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Anyone else want speedmapping to return?


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Eh? They got rid of it? Oh well, I guess it was because we started ending up with about two levels per week.

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I'd be up for it. Guess with the time difference it's gonna be like 2-3am here when it starts, but what the hell.
I love making maps in a short time.

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If I knew anything about making maps I'd considering trying it.

Then learn dammit

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If I knew anything about making maps I'd considering trying it.

Then learn dammit

Bah, it's too late right now, with Doom 3 just around the corner and everything. It'd take me too long to become good enough to be worth anything, I'll just wait for the next game.

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21:00, that's major suckiness... I'm home about 10% of the saturdays at that time.

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Someone from the community should keep this thing alive, instead of waiting for Ling.

If it's to be done without Ling, we'll need a day, a time, a place (i.e. IRC channel), and at least one person willing to set a theme and compile the results.

I'd volunter myself, but I want to map for it.

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I always forgot it was on.... I'd be up for it, if I could remember. My entires would probably suck tho, cos I prefer taking (lots of) time over my maps.

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speedmapping used to mean getting up at 5am on a sunday morning... and considering I was up till 1 or 2 normally it never really worked.

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I'd volunter myself, but I want to map for it.

And what's the friggin deal? It's not like you're "cheating" in the general sense of the word. I mean there are no prizes, right?

Yeah, the theme desicion might be a bit influenced on what you have on your head, but it's about having fun, not some competition.

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I'd volunter myself, but I want to map for it.

And what's the friggin deal? It's not like you're "cheating" in the general sense of the word. I mean there are no prizes, right?

Well, I often go up the pub or to the cinema in the evenings (when it would really have to be so that the most people can come along) so it would be difficult for me to set a definate day and time.

Also, I'd only be able to do it until the end of January, as from then on I'll be without home 'net access.

Anyway, I'm trying to organise a one-off tommorow. See http://www.doomworld.com/forums/viewthread.php?FID=1&TID=4453 for more info.

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