JamesBone Posted December 20, 2001 I don't mean that ZDoom is the best port. That was suppose to be two questions. ;) What's the best Doom port to get? I downloaded Doom Legacy, ZDoom, and ZDoomGL, and JDoom. Are there any ones better? JDoom looks real good, but for some reason has framerate problems on my P4. I'm also having problems with Doom Legacy and ZDoomGL. Doom Legacy looks great and runs great on my PC, but several user maps and the 4th Episiode of Ultimate Doom have invisible walls. Map e4m7 is bad for this. This drives me crazy. I have a Geforce 2 MX if that might be the problem.ZDoom is nice, but it doesn't have the nice graphical features that the other two have. ZDoomGL was nice, although it gave me some resolution problems until I figured how to set it up right. The main gripe I have about that port is my gun floats in the middle of the screen. It makes it hard to shoot enemies, and the big weapons cover up the screen so it makes it hard to see where I'm going. Can anyone help me with the problems or maybe suggest a better port. 0 Share this post Link to post
David_Ferstat Posted December 20, 2001 Oh, Ghod, not another one of these ... :( Check out this thread: http://www.doomworld.com/forums/viewthread.php?FID=5&TID=2366 Cheers, David Ferstat 0 Share this post Link to post
JamesBone Posted December 20, 2001 Did you read my entire post? I know my main question was which port was the best. But that's probably a decision that I'll have to judge for myself. But the question that I wanted anwsered was I had problems with ZDoomGL and Legacy. I put that in my subject line. Please reread my topic and try and help me. Thanks for the link though. 0 Share this post Link to post
David_Ferstat Posted December 21, 2001 I can't help you with ZDoonGL, unfortunately. You might want to try this port's home page: http://www.doomworld.com/doomgl/ Next time, you might want to take the time to proof-read and edit your posts. It might make it easier for people to understand your questions, and to answer them. Cheers, David Ferstat 0 Share this post Link to post
Retox Posted December 22, 2001 Vavoom is the best!!!! Go get it at: http://www.vavoom-engine.com/ 0 Share this post Link to post
SteelPH Posted December 24, 2001 zdoomgl sux, if it didnt crash every 5 seconds on almost everything, it wouldve been good, and retox, as for vavoom, its GREAT just the speed sux, the speed is my only gripe 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 26, 2001 Yeah get Vavoom or JDoom or even Legacy... the GL version of ZDoom sucks. And that's a shame :/ 0 Share this post Link to post
Doomaholic87 Posted January 1, 2002 When I had my old Voodoo3 card, i cant remember exactly which one it was. Hold on...... Ok, if you want an OGL Doom with md2 models, get ...looking.... Get DoomGL or you might want to try ZDoom GL You can see some screen shots with optional m2d's if you go here http://www.doomworld.com/doomgl/zdoomgl-screenshots.html I thought there were also gun replacements, youl have to look for those. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zro Posted January 3, 2002 I've got TNT2 video card, and all Opengl ports work fine with it (zdoomgl doesn't start everytime, but once it does, it also works fine) I Think that the best OpenGL port is Jdoom. MD2 models are good looking and it has 3D weapons if you get the model update pack. And the best not OpenGL port is Zdoom. I mainly use latest beta (1.23 B28a), because savegame slots are full on 1.22 :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Bongo Posted January 24, 2002 In my experience on my system. I have win2k 1ghz athlon 512 MB ram Gforce2mx Only port that is capable of running full speed and without any slowdown is ZDoom. It's the only port that won't crash reguarly and won't slowdown no matter how many monsters you have on screen. Edge and gledge - slowdown when heaps of monsters. Massive slowdown when trying qdoom etc. Jdoom - Very VERY good until you try to run pwads. CRASH CRASH. Vavoom - Slow and pathetic at running pwads too. glboom - can anyone say segment error whenever you try to play? prboom - won't run. error. Legacy - Way too buggy and prone to crashes even with normal doom and doom2. Regular Zdoom is the ONLY port I use on my system simply because it runs at 100% normal doom speed and doesn't crash when using pwads. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted January 27, 2002 zdoomgl works perfect for me (500mhz celeron 32mb tnt2). the only problem i have is that it's too damn dark (and you can't change the brightness afaik). 0 Share this post Link to post
sirjuddington Posted January 27, 2002 Yeah, ZDoomGL runs fine for me. I can play through the whole of Alien Vendetta with md2s on, and it hasn't crashed on me for quite a while. Some people just don't really tolerate crashing much. It crashes once or twice, so they just dont bother with it (nor try to correct the problem). But I'd have to agree with pretty much every post on this thread, ZDoom is the best software port. Get beta31, it runs very fast on high resolutions now, which further consolidates its position as the #1 software port, IMO, anyway. JDoom is fine, but slow as hell for me (it actually runs slower than ZDoomGL. I think it was the new dynamic lighting that really slowed it down) I also sometimes use Legacy, and, just lately I've been messing around with Vavoom, and, I must say, it is looking to be a very promising port... 0 Share this post Link to post
Rellik Posted January 29, 2002 Your problem with LegacyGL is that you probably need to rebuild the nodes with a good node builder. Other than that Legacy has never crashed on me, ever. Whatever port you go with, try to stick to the moer lively ones. Lots seem to be dieing off right now... 0 Share this post Link to post
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