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What are the 10 BEST megawads around?

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Throughout the months (and years), I have seen plenty of threads asking what people's favorite wads are. However, they rarely restricted them to megawads only. So, I found it appropriate to ask the question: If you were to pick 10, ONLY TEN, Doom/Doom II megawads to qualify as the "best of the best", what would you choose? Here are my picks:

Alien Vendetta - Great architecture, gameplay, lots of monsters, huge levels, excellent tension buildup throughout. A through classic.

Eternal Doom - Mammoth maps, some of the first truely awesome architecture and special effects to be seen, puzzles to keep you busy for a while, an incredible new texture set

Memento Mori II - Not quite as superioe as Requiem (see below), but better than the first MM and some excellent architecture for its time. Good gameplay as always.

Requiem - Some truely awesome architecture, first use of 3D bridges that I can find, gameplay and level design right up with the MMs.

Community Chest 3 - The best CC yet (also the most recent), plenty of good architecture and gameplay, very few poor maps (unlike the Gene Bird junk that clogged the previous 2 CC wads; sorry about that, but they really bothered me, especially considering that they are NOT EVEN NEW maps; they had already been released as individual levels). A true showcase for the modern day Doom community.

Plutonia 2 - This truely should have been part of Final Doom - it would have made it well worth the purchase; as it is, this is the first good reason I've seen to spend your money on Final Doom. Another showcase of quality maps from the community. Gusta's maps are awesome.

Hell Revealed - This is one of the givens of the list, it is THE classic wad for hard, quality gameplay, and continues to be even to this date, despite its succesor HR2 and similar wads like AV and Plutonia 2. Probably the weakest architecture of any of the 10 wads I've listed, but it's an absolute classic and certainly deserves a spot in the hall of fame.

2002 A Doom Odyssey - One of the only good Doom I megawads available, and easily the best of the few IMO. Excellent immitation of the Doom I style on most maps, but much better design and architecture. Should have been Doom I itself!

Scythe 2 - A smash hit in every sense (except that it was never 100% finished). Best one-man megawad EVER, no doubt. The use of 5-level episodes provides plenty of variety, and there are some pretty interesting and varying themes. The last map is unforgettable; I can only imagine how nice the ending would be if Erik would have only finished this masterpiece!

Kama Sutra - Another classic wad to finish off the list. Released only months apart from Scythe 2, this is another awesome wad and has some very interesting maps and locations. I also never knew it was a work in progress; it simply was released and surprised me; probably the best surprise wad I've ever seen.

Well, those are mine. BTW, if you don't want to describe each one, there is no need to, I just wanted to explain myself. But I am interested in seeing how my opinions stack up to others'.

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My favourites are:
Alien Vendetta - likely the best ultra-tough level set ever
Back to Basics - three words: designed by Espi!
Classic Episode - excellent retro Ep1-style levels
Congestion 1024 - short/small and sweet levels
Crusades - well-thought-out levels with a spooky atmosphere
Cyberdreams - a unique and fun concept
The Darkening 2 - stunningly beautiful with amazing architecture
Mr.DooM 30 & optional 30 Mus - clever and fun deathmatch levels
Simplicity - simple but extremely skillfully designed levels
The SlayeR - Richard Wiles is the man!

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A quote from the Doom Wiki's megawad article: "A megawad is a fan-made PWAD that contains multiple levels, usually either an episode's worth of levels (approximately 8 or 9 levels) or a number of levels equivalent to an entire game (approximately 27, 30, or 32 levels)."
Of course it has been debated many times if a WAD needs to replace all the game's levels to be called a megawad, but I think the wiki's definition is equal to the most common opinion on the subject.

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That is OK. Since there are many, MANY awesome wads that contain, say, at least 8 levels but don't replace anywhere near the whole game, and because asking for 10 awesome megawads using the stricter requirements may be a bit pushy for some (it could cause some to have to mention practically every such wad they like), those "mini" megawads and episodes can be mentioned as people's favorites in this thread.

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1 32in24.wad
2 32in24sp.wad
3 32in24-3.wad
4 32in24-4.wad
5 32in24-5.wad
6 32in24-6.wad
7 32in24-7.wad
8 32in24-8.wad
9 32in24-d.wad
10 greenwar2.wad

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Grand Prize: DOOM (1 and 2)

Runner Up's:
1.Alien Vendetta
2.Hell Revealed (1 and 2)
3.Scythe (1 and 2)
4.Community Chest (1,2, and 3)
5.Super Sonic Doom
6.TIE between DOTIMS and Mock 2, and CIF3. I hope Deathz0r and Kaiser make some more.
7.Final DOOM - Plutonia (1 and 2)
8.Momento Mori(1 and 2)
9.KS (Kama Sutra) - (as in minus) level 30.

There's just so many levels I like.

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Janizdreg said:
A quote from the Doom Wiki's megawad article:

That's a shitty article. Episodes don't need to be called megawads precisely because they're called episodes, nor do megawads need to complete something. A 20-level DOOM II PWAD can certainly and suitably be called a "megawad". The main meaning of megawad comes from the description at idgames, evidently, which is the first thing that should be referenced in the article.

