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Favourite megawad?

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StoneFrog said:

I think (at least in the case of one/two man projects) the problem boils down to map consistency. Unless you design all the maps in the course of a month without taking any real breaks or you complete them all at once in a rough detail-less stage and then revise them simultaneously, your work will begin to look inconsistent.

I had a mini WAD with two levels done, and it was awkward picking it up after months of not working on it. The entire feel and thought process you use for the subsequent maps is off.

That's true, now imagine mapping four years continuously and coming back to your earlier maps, and you get the dilemma I'm having. Some of my earlier maps I want to chuck out the window, but have to leave them alone at the insistence of my testers.

If the mapper has been doing it for a long time, there will be a distinctive style that will be easily identified with him... a design consistency that comes from the mapper's habits.

For example, I could tell an Andy Johnsen map from a Kim Malde map easily, due Johnsen's non-linedef crossing of lighting pattern, or his layering of sectors that conveniently coincides with the lighting schematics, where Kim Malde's map often has lighting complexity intersecting multiple regions, where avoiding sector illumination complexity is not an issue for him... so he just goes ahead and create more lighting sector for the sake of lighting... This is just one example and there are many more comparisons of the two mappers. If a mapper is experienced, there will be many mapping habits that form over the years and a good eye can tell them from a lineup.

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There are so many to choose from.

Scythe 2
Eternal Doom
Memento Mori 1 and 2

and much more....

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Gez said:
So the levels from, say, the Zort series would each become better if they were collected into a single megawad just because they're lumped together?

Didn't the syntactically associated words you used to make your question produce a better expression than similar standalone words or fragmented sentences?

You can add extra play value to maps by making them into a balanced set of levels. While I do play standalone levels, I generally find myself spending more time on sets, particularly those where you can also play each level separately.

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I mostly rely (sp?) on the /newstuff when it come to standalone wad. |:

Or when someone post their map on forum i tend to give them a try but yeah im myself spending more time on mapsets.

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Ah, another one of these threads. Well like I usually say: Biowar probably still goes down as a personal favorite of mine (one thing to keep in mind is that I played this megawad before Memento Mori or Memento Mori II. Therefore it is the first time I experienced Mark Klem's awesome music, and it seemed to go very well with the gritty and sometimes colorful maps.)

There are of course many others that I really liked such as Alien Vendetta, Demonfear, Requiem, and some of Paul Corfiatis's stuff. It is no real surprise though, since when it comes to Doom I am a bit easy to please.

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