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son of a bitch i was fired, for taking the day before christmas off. oh well, now i am so bored i dont know what to do with myself. I used to be freaking for freetime but now that i have it i dont know what to do. oh well i will get RTCW sometime here soon and that will hold me over for a while. plus i need to finish a system and sell it. also now that i have a girlfriend maybey i will spend time with her, or doom instead( doom my only true love)

however i am going to use this time to lay down ground work for my new game

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oh well, now i am so bored i dont know what to do with myself. I used to be freaking for freetime but now that i have it i dont know what to do.


...or help me with mine.

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go outside, get bombed out of your mind, come back, pass out on the couch, repeat.

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oh well, now i am so bored i dont know what to do with myself. I used to be freaking for freetime but now that i have it i dont know what to do.


...or help me with mine.

Which, Heretic or Millennium?

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Which, Heretic or Millennium?


Nobody knows about the Heretic one.

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Which, Heretic or Millennium?


Nobody knows about the Heretic one.


Speaking of which I gotta work on mine. I've just been doing some sketches in a notebook and making textures so far.

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Nobody knows about the Heretic one.


ME TO!!!#$$@%#%^$#

I've just been doing some sketches in a notebook

Hey, I'm not the only one who draws maps. The only thing is, my maps generally don't go anywhere since I don't know the first thing about level editing.

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also now that i have a girlfriend maybey i will spend time with her, or doom instead( doom my only true love)

Poor girlfriend. Set aside for a game...

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Here's what you do Seph (not that I actually do this, but anyway):
1. Masturbate until your nuts turn blue and your dick is numb.
2. Run to the bathroom and take a good, long pee. (This should take a good long while, since you can't feel your dingle between your legs:P)
3. Repeat steps 1&2 until you pass out.

See? When you pass out, there'll be nothing to worry about! You won't be bored, 'cause you'll be spending your time sleeping!!!!

Oh yeah, and congratulations on losing your job. No no, just kidding. That must suck. About your girlfriend: who would waste time with an actual human being when they could be playing the bestest game in the whole wide world: DooM?

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Which, Heretic or Millennium?


Nobody knows about the Heretic one.


Speaking of which I gotta work on mine. I've just been doing some sketches in a notebook and making textures so far.


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Middle of Summer here on Argentina.

# Heretic level that looks like Hell with magma rivers and a red sky.

# Pool.


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# Heretic level that looks like Hell with magma rivers and a red sky.

# Pool.

What, mine?

I don't recall putting pools in any of those E2 levels.

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No,a REAL one. You know, out there, in the sunlight.

Oh, ICK!

So, which was the winner?

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Poor DOOM... is he really wasting precious time on unimportant things such as a girlfriend?

As far as I know, DOOM hasn't got a girlfriend.
But perhaps I've misunderstood something?

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Yeah, you did. I meant "Poor DOOM... is <sepiroth> really wasting precious time on unimportant things such as a girlfriend?"

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Whether a girlfriend is unimportant kinda depends on the girlfriend.
If she's an annoying bitch, THEN she's a waste of time.
If she's a nice girl, who's more than a friend to you, then I wouldn't call her unimportant - improves your social life and understanding of other people.

My older brother has a very nice girlfriend for instance , and he's not even half as frustrated about Life as I am.

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My findings: The goal of all American women is either help, money, or drugs. Love is just a coverup.

So how are non-American women different?

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My findings: The goal of all American women is either help, money, or drugs. Love is just a coverup.

So how are non-American women different?

Eh, all of the non-American girls that I have have met and talked with did not fit my theory.

Plus, listen to "American Woman" :P

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This looks more like your very own frustated attempts at loving instead of a general rule ;)

No, I'm pretty sure it's a general rule.

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My findings: The goal of all American women is either help, money, or drugs. Love is just a coverup.

So how are non-American women different?

Eh, all of the non-American girls that I have have met and talked with did not fit my theory.

Plus, listen to "American Woman" :P

Boy, am I happy I don't live in the U.S.

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son of a bitch i was fired, for taking the day before christmas off.

The point of a job is to work for your money. If you don't intend to work don't take the job. Christmas Eve is NOT a holiday. So unless you're retarded, you deserved to be fired.

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