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doom and Windows XP


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I just upgraded to Windows XP professional but now i can t seem to run doom properly. When I run doom it runs very slow and the sound stutters. Is there any way of making doom run on Windows XP?

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Doom and WindowsXP


Typical n00813 question. Apparently he is ignorant of the fact that regular doom.exe won't run with WinME or higher due to the fact that there is no DOS.

Check that: as Zaldron says, there is a way to do it, but you gotta have master skills to do so. (I don't remember the details of what he said)

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No, don't pay attention to him.

Yes, do pay attention to him.

The Win95ß part at least.

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Doesn't take any master skills to use a port...

Yes, but to n00b5 who don't know the concept of a port (It took me quite a while to figure out how to use one), that can be quite a challenge. I hate how user-friendly the world is gettting nowadays.

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I have been following the doom community ever since doom was released and yes, i knew about the source ports but i just wanted to know if there was a way of making the original doom work with windows XP.

By the way, if u find it difficult to use a source port u are the n00b

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Or try installing Mandrake on the most common parts system available in the fucking world like me. =)

Thanks to the DOS emulation those old games will run, and usually more reliably than on Microsoft's own shitass real DOS. They'll run really damn slow, though.

I think the simple answer to this dillemma is to simply use PRBOOM. It's a Windows (or Linucks, bleh) based port that can be 100% compatible with the original EXEs. Just set all the compatibility features on and it'll run just like the original.

It uses Timidity for midi. The most common patch set for it that's easy to get is 22mb, beats the hell out of the default 8mb sample sets. =)

You can download PRBoom here.

You can download Timidity here. Just extract it into C:\Timidity

You can get the 22mb EAWPatch set for Timidity here. Just extract it into C:\Timidity as well and it'll be all set up, PRBoom will use it just like that.

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ZDoom and Legacy will also run just fine on XP, 2000 yada yada. PrBoom is good because it feels more like the original .exe if you set it up right (ie no weapon recoil :P). Almost all demos recorded with original Doom/Doom2 exe will also run properly with PrBoom which is a huge plus if you are into that kind of thing.

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By the way, if u find it difficult to use a source port u are the n00b

When did I say I find it difficult to use one? When I started out, it was hard for me, but I was only 13 when the source for DOOM was released, and my dad didn't understand the importance of computers to save his life.

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Whaddaya mean you have to be a 'master' to get vanilla Doom to run on XP? Just run the fucking thing. Tada. Slow as shit because it's being emulated... but it's better then XP being based off of that DOS dinosaur that's for fuckin' sure. =)

Speaking of which, I redesigned my site again. Yeah, again. Eat me. It should be a lot friendlier to non-IE users now. I'm not putting a guarantee on it or anything, but this should be the final design of version 4 of my site. A total rewrite is a damn far sight off. =)

Taking it to 4.9 will be the inclusion of tech and games being their own archives, full of fun choices to browse around, as well as the site's total delve into UTF-8. But fuck that, it took me a few hours to hand change all of the shit into what it is now.

I'm rambling again, hooray.

Is there anything on the whole fucking internet besides CDs worth buying? I'd like to order some more shit with my credit card for the fuck of it but man, the internet has had a bad tendendacy of sucking dragon ass over the last few months. Figures.

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sweet, I love how the background of the tables darkens the holy looking spyral.

I've been working on my site a lot too, nothing dramatic visiually, but the requirements are a lot smaller. Maybe one day I'll figure out why Nutscrape won't drop down that god damn menu.

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sweet, I love how the background of the tables darkens the holy looking spyral.

Thanks, I'm really amazed how well that background spiral came out. I took it out of the foreground and made it a bit more complex.

The tables just use the simple gradient code I showed off a while ago, and I used CSS id's on each paragraph so all I had to add was id="words" instead of some d'long ass style parameter. Plus that saves filespace, and it makes it harder to fuck up. =D

The gradient MS CSS filter is just about the only way I know of to get 32 bit colors in IE. OORRGGBB. OO is opacity, so I just set them both to the background color but 80 so they're 50% opaque. Dandy.

All in all I think my site looks better but it's done with a much stronger sense of minimalism.

I've been working on my site a lot too, nothing dramatic visiually, but the requirements are a lot smaller.

Hmm, maybe I'd better prowl around your sig a bit. I haven't seen your site yet.

Maybe one day I'll figure out why Nutscrape won't drop down that god damn menu.

What menu? Oh wait, doesn't matter, Netscape is a totally worthless piece of shit. =)

[edit]Okay now I've prowled around your site for a bit. I like the colors and those fading circles are a damn nice touch.

