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Volumetric 2D art

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I appologise if this has been posted before.
A quick search didn't come up with any hits, so I post this.

Yeah... I know the subject makes no sense. Volumetric and 2D is kind of opposite meaning.
But that didn't stop this guy from making it.

He has made some really nice 3D-ish art from various videogame related characters and settings.
Among others, he made these from our beloved DOOM.
(Click thumbnails to go to original site for the bigger version)

The BFG 9000

DOOMGuy's face



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I seen these posted on that Russian doom fan art site, but now I know I have a cool link to follow thanks for posting.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I did these pictures YEARS ago - nice to see there's still some interest in them.

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Shapeless said:

yes, but how can you do that?

Vertical stretch.

The pixels on a CRT @ 320x200 are higher than they are wide, which makes the 16:10 resolution appear to be 4:3. Stretch a 320x200 screen up to 320x240 (or a multiple, like 640x480 or 1600x1200) on a modern LCD, and that's how any Doom graphic was intended to look.

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Vertical stretch.

The pixels on a CRT @ 320x200 are higher than they are wide, which makes the 16:10 resolution appear to be 4:3. Stretch a 320x200 screen up to 320x240 (or a multiple, like 640x480 or 1600x1200) on a modern LCD, and that's how any Doom graphic was intended to look.

what do I have to do to this sprite sheet to get the correct aspect ratio?


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Shapeless said:

what do I have to do to this sprite sheet to get the correct aspect ratio?


Well, original pixels are 320x200, but correct aspect is 320x240.

240 / 200 = 1.2 so by stretching any original Doom graphic 20% vertically, you get correct aspect.

That particular image is 1826 pixels high, so 1826 x 1.2 = 2191.2. You can crop a pixel off the bottom of the original image before resizing if you want an integer result.

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