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Is there a connection between Quake and Doom?


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I've always wondered ever since quake 1 and 2 came out...are they in the doom universe?I always figured that the events of quake 1 and 2 took place many years after final doom.
Anyone have any theories?

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They seem to be from a Quake 3 perspective, but otherwise I don't think there's a reason to think so. Other than the connection that they were made by the same people, of course, which does not imply a fictional connection.

As far as Quake 3 is concerned, it takes the previous games as valid in its fictional world, while the earlier games don't consider each other or whatever was produced later.

I've never liked "universe" mish-mashes like they do for RPGs and comic books. It's mostly a commercial gimmick to get you to buy other products they own.

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My understanding of the matter is thus:

1. Romero wanted Quake to be a dark fantasy RPG (and thus would have been entirely unrelated to Doom), but the rest of the team wanted it to be a futuristic shooter. The team won out, but still incorporated some dark fantasy elements into the game. The final product's "story" is basically Doom with the serial numbers filed off. It's similar, but ultimately, unrelated.
2. Quake II's story is likewise completely unrelated to Quake, it was just given that name because all the names id wanted to use were already taken, Quake was really popular, and it used the Quake engine anyway.
3. I could swear I read somewhere that Quake III has some waste-of-time story about how some war god brings warriors from different universes together to fight for his amusement. Hence the Doomguy, Quake's Ranger, and Quake II's Bitterman all appearing in one place. It's like a thematic precursor to Smash Bros.

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Truthfully this is how I always saw it...
Demons invaded Mars and earth(plus various other instances like TNT and Plutonia)
After the last of the demons were wiped out humanity hit a dark age of technology. UAC was no more(Either because majority of the staff were killed off or maybe the government finally disbanded the Company) This gave rise to the research into slipgates which in turn resulted in the invasion of earth again by some dimensional creatures.After this earth seemed to get back on it's feet it was invaded by the strogg.
This is just a theory though.

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RiffRaff1138 said:

My understanding of the matter is thus:

1. Romero wanted Quake to be a dark fantasy RPG (and thus would have been entirely unrelated to Doom), but the rest of the team wanted it to be a futuristic shooter. The team won out, but still incorporated some dark fantasy elements into the game. The final product's "story" is basically Doom with the serial numbers filed off. It's similar, but ultimately, unrelated.

No, the rest of id wanted to go with the easy formula because Romero wasn't committed to the project and the others just wanted to have it released and get working on a new game as they had worked so long on Quake and didn't see an end in sight, specially since Romero's big plan apparently was for him to know and the others to find out.
The game got to become "another Doom" but the artists had been working on maps and textures for a fantasy game for about a year and then there were some Tech maps by American McGee. So they just took what they had and wrapped it up.

RiffRaff1138 said:

2. Quake II's story is likewise completely unrelated to Quake, it was just given that name because all the names id wanted to use were already taken, Quake was really popular, and it used the Quake engine anyway.

There's pretty considerably differences between the Quake and Quake 2 engines, I bet Romero can attest to that.

RiffRaff1138 said:

3. I could swear I read somewhere that Quake III has some waste-of-time story about how some war god brings warriors from different universes together to fight for his amusement. Hence the Doomguy, Quake's Ranger, and Quake II's Bitterman all appearing in one place. It's like a thematic precursor to Smash Bros.

Pretty much.

the greatest warriors of all time fight for the amusement of a race called the Vadrigar in the Arena Eternal

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You can always take that QDoom mod and claim Quake as Doom-common world.

What's to stop you? You're already doing tons of Wolfdoom stuff. What about Doomquake stuff? What about doing it into Quake?? Quake with JDoom model monsters (of course properly converted to the wanted format)! Yeah!!

EDIT: For starters, nothing's to stop you, as a mapper, from importing shareware Quake textures and putting slipgates and medieval stone worlds into Doom. It's already done, in fact. All that's left is the Quake monsters, but maybe they're already done too. By using a powerful port (ZDoom or JDoom suffices), you can realize your dream.

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kristus said:

There's pretty considerably differences between the Quake and Quake 2 engines, I bet Romero can attest to that.

Well of course, but the Quake II engine is based on the original Quake engine; the idea of reinventing the wheel seemed pretty dumb since they got a decent engine to expand. Hey and guess what, the Quake III engine is further enhanced from Quake II; the Doom 3 engine is enhanced from Quake III; the Rage engine is enhanced from Doom 3.

Anyway, the Quake canon got pretty messed up ever since "Quake II" was released, after all the other name ideas were already taken. Quake I never got a sequel (besides the mission packs, which were sequels in a way, but they weren't standalone games). Quake II has a prequel (Quake Wars: Enemy Territory) and a sequel (Quake 4). Quake III Arena has a "story" that might as well have been written one night while drunk; it never even needed as much as it does, it's just about deathmatch and CTF.

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In the Lobotomy-ported, Sega Saturn port of Quake there's a secret, narrated comic book you can find in one of the levels that details the adventures of Dank & Scuz, two Quake Marines. At the end of the comic they run into the DOOM marine, who saves their butt with his BFG, and either Dank or Scuz (can't remember which), remarks "I want that weapon!" (The DOOM guy's got a funny voice too, he sounds kinda like a magnified/distorted Arnold Schwarzenegger). The Saturn version of Quake is worth the purchase for this, and the four new secret levels, alone (Hell's Aerie--which I like to call Ewok Village, because that's basically what it is, rules).

