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Claustrophobia 1024: The Sequal to Congestion 1024

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gggmork said:

I don't know how to use texture packs. Do I have to use xwe or something?

Yea, you can use XWE...or there's another way. Basically the goal is to insert the textures into your map wad so that you can view and use them in DoomBuiler. I do it one of two ways:

- In XWE, open up your map .wad. Under 'File', look for 'Merge'. Browse for the texture pack and it will copy over all the textures into your map wad. Once your done working on your map, simply delete all of the textures in your map wad and turn it in.

- In DoomBuiler, there should be a save option called 'Save Map Into...'. What you need to do is make a copy of your texture wad, rename it to the name of the map your working on (so you'll know what it is) and then use this save option in DoomBuilder. Browse for that copied texture wad which you renamed to the name of your map and it will save all your current map data into that wad. As before, when your done working on your map, use a wad editor to delete all of the textures and then turn the map in.

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gggmork said:

I don't know how to use texture packs. Do I have to use xwe or something?

Furthermore, if you do not wish to merge anything, you can go to "Edit" --> "Map Options" in Doombuilder. In the "Additional Textures and Flats from WAD File" field, use the "..." to browse for the texture resource and load it. This will let you use all its resources without merging it. Since Claustropbobia already has the textures merged, you can do this as well if it's easier than merging them yourself. Either way works. =)

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Mech, according to SLumpEd the patches are still in BMP format, not Doom graphic format. I tried batch-converting them in SLumpEd but it's just crashing on me when I try, and I don't see any way to do it in XWE. :X

Also, some of the flats you included from Suspended in Dusk have names that overwrite Doom's flats. I probably didn't see all of them but I noticed FLOOR5_1, and some if not all of the FLAT** ones as well. There are also a few that look like their colors have been severely messed up, like NFFL17BL, NFDM16BL, NFDM15BL, MKFLITB1/B2, FLOOR6_3, NFFT22GN, NFLTB04H/V, NFTL65BL/GN, TLITEVB/VBO, and probably some other blue and green ones that I missed. I'm guessing this is from XWE trying to convert them to the Simplicity palette, rather than just copying them as-is like you intended.

Also, there's no TEXTURE1 or PNAMES lumps. D:

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esselfortium said:

Mech, according to SLumpEd the patches are still in BMP format, not Doom graphic format. I tried batch-converting them in SLumpEd but it's just crashing on me when I try, and I don't see any way to do it in XWE. :X

Oh, hmmm...does it matter? I've never done anything differently than I have in the past and I haven't had any troubles. I'll mess around a bit in SLumpEd on my end and see what I can do.

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Yeah, if they're not in Doom format, anything that's not ZDoom won't be able to read them. Also note the other major issues I just found and edited into that post a second ago. :P

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Bleh well I just fucked up pretty good then, huh? Not sure how I forgot to do the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES O_O.

How would I go about using the new pallete but at the same time keeping the textures/flats from being destroyed in the process of importing them? I've noticed that this happens sometimes and I usually would just totally recompile the textures again in a new wad :S

Anyways please disregard the current build of the texture pack guys, I'll try and get it fixed as soon as possible.

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Mechadon said:

Bleh well I just fucked up pretty good then, huh? Not sure how I forgot to do the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES O_O.

How would I go about using the new pallete but at the same time keeping the textures/flats from being destroyed in the process of importing them? I've noticed that this happens sometimes and I usually would just totally recompile the textures again in a new wad :S

Anyways please disregard the current build of the texture pack guys, I'll try and get it fixed as soon as possible.

I have no idea, I've never tried using XWE to compile a resource wad before. :P

I suppose you could keep XWE from messing up your textures (why it does this in the first place, I have no idea) if you imported all of them first and then added your playpal and colormap lumps. I guess what you should do here is remove the playpal (I didn't see a colormap lump? You need to include that too!), close and reopen the wad to make sure XWE knows it's just working with the normal Doom palette now, and re-add all the green/blue flats that were borked. But don't add the palette back in just yet!

