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heh, i found an old username post

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WtH? A Dane on the Doomworld forums?

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Hey, cut me some slack, ok? It's not easy digging through broken forums to find this crap :P

Heh, I was a month old (on Doomworld, that is) whenever this happened. I was too scared of being bashed by stupid fucks like Jeremy to post anything =)

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It's not one of the REALLY amusing ones.

The REALLY funny ones are the ones where he had caps on, made weird spelling mistakes and lots of exclamation marks, lol.

You were there back then?
What was your nickname?

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It's not one of the REALLY amusing ones.

The REALLY funny ones are the ones where he had caps on, made weird spelling mistakes and lots of exclamation marks, lol.

You were there back then?
What was your nickname?

I was merely a guest. Wasn't signed up.
I just visited the forums because they were either an interesting read, or, like the Username threads, just plain hilarious.

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[sarcasm]ahh lovely, reading that has helped my hangover soo much. [/sarcasm]

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What the fuck is WTF mean?

Thats classic. I think I remeber seeing a username post but never read it. I signed up like a week before the forum software switch so...:/

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FUCK YOU AND YOUR FUCKING ASS MOUTH YOU SHITTING BASTARD! YOU GO FUCK UP A TREE! To Username, The damn bastard of a homo-sexual human.

*sigh* I miss those days.

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I love to see people that make doomboy seem like he can conceal his stupidity.

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And what are you all people doing on that site, ofcourse BALL sITe.

What the hell...?

And what was that last part? "Stupid hall?" Damn, I missed some good stuff back then.

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No, it's "Stupid HAL"

I'm afraid... I'm afraid, Ling... My mind is going... I can feel it... My mind is going...

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And what are you all people doing on that site, ofcourse BALL sITe.

What the hell...?

And what was that last part? "Stupid hall?" Damn, I missed some good stuff back then.

That post was so fucking retarded Ling even post a whole news item about it. The post and the news thread made me laugh nonstop for about 1/2 hour.

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i actually laughed.

I actually laughed my arse off almost every time Username made a post.

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I think I actualy pissed my pants laughing at one of the Username posts back in the day. Man I miss him.

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The funniest one was dear [died] are you pooking? It was so nonsensical Ling made a news thing about it calling for people to translate it. The translations are what made me laugh the hardest.

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