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wolfenstien 3d is now on dreamcast!!


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yes yes yes its now been ported to dreamcast, its still beta but its pretty sweet. head on over to www.dcemulation.com

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dammit, it's just plain old pc doom. i would be interested if it was wolfenstein 3d 2nd encounter. that's the one that was on the mac, jaguar, 3d0, and snes (censored with original graphics). 2nd encounter had the hi-res sprites which look a hell of a lot better, and had the rocket launcher and the flame thrower.

which leads me to the question: does anyone know if the jaguar has been emulated perfectly? i would love to play wolf3d.

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I've heard it sucks. Bad.

Well, SNES DOOM was my first encounter with the game too. Not playing it, but reading about it and looking at screenshots of it in a magazine. If I remember correctly.

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SNES Doom is great except for one thing: You can't strafe and turn at the same time. NO CIRCLE STRAFE! Heck, SNES Wolf3d even has circle strafing.

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I can deal with pixelated graphics and the lack of ceiling and floors. As long as I can play it and it's fun, the graphics don't mean that much to me.

Why do you think I'm still playing Doom instead of the newer first person shooters?

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Why do you think I'm still playing Doom instead of the newer first person shooters?

Source Ports perhaps? :P

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MY first experience of DOOM beyond Episode 1 was on the 32X *cough* shitty *cough* version. For the longest time, I used to think that's how the PC version was like. Heh, I turned out to be DEAD wrong.

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Heh, I had the same reaction to 32X after playing the PC version, but then I came to like the 32X maps again because they (the later ones at least) were so different from the originals.

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