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Constriction 1024: The Sequel to Claustrophobia 1024

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TheMionicDonut said:

what about death trap exits, that is, when player steps in pit which warps them on top of voodoo dummy, killing them instantly Can the box with the voodoo doll be out of the 1024x1024 box?

I'm going to guess "no"...but let's wait and see what Death-Destiny says.

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1024-1 map 32 had something similar, only black void instead of lava. When the player walked over the side it caused a crusher on 4 voodoo dolls for instant death. Thus the real player never left the 1024 area (well technically he was falling over the side beyond the 1024 area for awhile, but died before he landed). It was slightly buggy though (you could fall into a crevice that didn't kill you immediately if I remember).

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TheMionicDonut said:

what about death trap exits, that is, when player steps in pit which warps them on top of voodoo dummy, killing them instantly Can the box with the voodoo doll be out of the 1024x1024 box?

You could just make one voodoo doll teleport on top of another one, achieving the same effect without needing the player to actually go there. Put one voodoo doll on a conveyor belt, and put a small door between it and a teleport line.

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Well, what I was doing was kind of an 'invasion' style map. Basically like my last map32 map, except now the monsters can get to you, and there will be flying monsters. But I guess I can just make a 32 unit tall wall around the perimeter, and when monsters reach the edge, they teleport down.

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Okay thanks for the responses about that. I just wanted to get that out of the way before i finshed the map and would have to make room for it. Now I can adjust accordingly :)

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'Sup. I just finished a map for this. It doesn't have difficulty levels implemented yet.


I haven't thought at all about a name for it yet. I just felt like making a small speedmap last night, to get out of my drudge of working on gigantic overly-complicated levels that will possibly be released 10-15 years from now.

Here are two screenshots:

Have fun!

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Wow, that's a nice surprise :O. The screenshots look excellent esselpants, thanks much for the contribution! I'll playtest it after I get some sleeeeep...

Oh, and I just finished up my map :D. More screenies:

I named it 'Subterfuge 1024' and I think I took longer try to find music for the damned thing than actually working on it :/. I designed it to be a sort of Map01 type map. If you have anything better than a chaingun on this map [includes SSG] it will be too easy, so I'm hoping it gets placed in either Map01 or Map02. Otherwise I'll have to totally change the gameplay.

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Mechadon said:

I named it 'Subterfuge 1024' and I think I took longer try to find music for the damned thing than actually working on it :/.

Man I wish that would happen to me. I can only dream of finishing a map so fast that things like choosing the music can even be mentioned in the same calendar year as the actual mapping process.

Looks great BTW. As ever (*sigh), great texture choice, works really well with the green sky.

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I have the same problem. I've suspected at times that I have ADD, and whether this is the case or not, I find it very difficult to concentrate on personal projects like these. It was amazing for me that I finished a map for Claustrophobia 1024.

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To get my map done for this so quickly, I focused on only the layout first, texturing it only with random placeholders from Doom2.wad, and made it my goal to complete the entire layout in one sitting. I started working on the monster placement a bit during that time, primarily for a few traps that I had specific ideas for (mainly the key traps), which I did most of the rest of after the layout was complete. I continued playtesting the map and trying to improve the gameplay, adding and changing monster placements, as I went through the map to pretty it up. During this whole process from beginning to end, I probably played through the map at least 30 times or more, every time I made a change to the gameplay.

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esselfortium said:

'Sup. I just finished a map for this. It doesn't have difficulty levels implemented yet.

It reminds me to my CC3 maps :p nice work Essel, the screens Mechadon posted look pretty cool as well.

I have made an start on my map.

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Just played your map essel. Excellent stuff, it looked great and was very balanced! I suck so it took me a few tries but it was still very enjoyable.

@KingKill33: Wow, your already over 15K sidedefs? That's crazy :O

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king kill is making a statement. he wants a challenge, and im very tempted to take it.

essel, im glad you made a map it looks great.

mech, as usual, its very sexy.

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Thanks a ton, everybody! :D

dutch devil said:

It reminds me to my CC3 maps :p nice work Essel

I actually intentionally took some inspiration from your CC3 maps after seeing those textures in the resource wad, though I didn't compare directly to yours or try to replicate any specific scenes. Hopefully it doesn't seem like too much of a stylistic ripoff. :P

Mechadon said:

Just played your map essel. Excellent stuff, it looked great and was very balanced! I suck so it took me a few tries but it was still very enjoyable.

I kinda suck, too, or at least I think I do. I'm never really too sure what to do for monster and item placement, so I just worked it out based on what my playing skills could handle, and tried to set it up so that I wasn't just running around shooting straight in front of me all the time. I'm glad to hear it worked out well!

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i'm considering ditching my idea in order to crank out a more conventional 1024 map since so many people already have their maps done and mine will require a lot of careful planning to pull off since it is based on a much larger map.
we'll see how i feel tomorrow since i'm done with it for today.

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The Lag said:

i'm considering ditching my idea..

Nah, you'll have triple the time you need if 1024-2 is any indicator.

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Butts said:

king kill is making a statement. he wants a challenge, and im very tempted to take it.


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My map so far this is all scenery except the small ledge on the right of the screen.I still have to detail it further, and the tower needs an interior.

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Just finished your map Essel. No surprise that it is the goods. Really nice design and layout, and the gameplay flows really well. I like the skybridges especially.

And you got the layout done for that map all in one sitting! Ouch. The skybridges alone would have taken me that long.... Actually, probably longer.

The only thing that I saw that seemed out of place was linedef 558. The texture on it is GOTH_W19, but it appears like it needs the texture from the column next to it, DRKWALL0.

Anyway, great work.


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Kyka said:

Just finished your map Essel. No surprise that it is the goods. Really nice design and layout, and the gameplay flows really well. I like the skybridges especially.

And you got the layout done for that map all in one sitting! Ouch. The skybridges alone would have taken me that long.... Actually, probably longer.

The only thing that I saw that seemed out of place was linedef 558. The texture on it is GOTH_W19, but it appears like it needs the texture from the column next to it, DRKWALL0.

Anyway, great work.


Ah, thanks for the input, and for catching that mistake! I've fixed it and reuploaded, also adding a few extra shells in the ssg room to help with the first archvile in the next area, and adding some light gradients in the startan room.

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Mechadon said:

@KingKill33: Wow, your already over 15K sidedefs? That's crazy :O

I think Kingkill is trying to see if he can exceed the SEG limit within the bounds of a 1024x1024 square! ;)

Also, I put this in the first post, but its at the bottom, so a lot of you probably didn't bother to read it. Everyone is limited to submitting 1 map at the moment, since as you can see our roster is already almost full (damn, this 1024x1024 concept is popular... who knew?), and we want to give others a chance to sign up who didn't happen to be around in the last couple of days.

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I don't have much more to show, but I fucked up my map so bad that I almost had to scrap it. Seems I had saved after I had unknowingly deleted part of two sectors. I was about to send the map over to Eissel to see if he could fix it when I got the idea that merging the sector that the two incomplete sectors were in might solve the problem. Turns out it did.
I finished balancing and drawing out the first area, though I still need to detail it. Here's some shots of what I've added so far.

By the way, how exactly do I use one of those skys in the resource pack?

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