I like that revolver image. Lemme guess, you added a bunch of noise, motion blurred it and grayscaled it? It usually works for me in the same situation. =)

You might want to consider using progressively encoded jpegs instead of regular ones. IE can't display them as they load (Netscape can, ironically, and they look great) but it can display them when they're finished and the filesize is usually between 3% and 10% smaller, depending on the content. Basically it'll save you a few k, plus, people using the 733t AOHell browser won't be able to view them, and that's always a plus. =D

"Is it just me?" is a good read. =)

Overall I like your site but I don't like your menu. Sure, it's neato that it's interactive... but there's just not a whole lot of point to it.

When I started my site I was doing something like that too, then I realized that it was just friendlier to keep it open at all times.

Just my opinion. =)[/edit]

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Lemme guess, you added a bunch of noise, motion blurred it and grayscaled it? It usually works for me in the same situation. =)

Didn't have to grayscale it, I just chose the noise to be monochromatic. All those images are really old, some are even two or three years old. The newer stuff is in the random image thing at the right of the page.

hmm, thanks for the feedback, I've decided that I'm gonna redo the whole site. I got a lot of free time on my hands now so might as well make it right. Besides I just opened up my page in Mozilla and the whole BG properties I put into the seperate file aren't showing up, so basicly my page looks like shit in it.

I guess thinking about it the new page will work with all browsers, even Netscape. It will also probably look about 90% the same as it does now so there's no reason not to redo it.

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All those images are really old, some are even two or three years old. The newer stuff is in the random image thing at the right of the page.

Gee where did my Sketchbook go? Hmm...

hmm, thanks for the feedback, I've decided that I'm gonna redo the whole site.

>.< Ack!! Good luck, I hope it doesn't drive you insane.

Besides I just opened up my page in Mozilla and the whole BG properties I put into the seperate file aren't showing up, so basicly my page looks like shit in it.

A website looking bad in Mozilla? What is this heresy?

I guess thinking about it the new page will work with all browsers, even Netscape. It will also probably look about 90% the same as it does now so there's no reason not to redo it.

Well I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor.

May I make one suggestion, though? Sneak in Felix the Cat somewhere. He rules. =)

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lol, how'd you know about felix?

EDIT: This is madness, I got the site to work perfectly in Netscape, but shitty in IE, 2 hours ago I didn't think that was possible.

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First off, I've got a question: What is with everyone having the exact same "long haired smiling guy" avatar? Are you trying to communicate to Ling it's time for yet another avatar upload day?
Oh yeah, n00b13, just use a source port such as ZDoom, Legacy, or (dare I say it?) EDGE. Of course. if you want normal Doom but enhanced, try out PRBoom.
Oh and btw welcome to these here forums.

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Bitch. Right after I poisoned my PC with IE5.5.

I still don't see why you don't like the newer IE's, all the possibilities they have are great, plus it's better to do something visual using the code over making an image, it loads faster, and no big red X's.

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First off, I've got a question: What is with everyone having the exact same "long haired smiling guy" avatar?

Um, I think that's a chick.

As for me being a bitch, Lût, you still need IE5.5 to see the table transparancies correctly so shut your filthy cakehole. You ought to be bitching that you can't use IE6 since it loads much faster and has cookie blocking. =)

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As for me being a bitch, Lût, you still need IE5.5 to see the table transparancies correctly so shut your filthy cakehole.

Which means that your HTML is broken?

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Which means that your HTML is broken?

Just because a certain browser, let's say Netscape, can't do something doesn't mean the code is wrong or buggy. A lot of times people will sacrifice perfectly fine features (with proper HTML code) because Netscape can't render them (ex: My web site's menu).

Look at it this way:
IE can do things Netscape can't. Which makes IE the better choice.

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doom.exe won't run with WinME or higher due to the fact there is no DOS

Runs fine with ME,better than 98 in fact and yes there is DOS.

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Check my HTML you foo foo berry whore. It uses a simple CSS enabled Microsoft gradient filter to achieve that transparancy. Netscape can BARELY do basic CSS, let alone complex CSS, and just fucking forget MS filters. =)

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Yup, only problem I have with IE is that it's table rendering could be a little more like Netscapes in the aspect of row/col spans. Netscape has issues with tables as well, specially th/td height when set to a percentage.

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Netscape has the absolutely worst fucking table code on the planet. The solitaire game that came with Win 3.11 for Workgroups has a better chance of displaying tables accurately over Netscape.

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well for some reason it did display the tables on my site better than IE did. That's why I got rid of half the table rows on my site and used CSS methods to replicate the look.

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