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trains in "doom 3"


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I once read somewhere (maybe an interview with John Carmack), something about a train "with moving turrets" in Doom 3.

I'm posting this, because I'm curious as to what you could make of it (and because I'm bored).

I wonder what purpose a train could serve in Doom 3 apart from transporting the player to new areas, not to mention what sort of trains they might be.

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I think you heard that from me :) Carmack gave the example at Quakecon 2000 to illustrate that the rigid entity definitions of the Quake series (func_train, func_door etc) were gone. I think.

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I think you heard that from me :) Carmack gave the example at Quakecon 2000 to illustrate that the rigid entity definitions of the Quake series (func_train, func_door etc) were gone. I think.

It was definitely not a post on these forums if that's what you mean. I'm almost sure that it was an interview. If only I could find it again!

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My theory about this is located on Flathead's site. From the level's designer point of view, this should be like the state of the art animation system. Something that lets you pile up behaviors over single entities or large groups of meshes.

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He's probably saying that as a level designer, you're no longer limited to moving single objects in a specific way (like a door), now with the DOOM3 engine you can move large and complex stuff in any directions, ways and sequences (such as a moving train with rotating turrets).

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Well, it's good that we have interpreters on these forums, so that us non-tech guys have a chance.

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Zaldron or somebody remind me

is this a portal angine or a bsp engine?

I remember reading and studying why you rearely see stuff move around in quake and doom, because bsp engines were limited. i remember and article saying "95% of all geometry in a quake level is rendered beforehand. Maybe if their making such a big deal about movement triggers and funcions its because theyve moved on to a portal angine, or perhaps they want to draw attention away from the fact that its a bsp engine

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Maybe in doom 3 they could start the game out with the character getting on a train and going into the uac building. Then once you're inside everything goes horribly wrong???????? How About That

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Maybe in doom 3 they could start the game out with the character getting on a train and going into the uac building. Then once you're inside everything goes horribly wrong???????? How About That

Half-life biting

oh and sorry Zaldron

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Well, hopefully if there are large moving objects in the games {like vehicles}, the dont move like fucking shit. I can say, i'm really fucking sick of seeing trains in games that dont turn smoothly, or scripted car accidents {*cough*Shadow Warrior*cough*} where when a vehicle turns it just kinda floats diagnaly. Man that looks like shit.

But with graphics as sweet as DOOM will have, it would be pretty awsome to see a train, with pretty head-lights that cast lense flairs and intensity, and a loud horn and shaking sounds that rumble from your subs.

Another thing about vehicles in games, is when you get hit by them, in most games, it looks like shit, like the polygons go through each other {*cough*GOLDENEYE*cough*}. I mean, Dammit, when you get hit by a fucking car, you flip on your side, bust the car wind-shield leaving a nice trail of blood, and flip over the car.. you dont fall strait down while your arms go THROUGH the damn car.

When you get hit by a train, the same thing happens, you fall down with horrible animation, and appear under the train.. NO.. When you get hit, there should be a loud shud, splash of blood, and you get stuck to the front of the train, becuase it is going.. FAST.

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How about quoting more modern games? There are tons of games with the physics code extremely polished and functional.

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My theory about this is located on Flathead's site. From the level's designer point of view, this should be like the state of the art animation system. Something that lets you pile up behaviors over single entities or large groups of meshes.

So this is to the Quake engines what the Hexen engine was to the original Doom engine, basically. (Polyobjects are basically just more complicated moving sectors than the original Doom's moving sectors...)

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You're all wrong. The best vehicle physics in a recent game has to be Grand Theft Auto 3. The fact that you can realistically launch off a ramp, fly fifty feet, roll three times upon landing, crush four pedestrians in passing, land on your tires and rolling, and make money for it just before your car rolls into the ocean and to your death must account for something. :)

Seriosuly, GTA3's physics are awesome for a game that doesn't take itself seriosuly at all.

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Agreed about GTA III. Best physics ever!

I played it a couple of times on my friends PS2 and was impressed each time more than the previous :)

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AngelOfDeath - as a matter of fact, there are!
It is scheduled to be released on the PC in April.
I really hope it will be as good as the PS2 version...

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Trains in Doom]|[? I wouldn't mind seeing trains in our new sequel/prequel or whatever. It's good to see that we're having rumors about new sort of materials in the new game etc.

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Actually the "train with turrets" thing was just an example about the new animation system they're using for the maps.

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Yeah, but it'd still be cool to have working trains in the new game - like a monorail train, which'll take you to other buildings in the base.

*Me gets flashbacks of trains in Q2 and its mission packs

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