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Okay, let's everybody get into the Christmas spirit, and play H2H_XMAS.WAD. Find it and try it. Merry Christmas. Happy Chanukah (Damn, how do you spell that?!) Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, and all that other stuff.

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I was actually thinking about starting a server on ZDaemon with H2H-XMAS...then I realized I knew nothing about starting servers.

Oh, and you left out that one Muslim holiday...what is it? Robadon or something.

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I miss the yearly xmasdoom wads.. chrozoron and crew made at least one if not more really ones. I remember we tried to make an xmasdoom2k and we had some good stuff (skiing on zdoom slopes for example) but we never finished it (of course).

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a shit, that sucks, I would love to skii in doom, maybe even add a jump or two in there. That would be fun as hell =]

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SkiFree, Doom-style... That would be fun. :) Mind the giant Demon waiting at the bottom of the hill...

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I was actually thinking about starting a server on ZDaemon with H2H-XMAS...then I realized I knew nothing about starting servers.

Oh, and you left out that one Muslim holiday...what is it? Robadon or something.


don't you know how to use your zserver.exe for hosting a server?

start with this:
1. Open your zserver.exe where is supposed to be in your zdaemon folder already

2. set up the name for your server, like this - hostname "name" || <- if you want spaces between the server's name, you need to include the " "

3. if you wanna set up the players limit, you need to run zserver.exe from your windows 'START' option, type in dos command like this, c:\doom2\zdaemon\zserver.exe -maxclients 4

4. to set up oldschool gameplay, type in 'dmflags 200708

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