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has this ever happened to you?


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Have you ever know what you are getting for Christmas because you pulled it off of the shelf personally and gave to to your mother/father/signficant other right at the cash register? I did Sunday. I'm getting Septerra Core.

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One could start a philosophical debate around this subject...

My pants are wet.

I always get money.

Me too. It's all I ask for. I used to ask for presents, then people would get all the wrong shit, so I stopped doing that when I was 10 or 11.

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I'm getting Septerra Core.

You can get Septerra Core in a bundle with Shogo: MAD for ten bucks at any Fred Meyer or Target. I just did, in fact.

As for the main question, yeah, I've done it a couple of times. Did it with Red Alert 2 last year, did it with the Diablo 2 Battle Chest this year. I've also, at times, purchased an item myself, charged it on my dad's credit card, and handed it over to my parents to wrap.

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I alweys tell them what I want. This year they spend around 330 on getting me a minidisc player and some md's. Thinking about it now I could have gotten a geforce3 or something, but then again I hardly play games anymore so I'm glad I didn't.

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I always get what I want for Xmas from my parents...I usualy get 1/3 of the 25 or so things I ask fro every year. I always know the one big present I get for my B-day/Xmas. Like last Xmas, I asked for a stereo, thats what I got. For my B-Day, I asked for a bike, and I went down to the store with my dad and picked one out. This year I'm getting a computer, though oddly enough all I asked for was a CD burner...oh well. :)

My relatives only get what I want about 50% of the time, but I usualy like what they have to give me anyway. My Gandpa, on the other hand, never gets me anything I want. He got me a damn Man Show sweatshirt for my B-day. Now his present for Xmas is the exact same shape and size as a bored game box...hmmm... Well, the one positive thing I can say about his gifts is that if it weren't for his gift bungling, I wouldn't be playing D&D...long story.

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Well, it really has little to do with D&D, but I'll tell it...

First, he gave me a D&D boxed set which only contained one huge ass adventure (the Underdark Campaign...I'd like to see that released to 3rd ed.). But I knew nothing about D&D, plus it was missing some critical things, so I had to send it back. So my grandpa gets me the PHB and the DMG, plus some dice, and send them back to me with the boxed set. I still couldn't use the boxed set though, but I hung on to the stuff. I could never find any groups to play with until 1999 (two years later).

I've actualy only been in a few campaigns. The first was with my current DM. It sucked because I played as a halfling, and this other guy played a minotaur who wanted to eat me. Needless to say, it fell through pretty quickly. The second campaign was with my friend who can't DM worth crap. It was basicaly: 'You see the orcs, they attack, you kill the orcs. You see more orcs, they attack, you kill the orcs. You see more orcs, etc...'. Then I was in an online campaign. That didn't go far...we played for about a month and saw 0 fighting...lame. The campaign I'm in now kicks ass. We have 8 players in our group, half of them female. Pretty damn cool. It's been going on since August, and it still kicks ass.

My friend Eric is the worst person to play with. His character ALWAYS screws up the game somehow. In the first campaign, he played this cleptomaniac theif...he'd blatantly kill just for shiny objects. Then in the campaign with the orcs, he played this fuked up cleric that charged us 10gp per hp healed. He eventualy began to ally with the Drow in the group (played by my current DM)...not good. Then in the newest campaign he played a fuked up halfling cleric who screwed everything up (he got us exiled from 3 towns). Not to mention that he was cursed, so every time anyone near him would roll a 1 or 2, something bad would happen. We all cheered when his character was killed when he left the game.

Wow...I ranted...I'm sorry. <WASTE OF SPACE!>

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Oh boy do I have stories about P&P RPGs... ^_^

Online campaign? Mmmh, in fact, I've been working for the last months in some kind of "ICQ" designed specifically for roleplaying. While the layout is pretty much done, the guy who knows a lot about networking code's pretty much busy :)

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I hardly get what I want for the holiday.... it's usually something like clothing.... *sighs* or jewelry. I'm interested in neither, for clothes are just something to wear! A fashion nut I am not...

ERGG! I just want a Playstation.... a regular, working Playstation. But I likely won't get one. Or a PS2. Or anything remotely fun. Damn. At least... -please- let me get a good DVD! Just one freakin' good DVD! *Sniffles* although what I -really- want is a Shadow the Hedgehog plushie... they're too expensive ;_;. At least my friend Meli is getting me Sonic ^_^ Japanese SA2. And a spare Knuxy. I have a feeling they'll be the best I get.... yay for Meli!

If my typing's off, give me a break. My head hurts....

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hmm good movies... hmm... "Jesus' Son"... that shit rocked, only movie that could go on about a drug addict's life (including all the important parts, such as tree surgeons) and still make it seem soo serious and depressing. I still don't think it followed any particular plot, nevertheless it was a masterpiece.

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