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2008 Year In Review


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Awesome work - both in quality and quantity. I knew you made a lot of stuff, but for every piece you posted here I see three more yet that I didn't even know about.

But you keep censoring out the naughty bits! Come on, man, some of us are lonely.

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Creaphis: I posted this "2008 review" on several message boards, at least one of which I know has some adolescent-teen members (a TMNT forum), which is why I thought it prudent to censor the Werebat and Harpy. You can see those two uncensored if you click on the text links at the bottom of the page.

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If you had given me the entire of 2008, I could perhaps have done what you seem to get done in one day.

Actually, I probably couldn't. Amazing work.

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Thanks for the comments, gang! Here's what I've cranked out for the new year so far:


A flying nose and pair of eyes--essentially a comically-oversized, animate pair of "gag" mustache spectacles (hence the "Speck" part of its name). They are a common enemy that can be found in most levels of the 1986 Kid Icarus Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game. Rooms, located behind the many doors scattered throughout Angel Land, often contain small flocks of these creatures. Specknoses float about said chambers in simple patterns, damaging Pit if they make any physical contact with him. Two species, differentiated by color, have been observed by cherubic explorers--the pink version is slightly stronger than the blue. Every Specknose felled by Pit's arrows will yield a large heart pickup, these are worth 10 small hearts (the currency of Angel Land)--slaying groups of these strange foes is a quick, and relatively easy, way to line Pit's pockets.

Newsprint, Kleenex, white glue, nail polish, and acrylic paint.

3.6 cm/1.4 in. x 3.2 cm/1.3 in. (widest point x highest point)

Two days; January 4-5, 2009.



Baby cockatrices that can't quite make it out of their eggshells. They can be encountered at the Lofty Mountains (another creature, located elsewhere, the Basilisk, can also spawn Eggatrice eggs) in the 1993 Squaresoft Secret of Mana (Japanese name: Seiken Densetsu 2, "Holy Sword Legend 2") Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) video game. They attack by pecking with their beaks; aside from inflicting injury, there is a chance that the victim will be instantly transmuted into solid stone as well. Eggatrices are ranked at Level 39, have 185 hit points (HP), and no magic points (MP). Every petrifying bird you successfully slay is worth 928 experience points and $720 in gold--additionally, you might get a bar of chocolate (restores 250 HP) or a medical herb (cures poison status) item drop.

Newsprint, Kleenex, white glue, and acrylic paint.

3.8 cm/1.5 in. x 4.1 cm/1.6 in. (widest point x highest point)

Three days; January 7-10, 2009--with no work being performed on the 9th.



Floating, fire-spewing, robotic sentries. They can be encountered within the crumbling halls of the third ruins in Nintendo's 1991 Metroid II: Return of Samus Gameboy video game. Automs are relics from an ancient civilization that still continue to function long after their original creators (presumably the Chozo) either died or abandoned their settlements on Planet SR388. Merciless exterminators, they incinerate trespassers with bursts of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit (1093 degrees Centigrade) flames. These units are extremely durable, indeed, nothing in Samus Aran's arsenal will even scratch them--run or roll past an Autom while its downward-firing flamethrower is disengaged; attempting to combat one of these machines is a foolish venture that can only end in severe burns and/or death.

Newsprint, Kleenex, white glue, nail polish, and acrylic paint.

Without flame attached: 3.0 cm/1.2 in. x 4.3 cm/1.7 in. (widest point x highest point)
With flame attached: 4.0 cm/1.6 in. x 11.5 cm/4.5 in. (widest point x highest point)

Three days; January 13-15, 2009.

Color animation I made:

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Hypothetically, how much do you think your entire collection is worth? How much would be a reasonable offer for you to part with it?

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Wow it's been a while since I've seen these peices. Some of them I don't even recall you doing. All in all I think you have made all very good peices this past year and will continue to make even more this year.

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EarthQuake said:

Hypothetically, how much do you think your entire collection is worth? How much would be a reasonable offer for you to part with it?

I haven't the foggiest idea. Worth is highly subjective. I'd have a tough time coming up with a price for one piece, let alone the whole shebang.

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OTOH - if you're an atheist, take the money and run. Might be the best offer you'll get until the global economy starts to recover. :-)

In any case with your talent I'm sure you could craft one using newsprint, kleenex, white glue, nail polish, and acrylic paint. The big question is - how many points of articulation should it have?

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My younger brother had a friend who was actually purchasing souls years ago--seriously, he'd draw up the contract, have people sign it any everything. What was the going rate you ask? Usually a pack of cigarettes.

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