Bane Posted January 1, 2002 Ok, where comes the pentagram, it's sometimes upside down (the upper blade is pointing down) I know it ´means something about magic or satanism. Could someone give me the full history? 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted January 1, 2002 All I know is that it's the symbol of Satan, something like that. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted January 1, 2002 search google for satanic bible or something 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted January 1, 2002 An upside-down pentagram is also a symbol worn by some Wicca in training. It's isn't a Satanic refference and neither is the 'horned god'. Just a tidbit for info ^_^. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted January 1, 2002 A reverse Swastika is a Hindu symbol of good luck. Just goes to show you. A regular pentagram has different meanings in different cultures. It used to be a good, nice symbol but just got phased out by the cross. An inverted pentagram, in Christianity, is a symbol of the goat. The bottom spike is the beard, the sides are the ears and the top two spikes are the horns. The pentagon in the middle is the face. I'm sure it means many things to many people but to Christians it is a symbol of Satan, the cloven hooved goat of evil an shit. 0 Share this post Link to post
Bane Posted January 1, 2002 An inverted pentagram, in Christianity, is a symbol of the goat. The bottom spike is the beard, the sides are the ears and the top two spikes are the horns. The pentagon in the middle is the face. that's how i've always imagined it. a goat's face in the middle of pentagram. 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted January 1, 2002 An upside-down pentagram is also a symbol worn by some Wicca in training. It's isn't a Satanic refference and neither is the 'horned god'. Just a tidbit for info ^_^. The standard pentagram is the sybol for "Earth" in the Wiccan tradition. Though more people probably know this already, the way that the devil in Christianity is depicted is very similar to the Wiccan God governing animals (I forget the exact terminology used). The lengths that people will go to to convert someone... 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 2, 2002 i thought the upside down cross was...Not even close, the upside-down cross is the symbol of the Order of St. Peter ('cuz he wanted to be crucified upside-down). Nothing evil about them, unless you're an obsessive protestant type who thinks the Catholic church is totally evil... 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 2, 2002 The standard pentagram is the sybol for "Earth" in the Wiccan tradition. Though more people probably know this already, the way that the devil in Christianity is depicted is very similar to the Wiccan God governing animals (I forget the exact terminology used). The lengths that people will go to to convert someone... The medieval figure of satan (goat horns, evil goatee, goat legs, tail, goat-like aers), is actualy a perverted form of Pan from Greek mythology. Apparently at the time the church was looking for new followers, a lot of 'pagans' were worshipping Pan. 0 Share this post Link to post
Malice Rancor Posted January 3, 2002 Pentacle = Right side up star Pentagram = Upside down star Baphomet = Pentagram with the devils face in it. Which is used as the symbol for Satanism. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted January 3, 2002 I thought Baphomet was the goat of lust. Pentagram was actually a sign of peace and what not, turning it upside down makes it the opposite. Not sure how much truth is in that. I also think that the wiccans used it as a sign of love and shit. I used to know this back in the day when I used to search for devil related shit on the net, then I started smoking weed and forgot all about satan. =] 0 Share this post Link to post
Bane Posted January 3, 2002 hell's allllllways interesed me, but i hate those who worships satan. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 4, 2002 A reverse Swastika is a Hindu symbol of good luck. Just goes to show you. ...And the regular Swastika was originally a viking symbol for the Sun. Damn nazi-pigs! I don't really care about what people say that the symbols symbolize. But it kinda pisses me off that people shun symbols like the Swastika and the Baphomet-Pentagram, just because they once in history symbolized something evil, grrrr. It's a pity, because these symbols actually look pretty cool (I used to find ways to draw cool swastika symbols when I was a kid, until I learned that drawing swastikas is a no-no). 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted January 4, 2002 List of Satanic symbols and their history 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted January 4, 2002 I don't really care about what people say that the symbols symbolize. But it kinda pisses me off that people shun symbols like the Swastika and the Baphomet-Pentagram, just because they once in history symbolized something evil, grrrr. It's a pity, because these symbols actually look pretty cool (I used to find ways to draw cool swastika symbols when I was a kid, until I learned that drawing swastikas is a no-no). I feel exactly the same. People started to get scared with all the pentagrams I used to draw. A symbol doesn't really mean anything. If it has some power it's because of the idiocy of people. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 4, 2002 More Satanic Symbols ROFLMAO! Anyway, I used to suck at drawing Baphomet Pentagrams (I once had a period, where I drew nothing but demons - probably because of Doom's influence), 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoboy Posted January 5, 2002 I never drew any pentagrams, although I thought the pentagram looked nice, I just wouldn't draw it on a piece of paper. 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted January 9, 2002 I thought the wiccan pentagram is non-inverted? That's what a friend of mine who is wiccan told me. But meh, fuck it. It's a religion thing, 'nuff said. I got no truck with that shit. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 9, 2002 Yeah...the Wiccans I know all have non-inverted pentagrams...they tell me the the inverted one is the symbol of Satan. