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TAS (tools-assisted) demos

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This thread is tool-assisted demos archive. Speedrun, verification of nightmare (Too hard to finish maps in unassisted run), and so on. If it is a tool-assisted demo, anything is OK.

Plutonia MAP32 NM-Speed in 0:46


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  • 5 weeks later...

nice KS tas; killing all the mancs on nightmare seemed like an interesting challenge and I succeeded (non-tas), but stupidly died on the cyber right after and don't really feel like doing it more. I also got hit (if you specifically meant do it without getting hit).


strategy = mostly stay on the bottom and distribute your rockets to 1 manc at a time to delay warpers as long as possible (maybe 2 rockets for the mancs on the higher shelves just to even it out since they're harder to shoot).

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gggmork said:

strategy = mostly stay on the bottom and distribute your rockets to 1 manc at a time to delay warpers as long as possible (maybe 2 rockets for the mancs on the higher shelves just to even it out since they're harder to shoot).

Nice strategy! and you kept good health until having tag 666 caused.
I also don't really feel like doing ln07 more....

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Oh I don't know it, I found his 36s demo in "Miscellaneous demos" thread by using search forums though.
Actuyally, I said it after making Scythe TAS movie.

I think TAS is a theoretical record in possible by rule of normal-recording demo, so I think that thing is not permitted in normal-recording and also must not be used in TAS.
However, if everyone keeps using Always Strafe50, I also use it only for a full set of TAS demo. When I make a single map TAS, I will use either "Strafe50 and Strafe40 on turn" or "Always Strafe40".

But, everyone ask TAS for Always Strafe50 now. I might have to throw away an old idea. and I might have always to use Always Strafe50 when making TAS.

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That demo, "not perfect?" I didn't get that impression from seeing you massacre that base faster than I can make a sandwich. ;)

In particular, I liked the near-suicidal rocket blast that takes out all the imps outside, but the demo in general was cool. I second jongo's notion.

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jongo said:

Very nice!
How about trying other UV-maxes btw? :)

Creaphis said:

Agreed. I'd like to see more TAS-maxes.

Actually, I want to make Ultimate Doom episode 1 UV-Max movie, (It is undone, isn't it?) or TNT Evolution UV-Speed movie. 32 maps UV-Max movie is too hard work. (Doom2, TNT, Plutonia, and many PWADs)

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  • 2 months later...
tatsurd-cacocaco said:

GO4IT.wad UV-Max in 11:19

(Including GO4IT.wad in the attachment)

I took a look at that level when you posted it in the PL2 release thread, but I didn't get very far. The further your demo went on, the more the level came off as something right out of Mock 2 -- except judging from the text file, I'm pretty sure this guy was being serious. Which, of course, makes it even worse.

Indeed, it would be rather crazy if someone were able to do a UV max on this level unassisted. Not that anybody would want to...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is my first try at TAS
Hell Revealed 2 MAP29 UV Speed in 1:19
Any suggestions on how to improve my TAS runs? And also how can I build the demo at certain point to get a pain chance for a monster (arch-vile?) and then continue the demo in prboom-plus?


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Andy Olivera said:

Here's my latest demo. The Darkening: Episode Two.

MAP04: 3:22

Funny movements :)

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Yeah, I know. Building a demo that's watchable without SmoothTurnTics isn't difficult. Building one that doesn't look mechanical is a WHOLE 'nother story.:-)

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Here's my latest demo. The Darkening: Episode Two.

MAP04: 3:22

That one was pretty sick, man! And yes, it does look mechanical, but in a good way =)

I've accidentaly found few tas-demos, which somehow survived a recent hard disk crash. They aren't very good (and not smooth at all!), but i decided that it's better to share than seeing them gather dust somewhere in the farthest corner of c:\games\98prboom000\0\0\00 folder for the next 5 years :)
I have an intention to restart recording TNT in summer if no one does it before me, so plz notify me if you do!1


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Oh, nice TAS runs! Actually I also plan to make TAS demos of TNT (finished only 3 maps) and AV (finished only 1 maps). However, I expect that your TAS run is better than mine, so please keep up TNT.

About AV, I don't know it yet.

Btw, I have already posted TNT map 1 UV-Speed, here.

P.S. I also want to watch the faster TAS demo of scythe.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The Green Herring said:

Nice work, Andy, but I should note that Lost Souls are ignored by Doom's kill counter, and thus, they can be safely ignored when going for 100% Kills. ;)

TGH: Yes, the Lost Souls aren't counted, but I never agreed with the notion that they didn't have to be dead. After all, if an Arch-Vile's resurrections have to be rekilled, why not the spawn of a Pain Elemental? It's always been my opinion that for a max demo everything (possible) should be dead(Boss Shooter levels being an exception, of course).

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