So, from, the standpoint of that comic, I'd say the DOOM and Quake universes could be connected. Granted, id Software didn't do the port, but it is an officially licensed id product.

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Haloless0320 said:

I've always wondered ever since quake 1 and 2 came out...are they in the doom universe?I always figured that the events of quake 1 and 2 took place many years after final doom.
Anyone have any theories?

Same thing as in the clone of this thread, and as for the "many years after Doom" thing Quake II is supposed to happen in 2060 while Doom is supposed to happen in 2145.

So, lol.

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That wiki is a perfect example of the type of mish-mash I referred to above. It's a protoreligious waste of the imagination.

I explain DOOM and DOOM 3 like this: "they're two different games and commercial products by the same company, and one is a remake of the other".

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Something that many people seem to forget is that every game, every book, every movie, every TV show, every piece of story-telling artwork ever made in every medium, was constructed. And not by some divine power, but by human beings, just like you. I love a good story, but I don't attribute to them any sort of supernatural continuity or truth beyond what's clearly in the story itself.

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MmM said:

In the Lobotomy-ported, Sega Saturn port of Quake there's a secret, narrated comic book you can find in one of the levels that details the adventures of Dank & Scuz, two Quake Marines. At the end of the comic they run into the DOOM marine, who saves their butt with his BFG, and either Dank or Scuz (can't remember which), remarks "I want that weapon!" (The DOOM guy's got a funny voice too, he sounds kinda like a magnified/distorted Arnold Schwarzenegger). The Saturn version of Quake is worth the purchase for this, and the four new secret levels, alone (Hell's Aerie--which I like to call Ewok Village, because that's basically what it is, rules).

Yeah it's the best port of Quake I've played. The new secret levels are great, and I still laugh at the comic.

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After the war, B.J. Blazkowic got married and fathered the Commander Keen's dad. Keen's son went on to become Duke Nukem, who in turn was the father of the great-great-great-great-grandfather of the Ranger from Quake III. He was the grandfather of the other Quake guy, who fathered Doom Marine, who, as it happened, was a close personal friend of Master Chief. All were wiped out when a comet struck earth, turning half of humanity into mindless servants of The Order...

I could go on, but my sarcasm is running out.

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And, as the Order slowly collapses, numerous factions appear and attempt to grab power and the contents of the Order's coffers. One of these factions is led by a former cleric of the order, Clyde, who was especially successful in amassing solid gold trophies - valuable relics of the previous age. However, he is frequently frustrated by the efforts of a lone treasure hunter (ie. thief) who becomes famous as the so-called "Dangerous" Dave.

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StupidBunny said:

was a close personal friend of Master Chief.

I don't know if I'm out of touch with gaming or what, but I don't get this reference. :/

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MikeRS said:

Well of course, but the Quake II engine is based on the original Quake engine; the idea of reinventing the wheel seemed pretty dumb since they got a decent engine to expand. Hey and guess what, the Quake III engine is further enhanced from Quake II; the Doom 3 engine is enhanced from Quake III; the Rage engine is enhanced from Doom 3.

The engines aren't the same. Just the most basic brush map data and such stuff surrounding the engine.

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the two would make for an amusing crossover (Not counting Quake 3) and I cant give you the reason why in three simple words and a colon.

Cyberdemon: Strogg Edition

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StupidBunny said:

After the war, B.J. Blazkowic got married and fathered the Commander Keen's dad. Keen's son went on to become Duke Nukem, who in turn was the father of the great-great-great-great-grandfather of the Ranger from Quake III. He was the grandfather of the other Quake guy, who fathered Doom Marine, who, as it happened, was a close personal friend of Master Chief. All were wiped out when a comet struck earth, turning half of humanity into mindless servants of The Order...

I could go on, but my sarcasm is running out.

I think you're missing one important link.

In the Lobotomy-ported, Sega Saturn port of Quake there's a secret, narrated comic book you can find in one of the levels that details the adventures of Dank & Scuz, two Quake Marines. At the end of the comic they run into the DOOM marine, who saves their butt with his BFG, and either Dank or Scuz (can't remember which), remarks "I want that weapon!" (The DOOM guy's got a funny voice too, he sounds kinda like a magnified/distorted Arnold Schwarzenegger). The Saturn version of Quake is worth the purchase for this, and the four new secret levels, alone (Hell's Aerie--which I like to call Ewok Village, because that's basically what it is, rules).

And nobody has youtube'd this yet?

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I don't know if it's been YouTubed or not, but one would think so though, given the popularity of Quake. I don't have anyway to capture video period, let alone off of my Sega Saturn.

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I gotta admire Quake's unique theme of dark grimy Medieval/Tech styling. It was the first time ive seen people fight each other with grenade launchers in a dungeon. It makes me wonder how cool some games would look if they took that same approach.

Something like Contra comes to mind. A fast paced violent action game that takes place in Castlevania levels and uses Castlevania monsters. I would play the shit out of that until my fingers bled.

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