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What are the 10 BEST megawads around?

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AgentSpork said:

http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=15043 apparently nobody knows the (slightly) better version even exists :(

i played it a few months ago. the maps were much to my taste: not overly complex with hard to find secrets, but centered on gameplay. i wonder why there's no demo pack for this wad as it lends itself to playing through in one go. perhaps because it's zdoom, which breaks demos with every version? that's the main thing i don't like about zdoom, although it gives mappers the most options otherwise.

the first boss (the satan-like creature) appeared somewhat jerky, could have used a few more frames, but overall in interesting fight. the maps got even better in the second episode, aestetically pleasing, especially the surreal places floating above hell or whatever.

the seconds boss... holy shit. that ugly green fish, he toasted me every time when he started to warp. ok, i'm stuck with an old box not up to the tasks of some zdoom maps, but that creature still reminded me of playing tower of babel for the very first time.

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  • 7 years later...

Some of the good ones that i noticed that nobody mentioned are

[Congestion Control] (If there was a sequel to Doom 2 story it would be this megawad.)

[Doom 2 Reloaded]

( I really enjoyed this one too and recommend this one to everyone)

[DARK 7 + Mission Pack]

(mission pack has extra levels. (Best megawad ever in my opinion and it comes with its own weapon pack. The Handgun is replaced by a really reliable SMG that is weaker than the chain gun but is very accurate at distance. This megawad also has really good looking textures that dont get so repetitive. It also has a really good soundtrack unlike any other custom music ive ever heard. This one has to be for sure experienced.

[Community chest 3]

Even though it was already mentioned I really enjoyed this one alot.

[Perditions Gate]

Another classic style megawad with each match having that classic style to it.


( Another well made megawad. Its supposed to take place in the future of the events of DOOM 2.


Another well edited megawad that is a community project just like the community chest megawads


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Megawads (32 or more levels in random order)

1. Sunlust
2. AV
3. Scythe 2
4. Requiem
5. Eternal Doom
6. Memento Mori 2
7. Community Chest 4
8. Valiant
9. Doom the way id did (inc lost episodes)
10. Doom 2 the way id did

If I had more to chose from .......


11. Icarus Alien Vanguard
12. Japanese Community Project
13. Scythe
14. Jenesis
15. Plutonia Revisted
16. Memento Mori
17. Strain
19. KS
20. Urania
21. Community Chest 3
and many more :D

And also .......

The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone 2 Final Dreams
Bella 2
Whispers of Satan (especially my most talked about map MAP06)
Paul's Deathmatch
Zone 300
Doom 2 Unleashed - Pcorf Community Project
2048 Unleashed - Pcorf Community Project 2
Simply Phobos / Incineration and Death Tormention series

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Holy 7+ year necro m8!

Anyway, top 10 in no particular order:

1. Valiant
2. Sunlust
3. Epic 2
4. Hellbound
5. Plutonia 2
6. Bloodstain
7. Scythe
8. Scythe 2
9. Resurgence
10. Ancient Aliens

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