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well i see most people here have forgoten, or dont even know, what a batch( *.bat) file is. i have batch files for all my old school and new dooming alike.
i have a good one for slige that makes a level how i say and loads it into zdoom/original doom. if u dont know what one is try and learn about them. my DOS computer has doom as a screensaver, i just make doom load as the last thing in my autoexec.bat file.

anyway happy new !DOOM! year, and go kick demon ass

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I've known what .bat files are for quite a while, but I only recently learned how to use them to their full potential. The best part is that you use the QBasic screen to edit them. Muahaha!

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i have known of .bat files for a really long time but i dont know what they really are. whever i used em it was to run a game in place of the .exe file.

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bat files are unfortunatelly really pathetic compared to bash scripts.

You can get bash for windows by the way, you don't need linux or anything.

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perl/shell scripts > bat files. Bat files really are hideously underpowered in what you can actually do with them.

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i have not even begun to get into bash files with linux, i know they are more powerful. batch files are powerful too if used right

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I ordinarly dont use a bat file for anything, unless the wad came with one then i have a reson to be lazy and use it, i just use the windows run for launching all my doom stuff

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Heh, I use Batch files for running my wads through BSP. That's about it tho... I learnt about them years ago.

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I still have all my games and programs set up to run through batch files :P

I used to have my whole computer set up with batch files when I ran Dos6.22/Win3.11.

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