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Wolfenstein Release Date Announced

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Shacknews reports that Activision marked down August 4th as the release date of id and Raven's newest collaboration, Wolfenstein.

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How does this only have 3 comments? This is awesome! (man I need to play return to castle wolfenstien again... I only played that game all the way through once...)

Anyways, yeah Instant buy for me too. hell I'll buy anything with the id logo on it in a heartbeat.

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Roughly same release time as Doom 3? Does it have a bigger impact than other months?

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yee haw. i've been following the news on its development and i'll definitely buy it, as it brings back the fond memories of the classic wolf3d (hey, i still knew pretty much every secret in those games even years later, i had so much patience pushing the walls :p). i`ve always been more interested in that "space nazis" theme than in the realistic crouch & snipe WW2 games.

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Heh, for some reason "space Nazi's" reminded me of that Simpson's episode where they are watching that McBain movie featuring him battling the "commie-Nazi's".

I enjoy Wolf3D and will probably buy it anyway, but I'm not entirely sold on the energy weapons and super powers B.J seems to have this time around.

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I'm definitely looking forward to it. I still play Wolf TC's to this day. (Like Wolfendoom, no not the shitty Doom 2 conversion.)

I really liked Return, and wished that they made a SP expansion for it.

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I really liked Return, and wished that they made a SP expansion for it. [/B]

They expanded the entire beginning in the Xbox port of the game, if that counts.

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I have been reading up on it and I do look forward to it. Though I would have much rather seen Gray Matter Interactive at the helm over Raven Software. Gray Matter did such a great job with RTCW its a shame there closed and can't continue making the new Wolf.

I do like Raven and they have made some great games. But, to me Quake 4 was mid-core and didn't look or feel like Quake 2. I didn't want Quake 2 with a new engine. All I wanted is continuation of the Quake 2 story. In many ways the art in Quake 2 was a departure from Quake 2. The Strogg where uninspired compared to there Quake 2 counterparts.

I do hope Raven is not forgetting RTCW or straying to far from the original Wolfenstein. I'd love to see them take the best elements from the both and expand on them.

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Satyr000 said:

But, to me Quake 4 was mid-core and didn't look or feel like Quake 2. I didn't want Quake 2 with a new engine. All I wanted is continuation of the Quake 2 story. In many ways the art in Quake 2 was a departure from Quake 2. The Strogg where uninspired compared to there Quake 2 counterparts.


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Satyr000 said:

I do like Raven and they have made some great games. But, to me Quake 4 was mediocre and didn't look or feel like Quake 2. I didn't want Quake 2 with a new engine. All I wanted is a continuation of the Quake 2 story. In many ways the art in Quake 4 was a departure from Quake 2. The Strogg were uninspired compared to their Quake 2 counterparts.

I think I fixed it. I only played the Quake 4 demo, but to me it seemed like a vain attempt to make a modern generic shooter with the Strogg thrown in and pointless teammates. I never much cared for Quake 2 though, I really disliked the futuristic cyborg turn they took with it. Yes Doom has futuristic military bases, and cyborg enemies such as the Cyberdemon and the Spider Mastermind, but they were demons instead of guys with laser pistols and armor welded to them. It's not a bad game, and I do find it fun enough, but it never held my interest as much as Quake or Doom.

Still, your post is rather confusing. You're saying Quake 4 didn't look or feel like Quake 2, but then you say you didn't just want Quake 2 with a new engine. That seems to imply that you're upset that Quake 4 wasn't like Quake 2, but you wanted it to be like Quake 2, but you didn't want it to be like Quake 2. And you wanted a continuation of the Quake 2 story line, but the art style was different than Quake 2, which you didn't like, but you wanted a change, but thought the Quake 4 enemies were uninspired. Sounds to me like you didn't know what the hell you wanted from Quake 4. You wanted Quake 4 to be different, but you wanted it to be the same, but you didn't want it to be the same, but you didn't want it to be different. Am I on the ball on this one?

As for the new Wolfenstein, I'll get it. It looks fun enough, and I love killing Nazis in a creepy, supernatural environment. Return to Castle Wolfenstein was a great game in my opinion, but I'm rather hesitant about the new superpowers. It sounds like they're adding in a new soul cube, ala Resurrection of Evil, and honestly the soul cube in that game seems like one of the most contrived and pointless items I've ever seen. Make the ordinary combat fun and fluid and you won't have to add gimmicks like slow motion or alternate world to make it enjoyable. Give me a flame thrower and some creepy nazi super mutants and I'll be happy.

I do hope Raven develops a fourth Soldier of Fortune at some point though. SOF 2 is still one of my favorite games, when coupled with the SOF weapons mod. SOF 3 has to be one of the most generic shooters I've ever played, it's a shame that they let the series get destroyed with that abomination.

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However garbled, I agree with Satyr000. Quake2 was always my favourite Quake. Quake4 disappointed in the art and story department. But it was a good fun ride for the most part.
ETQW stayed a lot more true to Quake2 than Quake4 did. So these days, Quake2 and ETQW are my favourite Quakes.

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kristus said:

However garbled, I agree with Satyr000. Quake2 was always my favourite Quake. Quake4 disappointed in the art and story department. But it was a good fun ride for the most part.
ETQW stayed a lot more true to Quake2 than Quake4 did. So these days, Quake2 and ETQW are my favourite Quakes.

Yeah, ETQW is a great game. I prefer Quake 4 over 3 atleast, but 1 and especially 2 are bigger favourites of mine.

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lol. Looks like I had more to drink then I thought last night. Quake 4 did have some cool moments and I did end up buying it. It felt like a big departure from Quake 2. But, like Jello said Quake 4 felt like a modern generic shooter with the Strogg thrown in and Strogg looked more like the Borg from Star Trek. Quake 2's ending left room for a sequel. They should have picked up right where Quake 2 left off and make the game look and feel more like Quake 2.

Though Quake 1 is still my fave Quake.

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Satyr000 said:

Though Quake 1 is still my face Quake.

Do you not look at what you typed before you press "Submit Reply"?

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Yeah Quake was definitely my favorite Quake. It felt more like a proper sequel to Doom 2. Or a remake of Doom 1.

As for favorite Wolf games, Spear of Destiny was my fave. I remember how bad the Ubermutant scared me when you see him chasing you throughout the level. That fucker was fast as hell.

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exp(x) said:

Do you not look at what you typed before you press "Submit Reply"?

I laughed so hard at both replies.

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