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Claustrophobia 1024: The Sequal to Congestion 1024

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Someone suggested making a sequal to Congestion 1024 and the idea has generated some interest, so we'll roll with it. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the mappers are required to create a map in which the player's movements are confined to a 1024x1024 box. However, the map itself can be any dimensions you wish and the enemies are not confined to this space. If you've yet to do so, you can download Congestion 1024 here. It's really quite fun. =)

Myself and Mechadon will be co-ordinating this project. This project uses a texture pack compiled by Mechadon. (Make sure to take a look at the readme for the credits. People like being credited for their work!) It's also fine to add any additional custom textures on your own as well. However, using custom textures is not compulsory... you may use only stock resources if you wish.

The rules for this project are exactly the same as the original. You must make a map where the player is limited to a 1024x1024 box. The maps MUST be Boom-compatible.

Texture resource links (V5):
http://www.zshare.net/download/17686766b259c688/ - 2.49MB

These are all the people who've said they are interested as of now. If you'd like to join the team, say so in this thread.

[Edit]There are 0 map slots available![/Edit]

1. Death-Destiny (2 slots)
2. Mechadon (2 slots)
3. Dutch-Devil
4. Architect of Hell
5. gggmork
6. Spertz
7. Butts
8. Fisk (2 slots)
9. Shotgunmasacre2
10.Mik57 (2 slots)
11.StupidBunny (2 slots)
13.TheMionicDonut (2 slots)
18.Kyka (2 slots)
19.Stewboy (2 slots)
22.Alterworldruler (2 slots)
23.Pcorf (2 slots)
25.Doom Marine

When you complete your map, simply PM/e-mail them to me and Mech. You may submit any MIDI you wish with your map. So that's that. Sign-ups and suggestions can be posted here. Otherwise, everyone whose already signed up can get started. You can post screenies here as well.

Maps completed: 32/32

(I'm making up names for any maps submitted without them... if you think of one after submission, let me know and I'll change it.)

MAP07: "Dead In, Dead Out" by Mechadon
MAP15: "The Inmost Con'dens'ed" by Jimmy91
MAP30: "Claustrophobic Concluson" by Death-Destiny
MAP31: "Somewhere that's Green" by TheMionicDonut
"Mudbath" by Stewboy
"Bitter Sanctuary" by Kyka
"Handful of Dread" by Dreadopp
"Corrosion" by Shotgunmasacre2
"Metallic Echo" by Stewboy
"Enough Space?" by Lord_Z
"The Black Serpent" by POTGIESSER
"Twilight of the Demons" by Alterworldruler
"The Blood Factory" by StupidBunny
"Spitshine" by Fiend
"End of the Line" by Kingkill33
"Calypso Station" by Mik57
"Diminished Apparatus" by Mechadon
"Hex of Depression" by Paul Corfiatis
"Severed Survival" by Fisk
"Technicfear" by Paul Corfiatis
"Second Assault" by Spertz
"Oil Rig" by Mik57
"Forgotten Fortress" by Dutch Devil
"Graytech Industries" by Impboy
"Abstraction" by gggmork
"Slaughter 1024" by Death-Destiny
"Checkpoint" by InsanityBringer
"Dismalady" by Alterworldruler and TheMionicDonut
"Aura of Evil" by Butts
"Proceed with Caution" by Kyka
"Obliteration" by Butts
"Fear No Evil" by Dutch Devil

In Progress: NONE :D

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I'm interested.

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Hell yeah, if you would give me the pleasure of making one (given my illustrious history :) One question, do the maps have to follow a certain theme or any random one will do?

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As of now, you can make any theme you want. The original had a combination of Hell temples, techbases, canyons, etc. and it worked just fine, so no need to give mappers additional limitations.

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Hmm, should we go ahead and make slots so that the mapper's will know about how difficult they need to make their map?

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Mechadon said:

Hmm, should we go ahead and make slots so that the mapper's will know about how difficult they need to make their map?

Might as well. I'll add such a chart to the first post. When someone submits a map, they can say about what slot it would fit it. The maps can always be rearranged, like CC4 is doing.

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I propose we just let the mappers map. Some mappers will just tend to make their levels harder than others. Might make life easier. Or perhaps not.

Totally up to you guys of course.