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Thank you. This will make my list of wads to look into today.

However, I've played most I guess. Never got into Cyberdreams. There's something about capping cyberdemons with a pistol that doesn't really turn my crank you know. It was bad enough with a rocket launcher needing 50 shots. 30 Maps would take wayyy too long. I'm assuming there's an alternate way of gameplay but I'm too lazy

edit: but i don't know no better

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You never kill a single cyberdemon with a pistol in Cyberdreams. All cyberdemons are killed by crushers, telefragging, etc. The maps are all contrived so that this is possible, and quite fun, actually.

You keep writing these posts that should be trolling, but they aren't, are they? You really just don't know any better.

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i don't feel as if i am part of it all *whimpers*

in all honesty didn't know any better. I just saw cyberdreams and downloaded it then realized it truly was the same evil Cyberdemon game I played a few weeks ago. I thought I'd comment on it not meaning to flame but just out of curiosity.

"He made nightmares of loki. he honestly don't know no better man"

I honestly don't mean to troll. I don't know if its my personality or what but I'm very much a walker upon the glass in doomworld forums. I'd change my screenname but my releases would foil my plot to belong lol

i'm totally going to make up for that piece of garbage though now that i can do all the things i always wanted to.

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In no particular order: Plutonia 2, Alien Vendetta, Kama Sutra, Hell Revealed, Requiem, KDIZD (yeah, I liked it...), Crucified Dreams, Back 2 Basics, Scythe, Scythe 2.

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torment and torture 3
torment and torture lost levels
knee deep in zdoom
hell revealed 2
the darkening 2
plutonia 2
eternal doom 3
eternal doom 4
tnt evilution

...oops, forgot about requiem. go ahead and knock lost levels off of there. why did you have to verify you actually liked kdizd? was there a general dislikeness to this mod amongst the community?

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In no particular order...

Eternal Doom 3 - My favorite wad, hands down. Epic, great music, breathtaking design, and it keeps you occupied for a long time. I don't know how many times I've replayed this.

Alien vendetta - Great atmosphere, and a huge challenge.

Memento Mori 2 - contains some of my all time favorite levels (maps 27 and 28 in particular).

Super sonic doom - I was floored by this wad set. A very successful Partial Conversion that I have replayed a lot!

Hell Revealed 2 - I liked this more than the original, harder, more epic, and worth the download

Icarus - A classic, IMO, with great music, and contains one of my favorite maps (feeding frenzy)

Fragport - this map is worth playing, especially since you actually progress smoothly from place to place. Map 32 is jaw dropping!

Daedalus - A very different doom wad, that grew on me over time. I now consider it one of my favorites just because it doesn't follow the standard doom formula.

Requiem - One word - MASTERPIECE!

Plutonia 2 - A new addition to the doom megawad library, and a new classic. Map 11 is amazing.

*bonus* - Eternal Doom 4 - while this isn't complete yet, and it's status is unknown, (1 year ago I think it came out), just these 7 levels left me in anticipation for what will hopefully be worked on more down the road! Since it's not a full megawad yet, or a even partial megawad, it doesn't make the top 10, but I hope it will soon as I like what I've seen!

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Wow, those have been some good suggestions of great wads (althought the Torment and Torture maps that someone mentioned aren't really even episodes, except UTNT). Also, I saw Super Sonic Doom come up a few times and I loved that conversion too; I am regretful I couldn't include it in my 10 best, but I would have been reluctant to remove any of the ones I had mentioned. Some really great episodes have come to my attention, too. It is interesting what variety people have in what they like the most, though; I would never have considered some of the wads mentioned (Icarus, for example) to be anywhere near my top 10, although I do agree that Feeding Frenzy is an awesome map. But I've seen many of my picks shared by others as well. Anywhay, feel free to keep posting what your favorites are!

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With no particular order:
Plutonia 2
Scythe 2
Hell revealed
Hell revealed 2
Alien vendetta
Classic Doom
2002 a Doom odyssey
Kama sutra
Deus Vult 2, even if it is not finished

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LoL... Ok, I have to admit that I didn’t play many levels of it, but what I saw was average in my eyes, but maybe I should try it one more time, because everyone is talking about it in a positive way :-P !

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There are a few average maps in there, maybe even 1 or 2 below, but most of the maps are good to even excellent IMO. You'd better not mind huge levels and tough puzzles though; personally I love those features. That's why it's one of mine (and some other people's) favorites.

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Brandon D. Lade said:

You'd better not mind huge levels and tough puzzles though

Here we have it. I don’t like puzzles. I’m more a fan of linear levels that have the “run and gun only“ feel :-P!

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no particular order:

scythe 2 - good looks, good gameplay and the 5-level themes
crusades - nice classic dark gothic maps
alien vendetta - 'nuf said
hell revealed - it's all about the fun
kama sutra - i'm a big fan of the various speedrunning tricks implemented in each map
cyberdreams - very unique, even to this day
equinox - interesting and impressive
fava beans - classic episode that i have fun speedrunning over and over and over...
brotherhood of ruin - great consistent theme and gameplay
ultimate doom - i run through all 4 episodes regularly

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