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A skulltag tournament

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Now I was thinking of a tournament with brackets and possibly double elimination and as many people as 128 while using a single wad and a specific level to use for the whole thing and maybe to make things interesting just the real guns wad to make it kinda like counter strike like. I can make the brackets and everything I would just need someone to host a server because sadly I am behind a router and it's a bitch so if anyone is interested in joining the tournament and or host the tournament just let me know. and Dates and such shall let out when I have enough people it's only for deathmatch and really should be quite fun. but only 2 people playing at a time so this might be a very long tournament **! and also if you want to make a bracket go here http://www.bracketmaker.com/tmenu.cfm?tid=318016&tclass= and make sure to have the = sign

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heh. You'd probably get a better response on the skulltag forum. Though you've probably already posted there, I don't feel like checking.

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I totally would but sadly I can't register there I have tried may times but I never get the actual e-mail to be able to do so

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I have everytime Just can't get the activation e-mail ever and makes me sad :,(
edit: I get this error up top when I try to make them resend it to me : [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/ucp/ucp_resend.php on line 149: Undefined index: ACIVATION_EMAIL_SENT_ADMIN

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Looks like a classic Catch-22 situation.

From the FAQ "If you did not receive an e-mail, you may have provided an incorrect e-mail address or the e-mail may have been picked up by a spam filer. If you are sure the e-mail address you provided is correct, try contacting an administrator."

In order to Contact Staff you first have to login to the forums.

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GreyGhost said:

Looks like a classic Catch-22 situation. In order to Contact Staff you first have to login to the forums.

It says on that page: "You can also e-mail forums at skulltag dot com."

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Hey I looked this morning adn I got It so I can post it there but since this is the biggest doom place around, I'm hopefully safe to say it was ok to post the tournament here yes?

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