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Is there a connection between Quake and Doom?


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Not to mention, the mixed themes in Quake are a result of changing goals for the game. Romero wanted a dark fantasy RPG, everyone else wanted a Doom Clone. Well... it ended up being a Doom clone in full 3D and dark fantasy graphics. It's actually pretty nice it ended up working really well :)

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The the Sacastic ones:May your heads be struck from your shoulders.

To the helpful ones:I dunno,I figured that since Quake has some tie in's with the whole Lovecraftian mythos I thought that maybe ID need's it's own Mythos.It might give people more to build their wads off of.I don't see any harm in it...I mean hell,Battletech,Mechwarrior,Warcraft...they all have their own Mythos so why can't doom,quake,etc?

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Haloless0320 said:
The the Sacastic ones:May your heads be struck from your shoulders.

Anything as long as an angry flower rapes you with an apostrophe for all eternity!

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Haloless0320 said:

I mean hell,Battletech,Mechwarrior,Warcraft...they all have their own Mythos so why can't doom,quake,etc?

Because they're video games and most people have more fun playing them than writing fanfics. If they tickle your fancy, however, there's a forum here that lets you see what others come up with.

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The lack of any Doom, Quake or id "mythos" is a good thing in my mind, as it may actually be a factor that brought modders to these games in such abundance. Because there's really no story in Doom or Quake, the resources for those games are almost free of prior context, and the casual modder is free to tell his brand-new story with these old resources instead of being forced to scrounge up new resources for the job. Doom and Quake are blank slates, as opposed to games like Heretic and Hexen, which have a few lines on their slates already that any mapper has to accommodate for.

Or maybe this isn't actually correct at all. I'm just theorizing, as I am wont to do.

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There's a very loose connection in Quake 3 - though even there iD stay true to their philosophy of not spoiling the game by burdening it with a detailed storyline.

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Oh come on, Quake 3 was nothing more than putting a bunch of levels and characters together for a deathmatch. Actually it was quite good, but it definitely didn't have any kind of story to care about.

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Quake's singleplayer was stupid and pointless. Its main strongpoint was multiplayer, especially bringing about Team Fortress and its engine serving as a base for Half-Life.

Quake was less of a game, more of a springboard.

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StoneFrog said:

Quake's singleplayer was stupid and pointless. Its main strongpoint was multiplayer, especially bringing about Team Fortress and its engine serving as a base for Half-Life.

Quake was less of a game, more of a springboard.

Hey, I liked Quake's levels and gameplay .. :(

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Yeah i agree, Quake is almost identical to Doom in terms of gameplay, except with a modified array of weapons and more unique monsters. I enjoyed it very much.

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Some of the wall textures are kinda similar.


StoneFrog said:
Quake's singleplayer was stupid and pointless. Its main strongpoint was multiplayer, especially bringing about Team Fortress and its engine serving as a base for Half-Life.

Quake was less of a game, more of a springboard.

I loved quake's singleplayer. it wasn't any more supid and pointless then doom and it has some of the coolest monsters ever. Go Shambler!

Also it had a sweet soundtrack.

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StoneFrog said:
Quake's singleplayer was stupid and pointless.

That's a load of shit, as far as I'm concerned. It even spawned the SDA, which started as a Quake demos site.

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Captain Red said:

Also it had a sweet soundtrack.

I've been playing it with a custom soundtrack CD I made for Carmageddon. You'd be surprised how well the Peter Gunn Theme goes with Quake. Rob Zombie, Lordi, and Dethklok suit it even better.

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  • 5 years later...

Sorry for the reply to the old post but I felt my answer needed to be here.

There is a very high probability that B.J. and doomguy are releated. I don't know anything about Doom Rpg games and their story lines.

In Doom II RPG the playable marine character is named Stan Blazkowicz, who is a descendent of William "B.J." Blazkowicz of Wolfenstein 3D. John Kane is the marine of the Doom 3 novels (and perhaps not coincidentally, the protagonist of Quake 4 is named Matthew Kane).


After B.J. defeats the Harbinger, he tells B.J. that he will fight his great, great, great, grandson in the future. The Harbinger becomes the Cyberdemon in the Doom series.

I am making a doom d20 so this article interested me and I'd like to post a link to my research into this theory when completed.

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RiffRaff1138 said:

Romero wanted Quake to be a dark fantasy RPG (and thus would have been entirely unrelated to Doom), but the rest of the team wanted it to be a futuristic shooter. The team won out

And then Romero made you his bitch. Or at least he tried to with Daikatana.

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I remember that Romero connection and that Romero left id making quake 1. Its like how they tried to tie command & conquer tiberian universe to red alert universe but gave it up later explaining Kane with stalin and all.

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I loved Quake and always felt sad that it'll never get a "true" sequel. Also despite being so close to Doom in concept I thought it felt quite different in terms of gameplay and aesthetics. There's something unique that came out of its mishmash of styles.

The lightning gun, as cool as it was, didn't compare at all to the BFG though, and the bosses (and lack of them) were a big letdown. I still don't know whether to feel sad or relieved that E2-E4 don't have a boss fight.

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I saw this thread and I thought to myself. 'Haloless320. Now there is a man who knows how to not use punctuation. I haven't seen that guy on these forums in forever. Cool.'

Then I looked at the dates on the posts, and, well yeah.

On topic, Doom and Quake are both awesome games that I like to play. I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

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I always liked to assume that most id games take place in the same universe, Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, and (most likely) Doom already take place in the same universe.

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Magnetick said:

I always liked to assume that most id games take place in the same universe, Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, and (most likely) Doom already take place in the same universe.

They are look up Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny's boss Harbringer. He is the cyberdemon. When you defeat him he mentions he will fight your great great grandson. Hmmm.

Scroll down to Descendants

I will be making a PDF Timeline of all of this for my Doom D20 game.

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leileilol said:

Quake has a canon!?

You expressed my thought perfectly.

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Quake was a unique gem that lacked somewhat in the single player department.

Multiplayer was beyond explosive - brutal, vicious and unforgiving. It was kinda unfair in a positive way which made it breathtakingly hilarious... I vividly remember the times when we nearly fell out of our chairs from laughter because the battles were so comically heated and the ill willed verbal abuse was the icing on the "quake".

Tech-, style- and play wise the dawn of a new breed... qtest in 1996 blew my mind.

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I could spend all day riffing about what the "real deal" behind the Doom and Quake games are, but I have no desire to link them. They're self-contained commercial products that had very little story to begin with.

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Avoozl said:

Why has a 5 year old thread been bumped?

I was doing research and looking for an answer to this question I found an answer but it wasn't in the thread so I bumped so others that wanted to know on the forums could.

walter confalonieri said:

over super shotgun from doom and double-barreled shotgun appearance the games don't have other in common...

John Kane is the marine of the Doom 3 novels (and perhaps not coincidentally, the protagonist of Quake 4 is named Matthew Kane).

Copied and pasted from the Doom Wiki.

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