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 9, 2002 The whole Wiccan movement is a bunch of new-age neo-Pagan crap. It's not a spiritual thing so much as it is an "image" thing. I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to different faiths, but if you practice a certain religion just to look "cool," it's just stupid. As for the main topic, I used to draw simple pentacles all the time. It was the only way I could make a star=shape without it looking completely retarded. And I used to think I could draw... 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 9, 2002 The Wiccans are a bit fad-like, but I wouldn't go right out and say they are stupid. In fact, I kinda like their beliefs. Besides, they're the only spiritual group that HASN'T tried to opress me. 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted January 9, 2002 The whole Wiccan movement is a bunch of new-age neo-Pagan crap. It's not a spiritual thing so much as it is an "image" thing. I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to different faiths, but if you practice a certain religion just to look "cool," it's just stupid. New-age allright... which is why it can be traced back to before the witch trials of Salem. Wiccanism is a term that encompasses more than just one belief, and is an actual religion- not just a fad. I'm not going to begin to deny that people are making it into a fad by the way they treat it (let's rebel and turn Satanic/Wiccan). The majority of those idiots don't even know the difference... Anyway, you shouldn't lose respect for a religion just because of the people who "practice" it. If that were the case, then I can't think of a single religion that would be worth listening to. But that's just my two cents... and everybody knows how much that's worth. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 9, 2002 I know that Wicca is an old European religion, and I don't have any problems with it. It's the new-age "interpretation" of it that I don't like. I had meant to post this link earlier: the GamerJargon take on Wicca. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted January 9, 2002 great discussion but... gotta go. St Trek TNG is on, whoo hoo! 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 10, 2002 Basicaly, I see Wicca as a safer alternative for troubled teens as opposed to suicide or homicide. The wiccans I know all have had trouble at home, and they use it as a safe output to show individuality. One wiccan I know is openly gay, another is escaping the opression of his fanatical christian mother. So I guess its better than letting people die. Just my zwei pfennig...I had meant to post this link earlier: the GamerJargon take on Wicca. ROFL@WotC entry addendum #2. I remember when the local WotC games center opened at the mall. My friend said to me "Lets go to Wot-Cee"...and I was like 'WTF'? Heh...sorry for getting off-topic. 0 Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted January 18, 2002 In medieval Europe, the pentagram originated in its upright form and was a symbol of life and peace used by people in much the same way as crosses are used by Christians now. In fact, in medieval Britain for some time it was not uncommon for even early Christians there to have the upright pentacle over their door for the purpose of warding evil spirits. Since the pentacle and pentagram have been associated with pagan religions throughout European history, its of no surprise that it is used in its two forms by them today. "Left-hand path" religions such as the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set acquired this symbol from earlier occult texts. I belive it was Alister Cromley, a reknowned early Satanist, who first juxtaposed the head of Baphomet over the pentagram (Baphomet himself is derived from a common pagan horned god of bulls, goats, and rams). The Temple of Set use the pentagram to symbolize their belief in dynamic balance, as it sets itself upon one point. Wicca and some other "neo-pagan" religions use the pentacle. In Wicca in particular, the five points of the pentacle represent five different essences, with the center being their meeting point in the self. The pentagram is also used by some secular groups, the Freemasons lodge and its off-shoots. This often leads Christians to believe that Freemasonry has something to do directly with Satanism, when in fact it does not. Freemasons do, however, have their own form of occult mysticism which is a hodgepodge of Christian, pagan, and totally original material. What's funny is watching Satanists and Wiccans fight over whose interpretation of the figure is correct :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted January 19, 2002 i thought the upside down cross was...Not even close, the upside-down cross is the symbol of the Order of St. Peter ('cuz he wanted to be crucified upside-down). Nothing evil about them, unless you're an obsessive protestant type who thinks the Catholic church is totally evil... I think it was "Omen IV: The Awakening," where the private investigator gets plagued by the hallucinations of murderous ghosts inverting the Catholic crucifix...these visions were caused by the young girl who was possesed by Satan. Sooo...does this just mean that NO ONE knows what they are talking about when it comes to religious symbols? I mean, these symbols mean different things depending on who you are. It's just like how Protestant zealots accuse the Catholic faith of 'worshipping' their saints and such, when in reality they aren't worshipping them at all, they are only venerating them, of giving them homage and respect for being such beloved and accomplished leaders of the faith... 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 19, 2002 Is that the movie where they have the stupid scenes of semi-inverted crosses being created by shadows from window frames and such with eerie music in the background every time? That movie sucked.I belive it was Alister Cromley... I think you mean Aleister Crowley...Ozzy wrote that song about him... One of my favorite anecdotes is the one about Mr. Crowley's honeymoon inside the Great Pyramid. He and his wife spent the night in one of the chambers there. They were doing some incantations when the room began to fill with a lilac-colored light...creepy. 0 Share this post Link to post
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