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make your songs sound like chipmunks! (not really doom related)


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Anybody have that plug-in for WinAmp called Pacemaker? It controls the tempo, pitch, and speed of most MP3s. I quote the description on the page for it:


...make Michael Jackson sound like a soul king or make Sting's sing like Donald Duck!


I get a hilarious kick out of turning the pitch all the way up and not messing with anything else. Now I know how the Alvin and the Chipmunks songs are made, to a degree.

To get this on a DOOM related note, imagine Cynic Guru's Doom all the way up!

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Heh. Maybe I'll try this sometime.

BTW, this is this is the second post subtitled as (not Doom related) posted in the last 5 minutes.

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ROFL...thats great! Its kinda buggy: it froze winamp when I turned it down to slow. But still, its great.

Try this: Download Pore by Ohgr (Nivek Ogre). At about 2:40 on the song, there is a long stream of run-together words. Use Pacemaker on this. It's great!

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The last time I had Winamp on here it would screw up the file extentions:
It would try to open up some image files and would not let mp3s or midis open at all by double-clicking. I uninstalled Winamp and everything returned to normal.

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WinAmp and the latest version of RealPlayer are currently fighting a war for dominance over my audio files. Seriously, it's fucked up. I run WinAmp, and it assigns all of the file extensions to itself. RealPlayer kicks in every five minutes or so and tries to reassign the file extensions to itself, because of some stupid Nazi-esque setting coming out of the installation. Lather, rinse, repeat until all of the machine's processor power is taken up in this power struggle. It's already crashed my computer once, and slows it down to a crawl other times. And my comp isn't currently hooked up to a 'Net connection, and I can't get into RealPlayer to change the settings until I register it online.

[EDIT] This has been Ugly Random Neuron Firing #3. You may get on with your lives. :P

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WinAmp and the latest version of RealPlayer are currently fighting a war for dominance over my audio files.


That's why I deleted RealPlayer and got Winamp. Havn't had problems since.

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make your songs sound like chipmunks!


Gee. Hearing ZZ Top at 100x speed is *cough* fun. GIMMEALLYOURLOVINALLYOURHUGSANDKISSESTOO! Man, you have too much time on your hands.
EDIT: I just use a cool(er) program called GoldWave. Cut, paste, copy, mix, speed up/down, yadda yadda.

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The last time I had Winamp on here it would screw up the file extentions:
It would try to open up some image files and would not let mp3s or midis open at all by double-clicking. I uninstalled Winamp and everything returned to normal.


How can people have problems with Winamp? It's like the only program that keeps running when everything's on fire.

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I once made my sound card play every sound in "chipmunk" mode. Then I played doom, here's my report:
-Imps sounded like little kids having an asthma attack
-demons sounded like dogs
-cacos sounded like robots
and so on
the game all together sounded like something that might have came out of an atari 2600.

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Heh. Maybe I'll try this sometime.


Or you could just install Windows2000 and let it use it's sound drivers to get the same effect.

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This plug-in enables you to play songs EXACTLY like chipmunk songs. The notes, tempo, and speed are the same, it's just the pitch I get a kick out of.

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Double-yew Tee Eff! Lüt, Zal, Crendo? Is this some twisted new form of protest? What happened to THE DOCTOR!!!?

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Sheesh you guys know nofing!
My record player used to have 3 speeds 78rpm, 33.33rpm, and 45rpm , you could ALWAYS play records as chipmunks, or as we used to call it "Pinky and Perky"

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try it with some limp bizkit songs (eg. nookie, N Together Now). double the tempo. i can't resist laughing.

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Sheesh you guys know nofing!
My record player used to have 3 speeds 78rpm, 33.33rpm, and 45rpm , you could ALWAYS play records as chipmunks, or as we used to call it "Pinky and Perky"


Ssh, you're being logical.

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for the people that have a Live! sound card: Try listening to Sonne with Overdrive on at the EAX settings shit.

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