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Doom's 15th Birthday

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Happy 15th Birthday Doom and congratulations to all the winners.

Craigs said:

I'm surprised I didn't hear about the wad that made the worst wad.

Consider yourself lucky. I was foolish enough to try playing it. :(

For the "Name that Wad" mini-quiz, still working on the first but I'm pretty sure the second is -


Mark Klem's "The Lost Mines"

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tatsurd-cacocaco said:

15th Cacowards, that's awesome! Great job!

If Doom was born 15 years ago, how is there a 15th annual Cacowards? Wouldn't it be 14? And what happened to the first 9? Erm, or wouldn't it be 8? Oh god the fabric of time is ripping asunder!

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EarthQuake said:

If Doom was born 15 years ago, how is there a 15th annual Cacowards? Wouldn't it be 14? And what happened to the first 9? Erm, or wouldn't it be 8? Oh god the fabric of time is ripping asunder!

We don't...like to talk about those things here, Mr. Quake.

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<Insert joke about how Millennium won't be released until the next millennium here>

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Craigs said:

Actually, as of right now there are very few servers on Skulltag that have Dwango 5... :|

Yes, but they don't contain 32in24-7 either. Infidels!

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Shaikoten said:

It's much, much easier to make good multiplayer maps than it is to get people to play them.

That's why I rigged all of your houses with high powered explosives. If you don't play the maps I detailed for GW2 I'll blow you all sky high.

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I can hardly believe that a few of the wads that I personally reviewed for the /newstuff chronicles wound up making the list. Thunderpeak, Cybersky XXXI, and arguably Enjay's BGPA missions (since I probably shouldn't have reviewed it looking back now, but oh well).

Also a couple of the Cacoawards were pretty obvious. I knew Deus Vult II would be on the list, same thing for Action Doom 2, and Community is Falling 3 for the Mockaward... those three were pretty much givens.

Congratulations to all the winners, and here's to another year of seeing more awesome Doom levels!

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It's a shame Happy Time Circus II couldn't make it in time... Everything about the beta was just so freaking awesome: the huge map, the bizarre enemies, the atmosphere, the weapons, everything.
*bows his head and takes a moment of silence*

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Well well well, Chex Quest 3 won a Cacoward!

I never would have guessed that a sequel to a game that came in a cereal box, would be crowned as one of the best wads of the year! Chuck Jacobi must have done something right...

Congratulations to all the winners! (Now I gotta go and play some of these...)

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Craigs said:

It's a shame Happy Time Circus II couldn't make it in time...

There's always next year - assuming you haven't blown us all up.
I'm tipping Plutonia 2 for the next Mordeth award.

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Just a thought:

How about adding a link to the home page for all past and present Cacowards?

Currently they only collect dust because they can only be accessed by directly tying the URL into the browser. Since they have become such a staple of Doomworld I think they should be more prominently featured.

(And no the link on the 10 years celebration to the 2004 winners is not enough if you ask me.)

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I agree. There should be some sort of portal to all the various award pages. Instead of a link to the 5 and 10 year celebration pages, maybe link to such a page instead with the links to each year there. Out of curiosity, where there any award ceremonies for any other years except for the past five cacowards and the five years of Doom? I wasn't here much before the 10 years of Doom, so I'm not sure.

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No. I started the Cacowards after the '10 years of Doom' event. I asked if they were doing anything for Doom's 11th birthday, the response was 'no' so I put together an award ceremony... and just kinda kept doing it.

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Thanks for the award, that really means a lot to me.

Creaphis said:

Patrick: I hadn't played Cold as Hell yet, and now I know the twist ending! Aw shucks.

He didn't really give away the big twist in the ending, don't worry. ;)

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darknation said:

I fucking hurt my brain playing that piece of shit worst wad. Hope you're all pleased with yourselves.

That's what rehab is for.

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Here are a few things that should have made it into the 15 years of Doom. ZPortal by Cutman, yes it is a knockoff of a popular game, but the scripting is impressive and adds a few little features. Doom64ex by Kaiser, the truest Doom64 TC.

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Patrick Pineda said:

Doom64ex by Kaiser, the truest Doom64 TC.

Not technically done, so doesn't count. Also, ITS NOT A TC.

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Graf Zahl said:

How about adding a link to the home page for all past and present Cacowards?

I strongly agree.

Scuba Steve said:

I put together an award ceremony... and just kinda kept doing it.

Thank you!

JonnyFive said:

He didn't really give away the big twist in the ending, don't worry. ;)

Ooh lemme guess: It's his own mind. Now I ruined it for myself, I'll bet.

darknation said:

I fucking hurt my brain playing that piece of shit worst wad. Hope you're all pleased with yourselves.

Say, isn't giving the awarding to your own asshole a conflict of interest?

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I kind of hoped that Thunderpeak would get at least a mention in the Cacowards, since Scuba made some positive comments about it, so I'm more than happy it even won an award :)

I would have never expected to become mapper fo the year though... I'm a bit speechless ATM and also busy with trying to prevent my ego from exploding :P

Anyways, many thanks to Doomworld, everyone involved in putting up the Cacowards, especially Scuba Steve of course and the whole community in general!

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Thank you for the sidebar mention, Scuba, it means a lot to me! But in all honesty, if he ever bothered releasing the damned thing to idgames instead of limiting it to forum posts and the like, the award would probably have been better given to the Zero Tolerance mod. I mean, not out of self-deprecation, but because I honestly believe that Zero Tolerance does a much better job at being a weapon mod than Diaz does.

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OMG 15 years of Doom. This time of year always makes me want to make levels again.

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Vader said:

I would have never expected to become mapper fo the year though...

Just 4 words: You had it coming... :D

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Ooh lemme guess: It's his own mind. Now I ruined it for myself, I'll bet.

Not even close, but it was a good guess. :)

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