IMJack Posted January 1, 2002 ShadyXMR once told me that the extreme bias demonstrated by the news media was an attempt to get inside our heads and control our thoughts. The simple fact is, most media bias is the result of the writers just being stupid and not thinking things through. And occasionally, one real messy brain fart gets through the editors and makes it to print. I found this via The Years Worst in Biased Reporting.Give it a look. Give it a laugh. And thank whatever higher power you choose that these people have no credibility. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted January 1, 2002 Yikes, those are some stupid journalists. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 1, 2002 It gets worse. (I love FARK. My new homepage. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 1, 2002 To Western ears, calls for blood-soaked martyrdom are an alien concept... ass... 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 1, 2002 Hey guys, here's a clue for you: witchcraft is a fantasy, just like your religion. ROFL Hey...I was listening to that mp3 of Falwell blabbering, and I was wondering...are there any websites where you can download mp3s of speech quotes? 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 1, 2002 I had to smile when I read that. :) It may not be necessarily ONLY from the news media (ALL media, "alternative" and mainstream), it can be from any source of news. Anyone that tells you that event X has happened is lying to you regardless of whether event X has happened or not. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted January 1, 2002 The Blame America First section deserves to be on their list as well. Of course, I doubt they'd list themselves as ignorant. Oh well. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted January 2, 2002 Hey...I was listening to that mp3 of Falwell blabbering, whered you get that 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 2, 2002 It may not be necessarily ONLY from the news media (ALL media, "alternative" and mainstream), it can be from any source of news. Anyone that tells you that event X has happened is lying to you regardless of whether event X has happened or not."Lying," I think, is too strong a word. Everyone's gonna show what they see as the "facts" from a different perspective. Sometimes they leave things out, sometime they over- or under-emphasize points, sometimes they give inaccurrate information, and occasionally they'll hedge the truth a bit. But it's not like everyone is consciously lying through their teeth. Could you report something any better? We're all guilty of pulling bias and bullshit out of our ass at times. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 2, 2002 "Lying," I think, is too strong a word. Everyone's gonna show what they see as the "facts" from a different perspective. Sometimes they leave things out, sometime they over- or under-emphasize points, sometimes they give inaccurrate information, and occasionally they'll hedge the truth a bit. But it's not like everyone is consciously lying through their teeth. Could you report something any better? We're all guilty of pulling bias and bullshit out of our ass at times. They actually have a college course about different perspectives - World History. :P I guess I didn't communicate it in the best manner. If you have a collection of thoughts in your head (they could be about anything; someone you love, something you hate, a political issue) and you transcribe them onto paper, you have lied to yourself. Your words aren't adequate to encompass your thoughts, so the words you write are essentially NOT your thoughts (even if you think they are). Then people will look at this paper and at the words, think that they are your exact thoughts, and misunderstand you. Perhaps in a way that is the same as the Event X example. I think it is the cause of all these wars and such (DUH, it's ignorance). That's the point, they AREN'T consciously lying. They think they are telling the truth and that everyone understands them. This sort of "bias and bullshit" is omnipresent. How would you know if the source from which you get your news is actually biased for the U.S. or not? If you use this source for a long enough time and overall believe it, you'll never know that it is bias. Meh, that last paragraph sort of strayed from what I was originally talking about. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 2, 2002 Hey...I was listening to that mp3 of Falwell blabbering, whered you get that It was on the top 10 stories of the year that Jack posted. [edit]Here is the file.[/edit] As for truth... The only people who know the truth of the story are the people who were there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted January 2, 2002 ROTFLOL classic shit, thats the true nature of right-wing white men "all of them who tried to secularize america i point the finger in their face .. you helped make this happen" and its sick that hes trying to say its a mistake, because in the beginning he says " I knowill hear from them for this" 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 3, 2002 ROTFLOL classic shit, thats the true nature of right-wing white men "all of them who tried to secularize america i point the finger in their face .. you helped make this happen" and its sick that hes trying to say its a mistake, because in the beginning he says " I knowill hear from them for this" If the media leaned to the right, then you'd be bitching, you hypocrite. I'd still be bitching regardless. Make no fucking mistake as to the amount of times I have questioned what the media told me in the past four months as well as how they told it. Bah, forget it, what's the use trying to talk to you? Your kind upsets me, the kind that can't look at things objectively regardless of what benefits it gives you. I could go into an entire thing about the recounts and revotes but I won't. Personally, the religious fanatics that blamed gays and the ACLU for the terrorist attacks should have been strapped on one of those daisy-cutters as it went screaming down onto a Taliban fort. