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Oh my god you are a complete drama queen. Nobody cares about how evil the /newstuff review system is evil and how you want criticism hand delivered with kid gloves on.

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AlexMax said:

Oh my god you are a complete drama queen. Nobody cares about how evil the /newstuff review system is evil and how you want criticism hand delivered with kid gloves on.

I'm not sure that "tough love" is going to solve anything here.

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Dismissing the validity of somebody's perspective out of hand just because it doesn't make sense to you personally is rarely constructive, and I don't see what good it could do here.

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