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I think it should not be decided by the parents, but by the person himself when he is of age to make an intelligent decision. Everyone should have the right to make a choice for themselves without things such as relgions and ethnic backgrounds intruding in the decision.

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I dare say that if the choice was left up to the individual, there would be a great deal less circumcisions taking place.

I would have enough problem accepting $10,000 for one of my testicles, let alone paying someone to cut at my tool.

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Exactly, I think it's morally wrong. What makes them think they have any say in cutting off a part of someone else's body, especially the part which comes in handy while jerking off. The inhumanity!!

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I couldn't agree more - It's a REALLY horrible thing. Now that it actually does have hygienic effects for boys if done properly, it's still very bad because most people who do it to their children operate at home without any sterile instruments or medical knowledge.

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I've heard it's far worse for girls... not to bring up too many gynealogical facts, it's umm... all painful and evil and leaves it that way for the rest of their lives.

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Circumcisions at home? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

What, do you live in sub-Saharan Africa? Most circumcisions are performed in the hospital by doctors.

How many uncircumsised men have it performed later on? Very few, which should indicate that it's not a pleasant experience.

I believe it is categorized as cosmetic surgery since as many people point out, it really doesn't have much if any purpose besides maybe being a little easier to clean. However, my parents did it to me, and I'll be damned if I won't do it to my kids. I'd rather have a mushroom than an anteater.

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Turtle necks own. Don't scar your kids ling.

I just noticed a big red X by name? the hell did that come from?

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However, my parents did it to me, and I'll be damned if I won't do it to my kids. I'd rather have a mushroom than an anteater.


My story exactly. Whats the big deal? It eliminates the problem of smegma.

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jerking off must be a bitch dan...


How the fuck would you jerk off if you're uncircumcized? It's gotta be impossible to get a grip.

I'm glad I had it done back when I was born so that I couldn't remember it, God that must hurt. I'd be too freaked to get it done if I was conscious about what was going on. Shit, I can just imagine it tearing open if I got a boner...

But the kids I'll be getting are pre-made, so I won't have to make that decision anyways.

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No most circumcision is made for religious reasons... and in many cases in countries where they can't go to the hospital and do it.

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No most circumcision is made for religious reasons...


Why, it's ungodly to have a dirty penis?


and in many cases in countries where they can't go to the hospital and do it.


We read about that in some class in high school once. Basically they'd "circumcise" these women (cut out part of their thing) and hope they survive. Usually they were unable to move for weeks, no anesthetic or anything, and something like 40% of them died from blood loss and even more from infections. I think the point was so that they'd get no pleasure from sex, that way the husbands knew the wives wouldn't cheat on them.

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You don't know what you're missing, you deprived children. I don't understand why anyone would consider cutting a part of their body off as a good thing.

/me slices his finger off.

Yay thats one less finger to wash, I'm more hygenic now, and as a bonus I won't ever get a papercut on that finger again.

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You don't know what you're missing, you deprived children. I don't understand why anyone would consider cutting a part of their body off as a good thing.

/me slices his finger off.

Yay thats one less finger to wash, I'm more hygenic now, and as a bonus I won't ever get a papercut on that finger again.



That's because fingers are actually useful.

You mean, you never cut off your toenails?

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That's because fingers are actually useful.


Your dick's foreskin is usefull too. Believe it or not, but it has a "texture" to it that's supposed to increase stimulation.


You mean, you never cut off your toenails?


Toenails grow back. And no, I don't rip my toenails off either.

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Religious Crusade? MM is doing that for me, I'm just getting my views across =]

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I don't really care, I wasn't circumcised and all I had to go through was about a month or so of uncomfort and one day it was all the way back and through with. So stand the pain MARINES!

I view it as that it is part of us for a reason most likely. There must be SOME reason that it is there, so I see no reason to slice it off. But I also see no reason to not slice it off. OH WELL.

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/me slices his finger off.


Doofus, circumcision isn't removing the penis, it's removing skin from it. The equivalent would be cutting a huge sagging piece of skin off your finger IF YOUR FINGER HAD THAT HUGE SAGGING PIECE OF SKIN.

Which it doesn't.


Your dick's foreskin is usefull too. Believe it or not, but it has a "texture" to it that's supposed to increase stimulation.


Shit, I'd go limp the second I looked at or felt that thing.

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Doofus, circumcision isn't removing the penis, it's removing skin from it. The equivalent would be cutting a huge sagging piece of skin off your finger IF YOUR FINGER HAD THAT HUGE SAGGING PIECE OF SKIN.

Which it doesn't.


Balloon Nut, I was just making an example. Let's say the equivelent of cicrumcision is like removing a fingernail from your hand. They serve no true purpose that's more important than the foreskin on your dick right? and do you see people ripping them off so dirt and other shit don't get under them? no.


Shit, I'd go limp the second I looked at or felt that thing.


I recommend viagra for your little problems.

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Let's say the equivelent of cicrumcision is like removing a fingernail from your hand. They serve no true purpose


Actually I think they do, but I just don't remember what.


and do you see people ripping them off so dirt and other shit don't get under them? no.


Although that isn't a bad idea... :->


I recommend viagra for your little problems.


Dude, that's like looking at dead fetuses an stuff, no way.

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Let's say the equivelent of cicrumcision is like removing a fingernail from your hand. They serve no true purpose


Actually I think they do, but I just don't remember what.


Ever try to pick up a coin right after clipping your nails? Or open a can of Coke? Imagine trying to do that without nails... Now, I'd be hard-pressed to figure out what good toenails are.

I'm not circumcised, and I've never had any complaints or problems.

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JESUS CHRIST!!! I'm just using that as an example, stop freaking getting technical. If you still have a problem pretend I said toenails in the first place.

And lut, you have no problems ripping your finger/toe nails off, but you would lose your boner if you had looked at your uncircumsized dick (saying if you had one)? Most people would probably loose their boner if they saw their hand without fingernails while whacking over seeing foreskin on it that's supposed to make the whacking even more enjoyable.

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Let's say the equivelent of cicrumcision is like removing a fingernail from your hand. They serve no true purpose


Actually I think they do, but I just don't remember what.


Nails are quite useful when you are fighting someone without weapons. Actualy, teeth are much more fun...uhh...not that I know.

As for male circumcision: I don't really care, but other thatn keeping it cleaner, it also gives women more pleasure (or so I've heard), so thats a plus. :) At any rate, it's too late for me.

As for female ciscumcision: I'm stronly against it. Hell, if it gets rid of the pleasure that women feel, then that completely eliminates the use of cunnilingus(sp?). Possibly one reason that it takes away all pleasuer, though is that it is traumatic enough to do permanant psychlogical damage. Many victims of rape cannot feel any pleasure after the incident.

And as for the toenail analogy, the concept is lost on me. I'd cut off my entire toe if I were bored enough. Hell, its a draft deferment.

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I'd cut off my entire toe if I were bored enough.


...comming from a person who is striving for world domination.

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I'd cut off my entire toe if I were bored enough.


...comming from a person who is striving for world domination.


Yep...one day I'll get REALLY FUCKING BORED...and well, the rest will be history. Ah, sweet ennui.

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