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Best Classic Themed Maps

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I am looking for some good levels to play in the theme of the original Doom levels. I'd appreciate it if I could get a good list of several recommended levels/wads for each episode (1-4) style, with the episode style of the maps specified.

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Espi's Back to Basics episode has a good bit of the E2 theming to it. The maps are designed to play in the original doom.exe as well, so they work within all its limitations while simultaneously pushing them to the extreme. There's a bit of E3 theming that works its way in as the episode comes to an end, but it's primarily an appropriate E2 replacement.

Also, Suspended in Dusk is a 4-map set by the same author, and although it's for Doom2 (and compatible with doom2.exe like B2B), it's heavily E1-themed for its first three maps.

And of course, the Classic episode is a classic, but I can't seem to find it in episode format and can't be arsed to link to every individual map, so somebody else can cover that.

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Don't forget 2002: A Doom Odyssey and Dawn Of The Dead. There are some seriously good maps in these sets.

Edit: 2002: ADO is a full 4-episode replacement for [the ultimate] Doom, and style-wise it's pretty true to original Doom, without being a "rip-off". A lot of cleverly designed maps in here.

Dawn Of The Dead is just a solid, E1/E2-inspired episode replacement (I don't remember which episode it replaces ATM)

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Uncle 80 said:

Dawn Of The Dead is just a solid, E1/E2-inspired episode replacement (I don't remember which episode it replaces ATM)

DoDead replaces all of Episode 1, except level 5, which was never finished.

Also, these look like good maps in E1/E2 style, but what are some good E3/E4 style wads, besides Episodes 3 and 4 is 2002ado?

Also, I checked 2002ado out, and while the style mainly holds true, I've noticed some oddball maps that don't match - for instance, in Episode 4, E4M2 seems to be very much an E1 style map, not E4 style, and E4M9 (Secret) looks like Wolfenstein. I also (from a brief look) found E2M6, E2M9 (Secret), E3M5, E3M7, E4M1, and E4M8 to be very questionable style matches

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Jan Van der Veken's Dawn of the Dead E1 replacement is fantastic. Don't let the name fool you, it has nothing to do with the George Romero zombies, but it is an excellent E1 styled wad.

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Graf Zahl said:

Yeah, no wonder, I was searching filenames for "classic", not "class".

Brandon D. Lade said:

Still looking for E3/E4 style maps now.

Lutz's Inferno is a classic E3 replacement. It's quite old (1998), but this guy was always years ahead of the scene anyway, and some of it still remains impressive even by today's standards. Originally designed for doom2.exe, but breaks a few of its limits so a basic source port is recommended if you want to save a game on some of the larger maps.

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Brandon D. Lade said:

I tried that one, but it is almost a bit TOO much of a ripoff for me. Still looking for E3/E4 style maps now.

The Death Tormention episodes have a very E4-esque vibe. The first one isn't that great, but the other two are pretty good.

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Lüt said:

Lutz's Inferno is a classic E3 replacement. It's quite old (1998), but this guy was always years ahead of the scene anyway, and some of it still remains impressive even by today's standards. Originally designed for doom2.exe, but breaks a few of its limits so a basic source port is recommended if you want to save a game on some of the larger maps.

Inferno, according to /idgames is for Doom I/Ult. Doom. How did you get it to run with doom2.exe?

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These appear to be some good suggestion. For help on which is best and thus which I should play first, my question is: in your opinion, what are the BEST levels in each episode style? Note: I've already played clsss-ep and class-ep2 several years ago. And, referring to my previous post yesterday, why do some maps in Episodes 2-4 of 2002 A Doom Odyssey seem strangely out of style (such as E4M2 seeming to be blatantly E1 style)?

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