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New Map Ready to Go (the Bee Map)

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As RjY pointed out in another thread, doomworld.com/idgames]DOOMWORLD COM IDGAMES is not the main /idgames mirror!!!

The main one is (for uploads only!): ftp://ftp.gamers.org/pub/idgames -- it's merely a file repository: no reviews in there!

Very often I use this instead of doomworld: gamers.org/pub/idgames -- again no reviews!

Another ftp site: ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pc/games/idgames/

Another one I like using because it's the closest to me geographically: ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/vendors/idgames/

Besides, ignorant reviews don't matter at all! If someone or more people don't like your map, it doesn't mean it failed! It means it only appeals to a fraction of the Doom population -- which is varied, just like any population! Some people are casual players, like me; others are Doomgods, like VinceDSS. If bad words appear on the net, they aren't the voice of the general populace, they're the voice of some people who weren't proficient with Doom and thought they wasted their time! I'm pretty sure the losers will post crap and the winners praise. That's the way of it. It doesn't mean it has to be bad if it starts bad! Not everyone is the same!! Upload and see your nickname on the Net! YA CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE! But if your wads are ANY GOOD (which are, because they show some effort), you'll sure PLEASE SOMEONE. That's the way of it. You can't please everyone with your maps, as can't I (I hardly map though): some want eyecandy, some want brutality, some want nostalgia...

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well, i for one have enjoyed all of your maps. it is true though, you are acting extremely melodramatic.
don't be afraid of releasing your creative work. ever. don't let your fear of public opinion control you. ever. your maps are very good, so there is absolutely no reason for you to abstain from uploading them.
but, others have told you this so maybe i'm just wasting time.
i think that i can speak for many/all of us, who have waited with baited-breath for Dark Plutonia, when i say that if you refuse to publicly release it then that is just a slap in the face.
i know that i am not the only one who is highly anticipating its release.

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Well, it's a shame you people think I'm being such a drama queen. It's certainly easy to dismiss someone else's opinion when it's so different from yours, now isn't it? But it's just as real to me, nonetheless. Besides, you're losing track of my point. I'm not arguing that everyone should like my stuff. Everyone has different preferences, so that would be even wierder if everyone did. My point was that there is a difference between a getting a bad criticism and getting an insult. And I will not volunteer to just sit around and get myself and my time-consuming work insulted.

Anyways, since you people are so closed-minded, I'll be perfectly crystal clear. I can do whatever I wish with my time and my things, including presenting them everywhere, keeping them to myself, or not making anyhthing at all. I have no obligation to do anything I don't want to do regardless of what my reasons are or whether others understand them or not.

This discussion is pointless. I'm done talking about it.

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Just remember, there are *always* those of us who *like* your maps. Cater to those people, and focus on those comments instead. I, for one, would miss your contributions. Shouldn't one voice be enough?

(and now I've gotta go post some random nonsense somewhere else to keep my rep up!)

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Yeah you sure do have the right to do whatever you want, but you're making yourself look even more childish by disappearing because we told you we liked your maps and you should more widely release them. Oops I didn't mean to do that again. I'll try and use less logic next time.

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I didn't mean to be harsh or direct 'pointless drama' to you specifically by the way. But I have been on another retarded forum in my life of Cr4ZZy int0rNN3t adventures, and almost always when someone announced they were leaving the forum forever or something it was to direct attention to themselves (I even did this once.. or twice myself, so I guess its just a weird human martyr tendancy, then I returned though heh). Kind of like playing the card of a mini suicide.. only then you're stuck if you ever DO want to return because you made some silly 'promise' not to (but these topics are indeed great at getting attention, look at all these replies). So why make the promise to quit/leave/etc forever at all- Maybe you'll want to release maps later so might as well leave it open as an option, just a friendly suggestion. Your main reasoning seems to 'bee' (its still a good pun, no?) rudeness in reviews/replies and such, fair enough, but maybe no need to take anything too seriously in the land of goatse man. I didn't intend to add to this growing list of wordy peripheral topic replies, sorry. Or maybe try that non-review site printz posted (never tried it myself) if you want, or not if you don't.

