danarchist Posted December 21, 2001 The new LotR movie was the best movie ever. To keep this from being a complete rant however, I'll try to make this a review. This first movie in the LotR trilogy is an awesome visual masterpiece. Breathtaking visuals, great action scenes, nop-notch acting, plus a plot that kicks ass (I think you all know this) make up this wonderful movie. The only down points of this movie are slightly cheesy CGI and the lack of some parts of the original storyline. But the movie more than makes up for it with spectacular scenary shots and some added scenes (some great ones in Moria). I don't want to give away anything spectacular, but I will give these teasers: -Sam isn't portrayed as the spazmatic oaf he usualy is thought of, but his character is pulled off pretty well. -There is extra emphasis on Saruman and Isengard (foreshadowing fot the next movie). -Gimli is more dwarflike than ever before. -Legolas is more elflike than ever before. -For the first time ever, you get to see Sauron in melee combat. :) In summation, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring is the best movie ever. I hope I don't die in the next two years so I can see the other two. This movies great. A success. Real big. It may even take Star Wars's place as Best Movie Ever (according to the masses). It's just that good. 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted December 21, 2001 dude, i feel exactly the same, but star wars still rules though (return of the jedi forever baby) 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 21, 2001 How many people have seen LotR already? I already know people trying to cause bodily harm to me because I saw it already. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted December 21, 2001 Somehow I'm sure Tolkien wouldn't like this. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 21, 2001 I have absolutely no desire to go see LoTR. Don't ask me why; I think it's the fact that it's been marketed into the ground over the last few months. So I'l wait 'till it hits HBO. :P 0 Share this post Link to post
GooberMan Posted December 21, 2001 The guy who plays Gimli is quoted to say LotR will be bigger than Star Wars 0 Share this post Link to post
Mizz Posted December 21, 2001 Sure as hell beats the new star wars prequal series 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest ZZ_TOPPER_X Posted December 21, 2001 Greatest movie series ever: Cheech and Chong 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 21, 2001 I'll wait a little before I'll go see it (might be easier to get a ticket after the first big "wave"). 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted December 21, 2001 Hmm, Mizz you are aware that the new star wars sequel is NOT a new cash in on an old franchise George Lucas had NINE movies planned the original three were always the middle of the nine but things change in twenty or so years. SO there will only six movies, all of which are basically planned anyway,However on to LOTR...I haven't seen it yet, Not here till about January I think I'm not sure if I wanna see it or not tho..I mean, I was excited when I heard about it. The books are good very good and it's a local production sorta but As soon as the all the ads hit full scale I just thought: oh no here we go again hollywood bullshit at it's best. It does look cool tho I'll wait for the reviews....Thats my Quarter of a cent..Star Wars = Still good tho watch Ep One in a local Department store :D 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 21, 2001 Everyone I talked to says that LotR is cool as Hell. Every review I've read states that LotR is cool as Hell. That means that I'll go see it sometime. 0 Share this post Link to post
ViperBoy Posted December 21, 2001 I one 2 tickets to go see Lotr.....but it was just my luck that i could only use the tickets in 1 city and that was a city i dont live in ! now i have to spend money to go see it 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted December 21, 2001 Hollywood marketting is evil blah blah blah ... bullshit. THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING GOOD, AND IF YOU ENJOYED THE BOOKS THIS MOVIE IS STILL FUCKING GOOD. GO ... WATCH ... IT ... NOW ... YOU FUCKERS. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 21, 2001 It won't be here until January 1st, but I already have tickets for the first feature. ^_^ 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 22, 2001 Greatest movie series ever: Cheech and Chong No now go away...THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING GOOD, AND IF YOU ENJOYED THE BOOKS THIS MOVIE IS STILL FUCKING GOOD. GO ... WATCH ... IT ... NOW ... YOU FUCKERS. You heard the fish... 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 22, 2001 OMFG...did I just see a banner that said they had a 'recent interview with J.R.R. Tolkien'? Hasn't he been dead for at least 25 years? Its a goddamn conspiracy! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 22, 2001 It's shit. They just made up the answers... 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 23, 2001 He's not dead. He's just wearing that damn ring so that no one can see him. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 23, 2001 It kind of reminds me of an episode of What's New, a comic by Phil Foglio that's run in Dragon Magazine: PHIL: Hey folks - our topic this month is halflings, and we've scored quite a coup, because today our guest is none other than author J.R.R. Tolkien himself!! TOLKIEN: And a good thing too - as it's obvious to a juked out dead man that you don't know Dick Nixon about halflings! PHIL: umm...no doubt. So originally halflings were analogous to the 'common man'. We identified with them as they interacted with more fantastic creatures. TOLKIEN: Yep - the original Joe Six-pack, who just likes to sit on his furry butt, dragged into an adventure - falcon hilarious, sure, but lousy marketing. PHIL: WHAT?! TOLKIEN: Oh come on - all you gamers are misanthropic, gluttonous little couch potatoes, but who wants to play one? Now in DandD Third Edition, halflings are all portrayed as thieving little psychos who dress like Adam Ant. I thoroughly approve. PHIL: You DO?! TOLKIEN: You bet! In fact, I have a chainsaw-wielding halfling as the lead in the sequal! PHIL: Sequel?! You wrote a SEQUEL?! TOLKIEN: Sweet, huh? You saw it here first, kids, so start buyin'! PHIL: BUT...BUT...! DIXIE: Before you blow a valve, fanboy, check out his driver's licence. PHIL: How did you-? DIXIE: I picked his pocket, fool. PHIL <reading liscence>: JOE-BOB RALPH RALPH TOLKIEN?! DIXIE: I loved 'Valley of the Orcs', by the way. TOLKIEN: Really? My next book is titled 'Galadriel - Elf with a whip.' Wanna help me write the ending? DIXIE: Mmmmaybe... 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted December 24, 2001 Arioch: Oh ok thanks for the capslock, BUT you missed my point. I never said Hollywood marketing is evil, All I said is "hollywood" bullshit, I KNOW the movie has hollywood support, It may be great...I plan to see it when it hits here on boxing day...but most of the time, If you've seen a hype for a movie, almost every time a vital part of the movie is revealed or if not, OVER hyped, I can NOT stand hype...It pisses me off. I make my own opinion about things not what a marketing fuckwit wants me to believe... oh and yes..I did enjoy the books, so I hope I enjoy the movie 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 24, 2001 Gladiator....'nuff said.Check that; I just came back from seeing it. Now it's tied with Gladiator for my fave movie. Next step, read the first book! 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 24, 2001 Gladiator....'nuff said.Check that; I just came back from seeing it. Now it's tied with Gladiator for my fave movie. Next step, read the first book! 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted December 25, 2001 It could've been better (it's visually perfect tho). But I wasn't disappointed either, it was as good as I expected it to be. I'm glad they had John Howe involved in the making, many things, places etc. look alike to his awesome paintings. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 25, 2001 I'm glad they had John Howe involved in the making, many things, places etc. look alike to his awesome paintings.Not to mention Ian Holm looking almost like an old Bilbo from the animated Hobbit, even though that doesn't have everything to do with what you said. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 25, 2001 Bilbo was the most hobbit-like hobbit in the movie, at least in the way I always invisioned. Elijah Wood was a good Frodo, but there was just one problem: In Sea Captain voice:'He be more neck than hobbit. Argh.' 0 Share this post Link to post
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