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You mean the one of me doing the Rammstein impersonation? I never posted it before. I don't *think* I have it anywhere, because I never finished a final version of it.

If you mean the one where the flash didn't work (my old avatar), it's here.

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Heh, I used to have the unedited 2nd-take with the flash working, but I probably took it down and don't have it on this PC anymore. Those are going on 3 years old come newyears.

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Down with the ORANGCARD avatar! Damn anyone who uses it.

Stupidity cannot be concealed

Not that it makes any sense with that quote, but I just had to do it :D

Stupidity cannot be concealed

Neither does, uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh :P

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You also posted another pic that showed the setup of that thing. Or was that the one with flash working?

I'm not sure, was I in it? If I was, was there a while bedsheet hanging behind me? If that was the case, that's the other unfinished one.

Another one of those pics ended up on Cliff Yablonski, Page 58 or 59 I think.

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The next obsession will be, of course, the NUZZLE cult, signified by =!22! and propagandized by danarchist so no one will be able to resist.


Huh? I never agreed to that. First, explain to me what the Hell it means, then maybe I will.

BTW, thank you Ling for banishing that she-bitch to Hell.

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The next obsession will be, of course, the NUZZLE cult, signified by =!22! and propagandized by danarchist so no one will be able to resist.


Huh? I never agreed to that. First, explain to me what the Hell it means, then maybe I will.

BTW, thank you Ling for banishing that she-bitch to Hell.

Hehe. You don't really need to agree to it, just be existing you promote our ideals. :P (Or something, I just pulled that out of one of my orficies as IMJack would say)

As for what it means, consult General Nuzzle deadnail.

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Hehe. You don't really need to agree to it, just be existing you promote our ideals. :P

I fear what you may mean by this, and hope I shouldn't be taking it as an insult.

As for what it means, consult General Nuzzle deadnail.

Um...deadnail? A little help.

As for what I think it means, I seem to remember that the first time I heard it, someone was trying to get everyone to nuzzle Doomboy with their limp bizkits.

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Hehe. You don't really need to agree to it, just be existing you promote our ideals. :P

I fear what you may mean by this, and hope I shouldn't be taking it as an insult. [/quote]Ahh, c'mon, out of all of my opposition I respect you the most (even if it seems as if I'm always on your case). Besides my original statement means nothing since our ideals are somewhat unclear.

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If you mean the one where the flash didn't work (my old avatar), it's here.

That's the avatar I preferred to see representing you Lüt.
I don't know why, but it just fits.

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whut is that orangcard avatar? i missed these obsessions.

btw, lut's avatar looks gay.

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Whoa, I thought that avatar was a dude wearing a bunny mask thing. But it's just some dude with hands on his head being retarded.

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I'm getting tired of hearing the cat making noise all the time.

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