tsareppsun Posted December 16, 2001 Going over what was disscussed about the"GIBB"factor earlier opened some other ideas I'd like to see in DooM3,I have 2 and the 1st idea I want to discuss is the "Enemy patrols paths" factor. What I mean with this is I feel that enemies whatever their FormerHuman or Demons should no-longer merely stand around,waiting for the player to run into them.(Except in Ambush sites,such as pocketed areas shrouded with low visibility or pitch blackness.)All enemies should have 3 kinds of patrol paths,short range,medium range and long range. They should wonder any of the ingames levels with pre-arranged patrol paths,and will ONLY deviate off their paths if they. (1)spot you(OBVIOUSLY!) (2)smell you(pick up your living scent) (3)hear your footsteps The zombies/demons will proceed to chase your ass down. But if your lucky enough to find a bolt-hole and lose your pursuiters,they'll just wonder back into their normal set paths,as business as usual. Just like what goes on in "Metal Gear Solid" or "Tenhu" for the PSX. My 2nd idea comes from playing the Resident Evil series. I feel that the zombies/demons in D3 should have soft-spot areas or what I like to call "HOTSPOT TARGET AREA" All doom enemies should have areas where you can hit them that will take them down faster. Yeah,they'll die if you shoot'em up enough alright,but hitting them on their hotspots will kill them faster without you expending more ammo. Example/Remember killing a zombie in the RE series? Put a few rounds in him,and he drops,after a few sec,he get up again and now you have to put more rounds in him. But,get him with a powerful headshot "POW!!!" INSTANT KNOCKOUT!! See where I'm going with this? As for the demons,they should have hotspots you have to hit too,after you hurt it enough,the animation changes. It's body would go slack,It'll weaken and start to drag itself in a stupidfied manner,like it's disoriented and confused but yet still dangerous,and still try to get at you. Just like some of the BOSS characters did in the RE series. These are the factors I would like to see in the new DOOM. Does anybody feels what I feel? Can the Tsar get some "AMEN'S" for these idea factors? 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 16, 2001 The idea of patroling demons is awesome. It reminds me of Thief where you walk down a corridor following a guard, then make a noise, and they say 'who's there!'. Then you duck into a corner and watch as they walk right past you. That would be pretty fun in Doom, but wouldn't make as much sense, seing as how they are supernatural cratures that probably could find you if you hid in a dark area or in an nook. Soft spots on the enemies is also an awesome idea. Seeing as how most FPSs these days allow for 'head shots', it wouldn't be hard, and Id will probably put it in the game to a certain extent. 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted December 16, 2001 i say that that would be a good idea, but enemies with good sense of smell, night vision or psychic powers could just home in on you. The more rotten former humans might stumble right past your position regardless. 0 Share this post Link to post
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