I would have posted a demo by now for this but I CAN'T FRIGGIN DO IT.. so far. Hardest map you made I think (but then I'm trying to do it fast). Its immune to exploits but is really fun and my wrists are sore. I hope you release more, at least if I continue to have no life so have to fill it with surrogate activity of playing doom, but do whatever you want with no hard feelings in my opinion at least and thanks for releasing those previous maps/demos; they were quite fun.

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Death-Destiny said:

getting an insult

This should be no problem. Just insult them back, because that’s the easiest way to go... And now: make more doom levels! :-P

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Deeforce said:

Just insult them back, because that’s the easiest way to go...

It's not that easy, because insulters are anonymous. :)

OOH, YEAH, another thing you should read: not toughness or power counts, but ATTITUDE!!! I used to think that toughness and power count, and I was powned badly (IRL) because of that. But: REASON YOU REASON YET REASON LACK REASON THOUGH REASON YOU REASON THINK REASON YOU REASON OWN REASON.

EDIT: I'm ready for whatever may come off this thread. Some painful surprises? Or disappointingly not?

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Seriously, why is everyone still drawing attention to this? You people are making me feel really silly about this, which is why I wish you'd just have respected my choice like I'd asked. I understand you liked my maps, and I'm glad. I already said I'm not quitting because of you people; I'm quitting because I don't agree with the rudeness and because my ideas condradict the norm by too much.

Answer me this, though. Why are you people making such a big deal and holding it against me that I quit? Is it that great a sin for people to give up things they no longer want to do? you people are acting like I'm a bad person because of this...

@gggmork: Sorry for making the map so hard. That was dumb of me, I know nobody really likes to lose that much. Even so, when you finish your demo, would you mind posting it? Watching demos of my maps is probably the one thing I could say was fun about all this...

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Just for the record: "Wow, that map is insanely hard. I died on it 100 times before I won it. Good job." Now you've heard this comment. It is true as well. Sure I died many times but I will not flame the map for that reason because it does look very nice. I wish I had the patience to do this good.

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I *like* the difficulty and will post it.. IF I can heh heh. I did see that one trick at the end where you can arch blast to more ammo :)

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Death-Destiny said:

my ideas condradict the norm by too much.

I've never seen an artistic idea that contradicted the norm by too much. That's basically impossible. Anything that's middle-of-the-road normal may have nobody who hates it, but will also have nobody who loves it. Things that are shockingly different in one way or another may have their share of haters, but also, many people will stand up and praise the work as genius. Your maps "contradict the norm," which makes them better.

Death-Destiny said:

Answer me this, though. Why are you people making such a big deal and holding it against me that I quit?

Easy question. Because it's the wrong decision. You've made this decision because you want to avoid insults. You're scared that someone's going to write something that will make you feel bad. However, at the same time, this prevents you from ever feeling that fantastic feeling when somebody loves your work - and from this thread, there are obviously many people who love your work and want to see more! The good outweighs the bad, and you've made the wrong decision because you haven't considered this!

Death-Destiny said:

Is it that great a sin for people to give up things they no longer want to do?

No, but it's quite obvious that you do still want to create something or other. You wouldn't have done as much mapping as you already have if you never enjoyed the process of creation. You're just letting the negative comments (2% of total?) stop you from doing anything. You wish that you could make creative works in a world with no negativity. Unfortunately no such world exists, but that wish can essentially come true, if you make creative works and ignore the insults.

Death-Destiny said:

you people are acting like I'm a bad person because of this...

No, we're acting like you're an irrational person, who is strongly influenced by their negative emotions. This makes you a human being, exactly like the rest of us. And since we've all been through the same stuff, we're trying to help you avoid a big mistake.

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my ideas contradict everything.

shortest lived doom editor ever, you still have some projects to finish (cc4 and dark plutonia)

dont quit because of stupid drama shit, just make maps.

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All right, so I see someone uploaded this to /idgames WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!?! O_o And it got flamed for being "unplayable, frustrating, unfair" etc. along with the complementary 0's and 2/5s, just like I told you guys. See how I knew what I was talking about? The audience at /idgames IS NOT the one my maps appeal to, so they wouldn't like it. And now I have that list of crap to my name. T_T


You people can't even respect my wishes, and now I have to e-mail Mr. Halderman to inform him that the upload occured without my knowledge and ask him to remove it. D=< And right when you people were starting to make me think I was over-reacting... I'm definitely finished mapping now!!!