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Perfect title, D-D. Please don't change it.

This will be great as a side project while I'm working on "Thy Flesh Consumed." I'll start a cute lil' baby map right now. Literally now.

I agree with Kyka on the difficulty issue, and you sound flexible too, D-D. I might just let you play the level(s) I submit and figure out where they belong.

I'm stoked. I don't think you'll have trouble getting mappers, but I'd volunteer to work extra-hard if the need arises. I also have lots of old 1024 maps on my hard drive as back-up, though I'd like to create some totally new stuff.

I'm off to start work on this! Ciao for now!

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I think I could break long enough from my current map to do this...

Although it depends when. I'll be gone the next three weeks or so, so I might not have time to make a good map. :(

EDIT: I realized just now that this isn't necessarily a deadline-type thing. Never mind, probably. :P

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ArchitectofHell said:

OH hey! Might wanna mention what port...

Boom, I presume?


Death-Destiny said:

You must make a map where the player is limited to a 1024x1024 box. The maps MUST be Boom-compatible.

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Ill do this, Preferably map31 (A really fun Secret map concept that i am to lazy to make into a big level)
OR 07 (Another sequel to Dead Simple)

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TheMionicDonut said:

Ill do this, Preferably map31 OR 07 (Not both, due to them both being specials)

Do you mean MAP32? MAP31 is a secret level but it doesn't have any action specials that I know of.

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StupidBunny said:

Do you mean MAP32? MAP31 is a secret level but it doesn't have any action specials that I know of.

The two spots are for separate concepts.

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StupidBunny said:

Do you mean MAP32? MAP31 is a secret level but it doesn't have any action specials that I know of.

MAP32 doesn't have any specials, either. The Commander Keen death codepointer works the same way on any map.

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Kyka said:

I propose we just let the mappers map. Some mappers will just tend to make their levels harder than others. Might make life easier. Or perhaps not.

Totally up to you guys of course.

Well my reasoning behind it is that the original 1024 was setup very well to play through by difficulty level as you progressed through each map. Maybe it would be a little extra stress on the mapper's if they had to worry about getting the difficulty level just right via what map slot they have...but I think it might end up being more work if we rearranged the maps and then possibly would have to go back on finished maps and tweak them to feel right for the map slot their using. I don't want to be a pain in the ass about it though, if you guys prefer to map that way I don't mind at all. I'm just trying think of ways for this to play very steamlined-like in terms of difficulty as well as cutting down the work that will need to be done towards the end of the development cycle.


Also I gotta agree that I really like the name Claustrophobia 1024. I think it lends itself very nicely to the predecessor :)

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Death-Destiny said:

(if I forgot you, I'm human, just let me know. =/). If you'd like to join the team, say so in this thread.

You're not human! You're not human at all!

You're a bee.

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Remiel said:

You're not human! You're not human at all! You're a bee.

Dang, you caught me... and I was hoping to preserve my secret identity...

Moving on. Well, it seems we've got plenty of people interested. Very good. This is give-or-take just the number we need. The original 1024 was a tough act to follow, but I'm believing we can make something pretty awesome now.

Mechadon said:

Well my reasoning behind it is that the original 1024 was setup very well to play through by difficulty level as you progressed through each map. ..I'm just trying think of ways for this to play very steamlined-like in terms of difficulty as well as cutting down the work that will need to be done towards the end of the development cycle.

This should be no problem at all. The mappers can make the map as difficult or as easy as they wish. I've actually got a pretty neat idea for organizing the maps that would actually work fine even if the maps were of random difficulty, so if I intend to do this anyway, then in makes no difference how hard the maps are. =)

@Butts & I guess everyone else =/: I'll put your name and map title on the list once it's submitted so that the list can be the completion list.

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I'll do...let's say...MAP18. I'll give you a name when I have something level-esque to base it off of.

and @esselfortium: you're right, there are no specials in MAP32. Silly me. :P

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Actually ive taken to much of a shine to the level, Im going to have to have 31 now :P

Name: Somewhere Thats Green

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dutch devil said:

Please remove me from the list, I'm sick and tired of mapping right now.

As you say, Dutch. It sounds like you have things that you need to deal with? I wish you luck and hope you can rejoin us later. =)

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