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted January 6, 2002 If the media leaned to the right, then you'd be bitching, you hypocrite. I'd still be bitching regardless. Make no fucking mistake as to the amount of times I have questioned what the media told me in the past four months as well as how they told it. Bah, forget it, what's the use trying to talk to you? Your kind upsets me, the kind that can't look at things objectively regardless of what benefits it gives you. I could go into an entire thing about the recounts and revotes but I won't. Personally, the religious fanatics that blamed gays and the ACLU for the terrorist attacks should have been strapped on one of those daisy-cutters as it went screaming down onto a Taliban fort. ummm, being left wing has NOTHING to do with being a democrat, and im sorry if i offended you. (HOW THE HELL can you figure that much about me from what i said?) Oh and the media is EXTREMELEY right wing biased, i have no idea what youre talking about and if you werent reffering to me, sorry 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 6, 2002 Not naming names, but some folks around here have a sort of unusual logic system. Normally, a person would start with the facts and build a conclusion from those facts. But in some cases, people will start with a conclusion, and jam their facts or observations around it. I mean, you could probably take any random group of points and tailor them to whatever your conclusion-goal is, whether it is "Doom is evil" or "the forum-goers are retards" or "I should kill myself and humanity needs to be wiped out" or whatever is on your mind. Not to name names, or anything. ;p 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted January 6, 2002 "the forum-goers are retards"And when has there ever been doubt about this? :P 0 Share this post Link to post
dr_st Posted January 6, 2002 Not naming names, but some folks around here have a sort of unusual logic system. Normally, a person would start with the facts and build a conclusion from those facts. But in some cases, people will start with a conclusion, and jam their facts or observations around it. I used to see it every day and being stupid got me to try reasoning with such people, which is generally impossible, and therefore got me frustrated. Until I stopped caring and started to stay out of these dumb pointless arguments. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 6, 2002 What's the point of even trying to defend myself in this one? I have a mind, I can use it for dangerous things if I wished. Maybe you should ban it so I won't be able to think about defending my arguments.Until I stopped caring and started to stay out of these dumb pointless arguments. Pfft, I think I will too. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 6, 2002 ummm, being left wing has NOTHING to do with being a democrat, and im sorry if i offended you. Oh, I didn't realize that you were thinking of politics on a global scale rather than an American one. Lo siento. :)Oh and the media is EXTREMELEY right wing biased, i have no idea what youre talking about Interesting, again you may be thinking of the political spectrum differently than I am picturing it... Erm, then I guess the recount crap goes out to any of those American Democrats out there that still bring that up (or something). :) :P 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted January 8, 2002 Don't you know already? Those reporters do that just to get more publicity for what it is they're reporting and to create more sensationalism, to make it is what they're reporting actually worse than it may be already. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 12, 2002 The kind of reporting DooMBoy is talking about is what caused the Spanish-American war. It was the media's exploitation of De Lome's bashing of President McKinley (he really said the same things that most Americans were saying about him) and the media literally falsifying the entire affair about the battleship Maine's explosion in Havana harbor. It was an internal explosion, not a Spanish attack. And of course that "splendid little war" propelled the U.S. into overseas imperialism... 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 14, 2002 Don't you know already? Those reporters do that just to get more publicity for what it is they're reporting and to create more sensationalism, to make it is what they're reporting actually worse than it may be already. Stupidity can be concealed. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted January 14, 2002 Youre damn right shady, but yes i DO live in america 0 Share this post Link to post
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