When I find out which of you uploaded without my consent...


You people make me sick...

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Oh, please. It was hardly flaming. People are allowed to make legitimate complaints, you know. (Most of which were about the bees, anyway, and not the map itself.) The map got mixed reviews. Some people gave it 5/5, some people gave it less. You remind me of a certain "artist" from Skulltag who posts thread disclaimers like "NO CRITICISM ALLOWED".

You are overreacting, and every post you've made in this thread is more over-the-top than the last. Calm down. I agree that the map shouldn't have been uploaded without your consent, but this is really just getting ridiculous.

Similarly to how you say you'd prefer reviews like "This looks pretty good, but it's not my style", I think the people who have given you advice this thread would prefer a post like "Okay, who posted this on the archives without my permission? I'm flattered that you like it that much, but I really don't want it there. I've emailed Ty to have it removed." There's no need for the gnashing of teeth and smashing of keys.

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OMG all of this story is going ridiculous day after day... The one who has uploaded your wad to the idgames archive was perhaps trying to convince you it's not so hard to read bad comments but yeah it was stupid to do it finally...
But, please don't overreact, this list of craps is not on your name, you see this list of craps on a review system that you can ignore if you dislike it, at least your map is going to be played by all those lazy doomers who download all their maps on this archive (like me).

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K!r4 said:

The one who has uploaded your wad to the idgames archive was perhaps trying to convince you

The one who uploaded the wad was/is a LEAKER, because he DIDN'T MENTION HIS NAME, didn't even use the template! I agree the entry has to be deleted! It was some kind of sabotage.

Because of this fear, should I map, I will hardly ever share non-idgamed wads. Dunno what to do when I want someone to playtest the map, though. :P

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Leaking is a bad thing for sure.

@Death-Destiny: I understand your fear of putting wads into /idgames but instead of giving up, why don't you just make a map that is not so hard and uses the normal Doom2 stock items (monsters, textures, etc...) Just put some more health and ammo on. That way, more classic doomers will like it and will give a good review. You should not get as many complaints that way.

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printz said:

The one who uploaded the wad was/is a LEAKER, because he DIDN'T MENTION HIS NAME, didn't even use the template! I agree the entry has to be deleted! It was some kind of sabotage.

Wow not noticed this, indeed it sucks.

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I think he merely doesn't feel like uploading anything, so leave him be. Right now I don't feel like mapping. Maybe he's not exactly the type to feel level-making as a hobby, maybe there are more important (but related to) things than making various maps for games.

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Oh man, hopefully this is the part where Death-Destiny snaps, charges up his super gauge to the max and turning an unnatural fiery red to reflect all the pent-up anger that's ready to boil over, and does a Power Geyser, because that would be pretty cool.

EDIT: Like, "Everything you've ever made or had a part in suddenly now has a full 5-star rating on /idgames" cool. For serious.

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Death-Destiny said:

someone uploaded this to /idgames WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!?!

Oh, what a pitty and I thought we convinced you :-P ! … don’t worry about the reviews. It’s just the internet and not the reality.

Dreadopp said:

why don't you just make a map that is not so hard and uses the normal Doom2 stock items

No, don’t do this. Just make the levels how you like them to be, because that is why they differ from the other wads and that’s good :-P !

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Well DD, that's too bad about your wad getting uploaded. I hope you can think this over and decide how much you want this event to impact your mapping career. You make cool stuff, and I wouldn't get too discouraged. Like essel brought up, mostly people didn't like the bees. You can't please everyone with everything you release. Everyone has an opinion. You are bound to get some opinions praising your work and some not.

A map doesn't have to be mainstream to be enjoyable, I think. If you like it, that should be good enough. Doom maps are supposed to be things you can enjoy, either by creating or playing them. I wouldn't stress too much over this. :) Good luck.

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Hi! Sorry, I was making my map and sprites. Whoo! That map is hardcore, it's one of the few times I had to go "GOD."

I am very very VERY flattered that you are using my sprites. :D I noticed the new hive you made. It's awesome. You don't mind if I can use the hive in my megawad, right?

I think maybe you should turn the +NOBLOOD flag on the hive though. Unless you meant for the hive to be organic. If so, then ok!

I would love to know the code for the ceiling hive. I'll look at it in XWE and contact you when you need help.

Thank you!

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