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A Novel Maelstrom

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The Doom 3 novel Maelstrom is now released and available for purchase on Amazon.com. While the first book Worlds on Fire dealt with the happenings in Doom 3, the cover art of Maelstrom suggests that this sequel deals with the continued story originally seen in Resurrection of Evil.

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Another Doom novel? These books must be terrible, if i am not mistaken. Is there not also a book about Halo? Still i would rather take the Doom novels if i were forced to read either one.

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Pfft Hardcore gamer.. These books are awesome!! Sure the original ones were cheesy, but no one really denies the very first doom book was pretty good. I'm buying, reading then shelving them to my doom collection.

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Well, it could be worse. Thank god they haven't got round to trying to make a Doom movie yet. Imagine what a disaster that would be.

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Fusion said:
Sure the original ones were cheesy, but no one really denies the very first doom book was pretty good.

Of course we do. That's the only one I read and, while reputably the best of the series, it was garbage. The movie was good compared to it, actually.

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Well, Worlds on fire and Maelstrom isn't part of that series, or even by the same author. So it really shouldn't matter. Though I've yet to read them myself.

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>>The movie was good compared to it, actually.<<
Agreed. The thing I remember the most about that book was the rationalising of the +100 health sphere. Left a crinkle in my nose that didn't go away for the rest of the book. Hell, just the fact that it was Doom had me kind of enjoying the read anyway, in an alternative-universe-to-the-already-alternative-universe kind of way, but high literature it ain't. For involvement, action & drama, gimme a short & sweet, well planned-out level over the books/movies any time of day.

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Worlds on Fire was pretty good, except when Costello tried to go all Cthulhu.

I picked up Maelstrom, but I haven't had the chance to start in on it yet.

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Arioch said:

Worlds on Fire was pretty good, except when Costello tried to go all Cthulhu.

I don´t remember anything Cthulhu in Worlds on Fire...?

Also I don´t think the new Costello book has anything to do with the RoE addon storyline. Worlds on Fire covered like the very first part of the Doom3 storyline, so I expect Maelstrom picks it up and continues from there.

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Betruger does some IA IA CTHULU FTAGHN bullshit halfway through Worlds on Fire.

Yeah, Maelstrom basically concludes Doom 3's primary story, but leaving open some shit to do with undersea labs as a possible hook-in to a Hell on Earth or Resurrection of Evil next book.

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