First you have to convert all the patches to Doom graphic format. You'll want to do this before switching in the new palette, or they might get somewhat screwed up just like the flats did (as it'll try to match to the nearest color in the palette you're using), though SLumpEd won't butcher them quite as badly as XWE did to the flats. I think you're going to have to do this in SLumpEd, selecting a few of them, converting to Doom Graphic, saving, and selecting the next bunch. I tried doing them all at once and it just crashed. Not really sure what's up with that.

In any case, once those are all fixed and converted (make sure all of the re-added flats are in Doom Flat format, too), you can add back the Simplicity PLAYPAL and COLORMAP, and create the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES lumps and add all the patches to them.

Also, ADEL_* and N_* naming still really sucks to map with. :(

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Through the genius that is 'esselmagiks', I think I've finally fixed all the problems with the texture resource. Also by essel's suggestion, I've renamed a good chunk of the textures so that it should be somewhat easier to browse through when mapping. I'm not exactly how much easier per-say since I haven't used them yet...but easier nonetheless :p. I also remembered the TEXTURE1/PNAMES and ANIMATED/SWITCHES lumps this time!

- http://mechadon.hostsnake.com/1024TX_V02.zip
- http://www.zshare.net/download/152833034cf5c8d8/ (alternate download link via zshare.net)

Let me know if there are any problems and I'll will fix them as quickly as possible. I don't want mapping to be held up because I'm an incompetent fool when it comes to compiling a texture resource :p

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I just loaded it into DoomBuilder and it says it could not find the required lump for patches GOTH_Z50, GOTH_Z51, ADMDSW1A and ADMDSW1B. I don't know what it means exactly but I thought you should know.

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Lord_Z said:

I just loaded it into DoomBuilder and it says it could not find the required lump for patches GOTH_Z50, GOTH_Z51, ADMDSW1A and ADMDSW1B. I don't know what it means exactly but I thought you should know.

That is because, despite being referenced in PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lmps, the patches themselves do not appear to be present. I guess Mech missed a few in his wild copy and converting spree. ;-P Hey Mech, do you still have these 4 anywhere?

It's good Essel decided to help out with the textures (Thanks Essel! =D). Myk insists it is Essel who is like God, and when it comes to texture resources, I can't argue... and hackish KDiKDiZD Chinese secrets ('tis a shame vanilla Doom doesn't run on my computer or I'd help out Essel's team with KDiKDiZD, but I couldn't test the maps correctly, though =[)

[Edit]Oh, I'd better put the new resources in the first post[/Edit]

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Death-Destiny said:

('tis a shame vanilla Doom doesn't run on my computer or I'd help out Essel's team with KDiKDiZD, but I couldn't test the maps correctly, though =[)

The greatest ancient Chinese secret of all is that we actually test KDiKDiZD in Chocolate Doom, because vanilla doesn't work correctly for me, either (though it's mainly just because I can't be arsed to figure out deusf and dehacked and whatever other crap is needed to make it work). I depend on leileilol and Siggi to occasionally test it for me on their old machines. If you actually want to help out, be my guest; it'd be much appreciated :P

And if those missing lumps are referenced in PNAMES but not TEXTURE1, that means the textures and patches were deleted but not the patch entries. Hunting for patches in the PNAMES list is a huge pain, especially in large texture wads, and SLumpEd seems to sometimes delete them for you if they're not being used in any TEXTURE1 entries (I think so, at least), but other times not...I guess just opening up the wad in Doom Builder or DeePSea or something to see if it complains about anything is the best way to check.

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I checked and located the patch names in both PNAMES and TEXTURE1. However, the Patches being references are mysteriously absent, so the PNAMES and TEXTURE1 .lmps both have 4 entries that reference nothing. I'd say it's as simple as converting and loading the 4 patches so they'd be present, but I'm not certain if that would work as intended... not a big deal since the difference between 554 custom textures and 558 is almost negligible

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KingKill33 said:

Mind if I snag map4?

MAP04 is where I put Shotgunmasacre's map at the moment. If you want a low numbered map, the next lowest is MAP06. Would you like MAP06 then?

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Lord_Z said:

I just loaded it into DoomBuilder and it says it could not find the required lump for patches GOTH_Z50, GOTH_Z51, ADMDSW1A and ADMDSW1B. I don't know what it means exactly but I thought you should know.

