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zdoom physics question


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Map10 of this wad was tested in gzdoom initially and as result it's very hard to pass the bridge in ports with untouched physics. Why it is so easy in gzdoom? After opening the red door you can easily reach the another side of the bridge even without a running jump. In prboom you should use strafe running and should start from the sector #1015

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Doom's gravity code has a strange quirk: For actors which have no vertical momentum the initial pull is twice as strong as normally. This got lost somewhere between 1.22 and the first 1.23 beta. Interestingly around the same time another gravity bug was introduced (that I fixed between 2.0.96 and 2.1.0) so my guess would be that someone noticed the problem and drew the wrong conclusions what was at fault.

Adding that code back into ZDoom will produce the same results as with other ports: The bridge is very hard to cross.

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I finished playing various levels of this WAD a few minutes ago. Maps 6 and 10 incidentally give this error (with exception 0Eh, page fault) in Doom+, during start-up.

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I have to admit that on a few occasions I have noticed these effects, too, but never in such an extreme fashion as in this WAD and I always wrote them off as one of the many small things that might have changed over time. I was a bit surprised when I found out it was such a clearly defined difference between ZDoom's code and other engines.

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