dsm Posted December 25, 2001 You could say atheism is a religion. You've probably got a definite set of beliefs that you say point to the nonexistance of of any god. Your "worship" is in the absolute scorn of all established religions and practices. - Exactly! 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted December 25, 2001 You mook, if you READ the Bible you would see that HELL IS NOT ETERNAL!!!!! No matter the sin, Hell is for repenting your sins, once your time is up you go to Heaven. RTFB! 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 25, 2001 Then we say like this. I'm not an atheist either. I don't believe in any religion. Hah. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 25, 2001 So you're a nihilist. That's a religion in its own way, I suppose. :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 25, 2001 That's a religion in its own way, I suppose. :PIn the way that it's not a religion, I suppose? :P 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 26, 2001 Nihilists believe in nothing. It is their belief that there is nothing sacred in the world, and they openly scorn those who show any kind of faith. So you have a belief (nothing) and a form of honoring/worshipping that belief (open scorn). Belief + worship = religion. That is, if you've bought into the discussion of the last few pages. so :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 26, 2001 So you have a belief (nothing)Which = no belief, so :P 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 26, 2001 I neither believe nor worship.Do you make a concious effort to neither believe, nor worship? 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 26, 2001 You know, I hear this all the time and it's always from people who know squat about religion and have never given it an honest chance. (That or somebody with power to gain over religion-haters to further him/herself personally.) Why don't you say stuff like that that once you've spent years and years studying and practicing religions? Because you probably won't. I've actualy tried Christianity before, when I was in a deep depression. Though I tried hard, nothing could lift me from this depression, until I found that only I could do it myself. During this experience, I found nothing that made me believe in a god. As for studying religeon, it's one of my favorite pasttimes. I always read up on anything I find on mythology or religeon (the same thing really), and to top it off, I'm in a Bible as Literature class. How's that for irony?Atheism = Religion Ummm, no. I do have beliefs, true. I believe in science, I believe in myself, I believe that one day humanity can be saved from its stupidity. But I do not worship anything. There are no great powers out there that I can worship. And in a more literal sense, Atheism is not a religeon because there are no written rules, and every atheist follows their own set of rules.Your "worship" is in the absolute scorn of all established religions and practices. Maybe, but I'm not anti-religeous. I try to stay away from religeon. I don't really care what others believe. I won't try to convert them. But it's the zealots who keep bringing me back into the fray. They hear I'm an atheist, they try to convert me. I give them reasons why I don't want to. They begin to get righteous about how they are better than me because of their religeon, so naturaly I attack them back. But I do honestly try to stay away from attacking religeon. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 26, 2001 I do have beliefs, true. I believe in science, I believe in myself, I believe that one day humanity can be saved from its stupidity. But I do not worship anything. There are no great powers out there that I can worship. And in a more literal sense, Atheism is not a religeon because there are no written rules, and every atheist follows their own set of rules. A religion does not need written rules or a form of worship to be a religion. Religion is merely believing. At least, that's what I've been told anyway. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 26, 2001 The point I'm trying to make is that the barest basic parts of a religion is a set of beliefs or opinions that you strongly believe in, and a way of acting in favor of those beliefs. danarchist believes in science and knowledge, and he actively persues that knowledge, so by my logic, knowledge is danny's "religion". Fredrik points out that he doesn't believe in any sort of god or established religion; in fact, he won't shut up about that fact. :) So this nihilistic attitude is his "religion." Religion doesn't have to be any clearly defined group of topics set by any group: it can be anything you dedicate yourself to, or anything you value above all else. It's just that one of the more common types of "religion" is the practice of traditional (or non-traditional) theology. And it is quite possible to have more than one of these "religions" in a person's life. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 26, 2001 The point I'm trying to make is that the barest basic parts of a religion is a set of beliefs or opinions that you strongly believe in, and a way of acting in favor of those beliefs. danarchist believes in science and knowledge, and he actively persues that knowledge, so by my logic, knowledge is danny's "religion". Fredrik points out that he doesn't believe in any sort of god or established religion; in fact, he won't shut up about that fact. :) So this nihilistic attitude is his "religion." Religion doesn't have to be any clearly defined group of topics set by any group: it can be anything you dedicate yourself to, or anything you value above all else. It's just that one of the more common types of "religion" is the practice of traditional (or non-traditional) theology. And it is quite possible to have more than one of these "religions" in a person's life. This is pretty much what I've been told about religion (but I can't explain things in such a well-expressed manner). 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted December 26, 2001 The way that can be followed is not the eternal way. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth While naming is the origin of the myriad things. Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery Ever desiring, you see the manifestations. These two are the same-- When they appear they are named differently. This sameness is the mystery, Mystery within mystery; The door to all marvels. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 27, 2001 The point I'm trying to make is that...<snip> You say that's religeon. Then what about those uppety christians that think its a sin to say that mythologies are religeons? Meh. Whatever...I don't care. No-one can tell me what to do. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 27, 2001 The point I'm trying to make is that...<snip> You say that's religeon. Then what about those uppety christians that think its a sin to say that mythologies are religeons? Meh. Whatever...I don't care. No-one can tell me what to do. They are just another bunch o' people, who don't know what religion really is. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 27, 2001 You say that's religeon. Then what about those uppety christians that think its a sin to say that mythologies are religeons? Meh. Whatever...I don't care. No-one can tell me what to do. A: You're skewing my words. B: "Uppidy Christians" tend to be assholes anyway, and I don't give them any mind. Why should you, if they don't hold any direct authority over you? That's the nice thing about religious leader-figures: no real power. C: Nobody is trying to tell you what to do. 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted December 28, 2001 Vicious circle.... then how do you have a -not- religion, if non-belief in higher beings is a belief? I'm just non-religious... I try not to criticize others beliefs unless they're seriously screwed up and hurtful. Why do religions these days still bash each other... *sighs* depressing as these sects of belief cause so much suffering. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted December 28, 2001 You can believe in God. Or you can believe in that God doesn't exist. Or you can simply not care. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 28, 2001 Why do religions these days still bash each other... *sighs* depressing as these sects of belief cause so much suffering. It's when politics and religion is mixed. It's always bad when religion is dragged into politics, because it almost always means "abuse" (if not just plain "always"). 0 Share this post Link to post
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