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Eternity v3.35.90

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After an incredibly lengthy development period, Quasar has finally released a new official version of the Doom source port Eternity Engine, version 3.35.90. Eternity strives to combine advanced features with a high level of compatibility, and this update includes many improvements and additions in both fields.

Version 3.35.90, a release two years in the making, features vastly improved mouse code, many EDF updates including damage types and skins, new scripting features, speed optimizations, portal rendering improvements, PC speaker emulation, a new high-precision software renderer, and numerous other changes.

For more detailed information on Eternity itself and what's new in this release, check the Eternity 3.35.90 readme, and the download itself on the Team Eternity website.

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Awesome! I'm happy to see there is a new official release.

By the way, does anyone know how to start up EE in Doom Compatibility mode for demo recording and such. Like PrBoom complevel 7.


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kristus said:

:O :O :O :O

Happy days.
Essel, you fail at BB code linkage.

It works with quotes when it's actually a forum post, but not when it's a news article :[

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There should be no quotes. Looking at it on there it either adds them on it's own accord or you added double.

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HackNeyed said:
By the way, does anyone know how to start up EE in Doom Compatibility mode for demo recording and such. Like PrBoom complevel 7.

No, it uses the MBF method, where each difference is a compatibility setting. As you may know these are also present in PrBoom, give and take some. They're a pain in the ass to keep track of and not worth messing with generally, but might occasionally be of use with some WAD made under odd settings. If you want to record demos with standardized behaviors (Doom or Boom) you're better off using PrBoom/+ or any of the engines they emulate.

I hear such a setting will be added, though. For demo recording purposes, my suggestion is to still record it into the usual Eternity demo version as a setting it takes, and not with an original version mark (1.9, Boom, &c) unless the engine is trying to be 100% compatible the way Chocolate Doom does Doom or PrBoom 2.02 does Boom.

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myk said:

If you want to record demos with standardized behaviors (Doom or Boom) you're better off using PrBoom/+ or any of the engines they emulate.

Understood, that was merely an example. Using the TNTCOMP will put EE into, well, MBF-ish Doom Compatibility mode allowing broken Doom levels to play properly. In Pr/Boom 2.02 there is an option in the config though no command line switch. I have a PrBoom 2.02 set for Boom and another set for Doom and use command line complevels for PrBoom-Plus.

I like to stick with an engine for a while and just want some ease of use and consistency while I run EE through the fun grinder. As I stated in some other topic I feel Boom's Doom Compatibility is a little tougher, different random damage, whatever, then true Doom and Doom/Complevels.

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I would like to possibly transition EE toward having a PrBoom-like compatibility-level system in the future. The problem is establishing a matrix of variable settings for every pertinent demo version, and that is no small undertaking at all.

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Hooray! I can finish Lost Episode now! :D

*ahem* -- I mean, congrats on the new release! Good to see Eternity is not dead still kicking ass. ;P

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printz said:

No documentation? :|

There's too much stuff for Quasar to write. We have an EE wiki now. it's not finished (or really started) but we hope EE users will help build it.

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Yeah, the outdatedness of the docs was actually one of the major things that held up this release so long. After a while Quasar decided it would be better to just release the update without them instead of holding it off indefinitely.

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Then how do I figure out the new EDF, small etc. features present in the new version? :) Unless they appear in the wiki in due time...

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The doc update for 3.35.90 was begun but not finished, and as such the docs which can be found in the SVN repo are incomplete. If I can get them done, a 3.35.90-docs package will be released later. If not, then we need to think about alternative ways to accomplish this stuff.

In the meanwhile, please feel free to ask questions about any of the new features and I will explain them in-depth. It's a far less than ideal situation, but I just couldn't use the documentation problem to justify delaying the release any further.

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Mechadon said:

Hallelujah! I think EE is becoming one of my favorite Doom sourceports these days.

It already is mine. :O

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udderdude said:

Wondering if Always Run is hidden in the settings somewhere, as I couldn't find it.

Just hit CAPSLOCK to toggle on. I wish though when Always Run were on that holding Run would make you walk and releasing Run would make you run again.

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HackNeyed said:

Just hit CAPSLOCK to toggle on.


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Gez said:


It's not particularly intuitive, but I discovered a really easy workaround for this a long time ago.

Hit capslock in Eternity to set autorun, alt-tab into any other program and hit capslock again. Now alt-tab back into Eternity and autorun is still enabled, and will still be enabled if you quit it and start it again. Pressing capslock again while in Eternity will turn it off.

It'll probably work in other ports that don't have a specified always-run option, as well.

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