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TAS (tools-assisted) demos

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Uhhh... I always blamed 'complevel -1' until i began make "Scythe 2 NM-Speed".
On that complevel make rocketjump in MAP07 is so easy. 4 Different ways i found where i can make RJ successfully.
But with complevel 2 i got some problems. No one of these 'ways' doesn't work. Wallrun doesn't work. Repeat RJ by Looper seems impossible. I'll make a few tries but i guess you will not see RJ in MAP07.
If curiously: i made first episode in 2:23.

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JCD said:

3ha2 d2all in 17:06

Not bad. Glides are pretty fast. In map16 AV can be tamed faster. Try to smoothen your turns; it's tedious i know but it will look better. Also don't stay like a tree while a door opens. Use either door boost trick (if possible) or step back to gain some momentum.

Azuruish said:

But with complevel 2 i got some problems.

Get used to it. Why did you even play with cl 1?

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Azuruish said:

...jerky but whatever.

I'll take jerky speed over smooth but unoptimized any day.

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Scythe2 (2nd Release) D2All NM-Speed in 18:57
Nightmare in nightmare. Фуххх. It was hot.
Have you got popcorn for such show? XD

Akse said:

Why did you even play with cl 1?

Check out Page 25 here... While i worked with Doom2 NM100 i had describe this situation.
I don't use that '-1' complevel anymore. Just noticed that thing when tried RJ in MAP07.


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Enough is enough. It's a shame the thread ends on such a sour note.

Everyone please start posting demos in the new part 2 of the never-ending TAS demo spree!s

This time with standards...

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