Ignore that for now, it shouldn't cause any problems while your mapping. What happened was I was adding some new switches but it was somewhere around 3am in the morning and I had forgotten that I already compiled the TEX1/PNAMES lumps. So when I deleted some duplicates I forgot to update those lumps. Those patches that DoomBuilder says it can't find don't exist in the resource so your not missing anything. I might fix it later on and upload it...or I may just upload fixed TEXTURE1/PNAMES lumps and whomever want to fix it can do so themselves.


Actually scratch that, Boom complains if you try to use these textures with the borked TEXTURE1/PNAMES. Shouldn't take long to fix it and upload though :D

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That's looking awesome Fiend! I'm glad the texture pack has helped you :D.

Also, concerning the texture pack, I think I've finally ironed out all of it's little bugs. Besides the borked TEX1/PNAMES lumps, I also had some typos in the input file for the ANIMATED/SWITCHES lump and I also fixed the palette so that it should work as intended now. Also since I had time I tested all of these fixes in PrBoom and DoomBuilder; from what I can tell all of the textures look as they should and everything is animating properly. I also made a tweak to the red starry sky I made so it now tiles properly.

Also I was able to use the Sabbat Martyr II/IGPack color palette in place of the Simplicity one (this is what I wanted to do from the beginning). This palette has the Simplicity blues but it also had a more vibrant green (you'll notice this pretty quickly with the nukage flats). I hope you guys like it...but more importantly, I hope it doesn't cause any problems down the road :P

Anyways, this should be the final update to the texture pack for a while. Again, if you spot any problems, please let me know :D

http://www.zshare.net/download/15329288f58e15cf/ (alternate download link via zshare.net)

(Death-Destiny, please update the first post with the new links when you get the chance.)

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Remember that 1024 maps are not to be completed in a short time frame. Shorter, yes, but the entire challenge of the original was to retain difficulty and playability regardless of the size. Look at map32 and you'll see what I mean.

Contrary to what you might think, It's easy to make a 1024 map, but making it play longer than 45 seconds is the real challenge-- not the size. There was a certain map in Congestion 1024 that took me at least 7 minutes to complete. Maybe I sucked at it, I don't know, but it seemed so much bigger than 1024x1024 regardless of how large it actually was. what that mapper achieved was immersion. the atmosphere was dark, and the clever use of mapping tricks really made the map come alive. I didn't even realize the map was as cramped as it actually was, and some maps in that wad didn't even use all the space available!

Having the player play a 1024 map without knowledge of its size, then telling the player what a short space he was in should be quite a shock to said player. If not... it won't be that good. I had a hard time convincing myself that some of the mappers in congestion 1024 didn't cheat.

also a little advice: remember that the doomguy is square and if you're attempting to make small passageways such as vent shafts, make sure the player can actually move freely. No one likes to get "stuck".

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Nice map. Mines bigger :P. Sure, my map's play area is 1024x1024, but the map is like 20000x20000. Too big?

(its on an oil rig. The player plays on the landing pad and com area of the oil rig, and are surrounded by other large objects (gas tank, barracks, ship harbor, drill, etc) and i mean it to feel like the opposite of claustrophobia. Which is why I wanted a secret level map.

(Speaking of which, map name is oil rig. Im expecting to finish by Thursday probably. determined by how much summer school sucks this week.)

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k im too lazy to put up screenshots, but the map is going to be stupid hard, and its a theme of a gstone building in a dirt basin in the middle of hellish rock mountains, and there will be many revenants, imps, archviles, and even a dreaded cyberdemon. marble hell and ashwallflat somehow go well together, with a little metal thrown in. teleportation traps ahoy!

well all that is already in the map, but im taking my sweet ass time. i hope its good!

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I was browsing the texture pack and I noticed there is a small light blue splotch on flat GOTH_J15. I don't know if this is deliberate but it looks a bit strange. Aside from this and the 4 missing names, all is well and the new textures look good :)

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Heya guys.

In regards to my map, it is about 2/3 done. It is a tough map, so probably slot it in around 15 to 20.

Will post screenies soon. No BFG, all other weapons.


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alterworldruler said:

Sign me up for map03, i'll see if i'm still good at mapping

InsanityBringer is doing map03 at the moment. The next lowest mapslot is MAP09. Is that fine with you?

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